Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1333: Huilan chaos

Do not want to cause the other party's suspicion, Xiao Chen quickly walked up, followed the team, went to the cave of the dragon tomb.

The dark hole, the moment I walked in, immediately discovered magically that the stone door was broken, but the sea water could not flow in.

Walking along the road, the inner space is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a piece of architecture.

The style of the building is unique, rough and simple, giving a feeling of strength.

Compared with the gorgeous style of today's architecture, it is a bit monotonous, but it really makes people feel the style of ancient times.

Most of the ruins are very broken, and the buildings collapsed. It is a pity that people are difficult to see the whole picture.

Others were not interested in the architecture of the Dragon family. They had long felt in other dragon graves.

Just the more you go, the more people feel the wrong, the dragon grave is too calm. All around the resounding, a group of people stepping through the rubble, the strange atmosphere, in this quiet environment is somewhat creepy.

More than 100,000 meters of seabed, a chilly, walking in a never-discovered dragon grave, it is not very comfortable.

Xiao Chen looked at it and felt that it was not like a dragon tomb. It was a corner of an ancient city. How can a dragon tomb be built in the city?

The heart secretly doubts, and Xiao Chen’s powerful knowledge of the gods also captures some black gas if there is nothing. It is infiltrated from the bottom of the earth, very tiny, but very evil.

Not only Xiao Chen felt it, but the arrogant and arrogant of the demons and mixed blood were very sensitive to these magical spirits. After sensing, they frowned slightly and said their findings.

"I don't know what's going on in this place. There is a magical outflow in the ground."

Hearing the arrogance of the arrogant, the big fat man in the team also said: "This place is really strange enough, the area is very good, the associated heaven and earth treasures, but they are all invisible, all kinds of buildings. There is a magical spirit that comes out. Is it a dragon grave?"

Others are also deeply sympathetic. Except for the old clothesmen, they all look to the front of the team, and the leading half-step Wudi is open.

Opened a faint saying: "I tested it with a special secret treasure. I can't go wrong. There is definitely a top dragon strongman here."

Specially tested the secret treasure of Long Tomb, Xiao Chen heard that this is the unique secret treasure of Long Tomb. Within a kilometer, you can detect the atmosphere of the tomb in the dragon's tomb, and then display different stars according to their strength.

This kind of secret treasure is very rare, and the accuracy rate is almost 100%. Since it is so open, it is not wrong.

For the time being, I was not entangled in this problem. Everyone came to the ruins and cleared the passage. I walked there and walked away.

Coming to a cloister, everyone looked ahead. On both sides of the cloister, a statue of a statue of the Dragon Warrior was erected, wearing an ancient armor, holding a trench and standing tall.

"Sure enough, this is the guard of the dragon's mausoleum, it will only appear in the tomb of the dragon, a lot of it, a little trouble."

The solitary arrogant statues of these dragon warriors, the brow stretched out and said.

Others have seen a lot of knowledge, and they all recognize the guards of the dragon's tomb. They have completely confirmed that the dragon grave is correct, and there is a smile on his face.

But there is no rash movement. The dragon's mausoleum guards have the strength to rival Xiaocheng's emperor. There are almost two hundred mausoleum guards on a cloister.

At the corner, I don’t know if there are any mausoleum guards.

With so many mausoleum guards, if they are surrounded, even if they are lucky enough to get out, it is inevitable that they will not be hurt.

"Pushing over."

The black-faced youth of the giant elephant family, some days not afraid of the look, rushed over without waiting for a few people to discuss.

When I opened my mind, I wanted to say something. I didn’t bother to say it when I thought about it. I immediately rushed over.

In the face of this mausoleum guard, there is no tricky way. Although the black-faced youth is reckless, there is really no other good way to go straight. It is the most direct.


The speed of the people was so fast that after ten steps, the mausoleum guards on both sides of the cloister instantly "lived" and rushed toward a group of people.

The black-faced warrior who bears the brunt of the giant elephant, his strength, is not as weak as others imagined.

When a fist slammed out, the statue just jumped down, and the black-faced youth blasted his head directly.

The opening and closing, the rapid eruption of the move, in this environment, has a unique advantage. Let it be a horse, the rampage, can be described as invincible.

Don't look at him now, if the number of cloisters is much more, the law of exhaustion is exhausted, and it is also the worst of his death.

"This place can't stop me."

The big fat man smiled and smiled. In the face of the mausoleum guard who kept jumping, his body was like a ball, and he bounced. Although funny, he caught up with the black face man in the forefront.

The middle-aged couple who used to be a beautiful flying sword in the first place, in this environment, dwarfed, not as good as the giants of the giants, walking hard.

However, the two couples have a tacit understanding. Although they are slow, they are not dangerous. The swords and shadows are divided into two parts, forming a circle of swords and blocking the mausoleum guards outside the sword curtain.

The old man with a sigh of sighs and sighed: "It’s not easy to be older and want to compare with young people."

Having said that, the fish in his hand is unambiguous. In the old battle experience, in this corridor, make full use of the characteristics of the terrain, and turn it into its own advantages.

Every time you shoot, you will kill the mausoleum guard with the least amount of force, and you will not waste a point.

The fascinating poisonous spider girl, in this cloister, seems to be a little bit shackled, and it is totally difficult to show his martial arts advantage.

There is no such old-fashioned experience as the old man, and unlike the middle-aged couple, the two help each other, so the danger is like a ring, this is the most dangerous in her corridor.

It is not that she is not strong, but she is not suitable for combat in this complex environment.

Another demon woman, it seems to be domineering, holding a sharp silver knives in hand, fierce knives, absolutely not let yourself in the state of being besieged, all the way forward, non-stop flying.

Duoao is a cold smile, playing a set of exquisite boxing skills in this place, with his own body and speed, even in the case of besieged, the concept of the boxing method is perfectly played out.

The rivers and rivers rushed, and the torrents continued, so that he rushed to the flood, following the mood of his own boxing, swaying in this corridor, no mausoleum guards could stop him.

Some dangers, the martial arts characteristics of each team of the team have been shown, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, among which high and low, Xiao Chen is also a look.

Everyone's strength, more or less, Xiao Chen also knows a little.

Walking in this corridor, the most relaxed is Xiao Chen, and the big fat bullets can be used to avoid these mausoleum guards.

Solitary reliance on the body, able to play the perfect mood of their own boxing in the case of siege, has already explained the shortcomings of these mausoleum guards.

Although the number is large, the speed is not fast enough!

Xiaochen Dacheng’s Leilong step is not worse than the two, and even stronger, it will naturally be easier.

He walked all the way, leaving a shadow after every step, every time with a large number of mausoleum guards, passing by.

Thunder and lightning, the glittering and extinguishing, Xiao Chen in this crisis of the murder of the cloister, strolling in general, easy.

The last one he had left, he quickly caught up with the dangerous spider girl.

Did not say anything, directly to help, the guarding of the mausoleum behind the poisonous spider, killing one palm.

When he went down, the fallen mausoleum guarded, and a bunch of dazzling knives emerged from the body, and then the ruined ruined holes could no longer climb.

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