Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1334: Dragon Blood takes a step to let it go

The guards behind the mausoleum were all killed, and the poisonous spider woman suddenly felt a lot easier. He said softly to Xiao Chen passing by.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and didn't care too much, even if he didn't have his shot.

This poisonous spider girl will not die here, just to be more embarrassed, the other party will certainly not have a card.

Spreading the dragon's step, Xiao Chen continued to move forward, and in the leisurely step, a flash of lightning flashed, so that Xiao Chen was unimpeded and easy to write.

After a while, Xiao Chen surpassed the pair of middle-aged women with swords. Although they were slow and safe, they couldn’t use Xiao Chen’s help. He naturally would not arbitrarily shoot.

In the burning of the afterimage, Xiao Chen passed the mausoleum guard again and again.

The middle-aged couples were secretly scared. I didn't expect the team to be a big man.

Not only is the strength of the giants like the warriors, but the body is even more superb.

Going on, Xiao Chen overtook the old man, and the old man would not even want to help Xiao Chen.

The veteran battle experience, the attack means until the point, did not give the opportunity to guard the siege of the mausoleum, but instead use the terrain, waving the fish to put a group of mausoleum guards crowded together, mutual restraint.

"Sure enough, the young people now, one is more scary than one."

Looking at Xiao Chen who walked from the side, the old man in the clothes looked like a fake sigh, the hook was smashed, and there were three guards of the spirit wood. The head that was directly broken by the transparent fishing line could not afford to fall.

The next one to be surpassed by Xiao Chen is the silver shark female knife, this woman is obviously a pretty touch. It is a fierce and arrogant, overbearing momentum, which makes people can't help but shun.

The opponent's knife method is too overbearing, and the scattered silver knife gas almost fills the entire corridor.

Xiao Chen didn't want to cause trouble, his toes were light, his body was like a leaf, fluttering, passing through this fierce and dense knife.

The silver shark's action in the hands of a woman stopped, squatting Xiao Chen's body, a slight glimpse, the heart of the dark road, this guy is good, if there is a choice, try not to contradict this white youth.

As a personal shadow was surpassed, the last one to go, Xiao Chen, came forward and came to the first leading army, and went hand in hand with the one-man, the big fat and the black-faced youth.

Second only to the far-reaching half-step Wudi, this is also the reason for Xiao Chen’s intentional Tibetan mastiff. If he is willing, he may not be able to compare with Yang.

It’s just that it’s not necessary. It’s enough to expose your strength too early and follow the other side to make sure your interests don’t lose money.

The other three people who are on a par with each other have their own dissatisfaction and want to surpass each other.

In particular, the black-faced youths of the giant elephants and the arrogant arrogance, each of them has their own strengths, and it is not easy for anyone who wants to surpass them.

The cloister had a total of nine laps to reach the end, and the fat man who bounced like a ball, immediately stopped breathing and gasped, and tired.

The black-faced youth who consumed a lot of people all the way were also exhausted and quickly resumed their work.

He is alone and arrogant, and he has no intention of moving. His set of boxing methods, although rushing, can also be endless. There is a self-circulating effect, and consumption is not particularly outrageous.

But it is also too tired to move, do not want to move.

Only Xiao Chen is extremely relaxed. Like everyone else, he is looking at the scenes of the Quartet. He is surprised by the opening of this scene, but he did not think too much.

After a while, the old man, the same face, did not breathe and rushed over.

Then the silver shark woman, the poisonous spider female, the middle-aged couple have come to the cloister, and it is a shocking encounter.

Yang Kai did not hurry to explore the road, and when everyone rested, he returned to the peak state and began to re-enter the road.

At the end of the cloister, an empty relic, crossed the remains of nothing to gain. Appearing in front of everyone is an old wood, the trees are blood red, I don't know how long it has survived.

"This is the Dragon Blood Tree. It is the ancient dragon who used its own blood to water the tree that grew up. No one is here, then we can definitely find some dragon blood flowers."

Yang Kai is also considered to be knowledgeable, and at a glance he recognizes these slightly eerie trees.

The dragon blood flower is a kind of heavenly treasure that is associated with the dragon tomb. It is extremely cherished and can strengthen the blood of the warrior and enhance its roots.

It is also the main material for the refining of Dragon Blood Dan, which is worth the price.

The dragon tomb outside, I don’t know how many times I’ve been visited, I’m almost impossible to get dragon blood.

The large dragon tree here makes everyone see the hope. The name of the dragon blood flower has been heard, but the dragon tree is the first time I saw it.

"That's good, the Tiandi treasure that you encountered on the road, whoever discovered it first, don't fight with me!"

The black-faced youth of the giant elephant family is not afraid of any danger inside. The first one rushed into the woods. How can other people be willing to lag behind, and quickly rush into the woods, looking around for dragon blood flowers.

Xiao Chen is also interested in this dragon blood flower, can improve the root bone and body, strengthen the blood, for him with the Qinglong Wuhun, it should be more effective.

Keeping cautious, Xiao Chen's toes are a little bit, and he also entered this dragon's blood forest.

Quietly silent, Xiao Chen came to a dragon blood tree, determined that after the four sides were no one, opened his own eye of the sky.

In this place, the perception of the gods has received more or less restrictions. To find the dragon blood flower, you can only rely on your own eyes.

Xiao Chen, who has the eye of the sky, will undoubtedly take up many advantages.

Open eyes, the line of sight suddenly enveloped the entire forest, and every tiny corner was clearly captured. Turned into a piece of footage, in the mind of Xiao Chen, kept flashing.

One, two, three...

After a while, Xiao Chen found more than a hundred flowers easily, except for some distances that are too close to others, and most of them are sure to get them.

When the eye of the cave was closed, Xiao Chen took a deep breath and opened the wing of freedom. He displayed the thunderstorm step, and found it in the dragon-blooded woods.


Xiao Chen, who is going all out, is in the woods, just like a shadow, moving around and taking a dragon flower into his own.

In the woods, the black-faced youth picked up a dragon's blood flower and immediately showed a hint of joy.

Can be a shadow, come like the wind, take the first step to stop at the branch, the dragon blood flower picked into the hands.

"Xiao Chen, what do you mean, this is what I discovered first, do you want to undermine the rules set by Yang boss?"

After Qing Xiao was Xiao Chen, the black-faced youth shivered and shouted loudly, and there was a gesture of never giving up.

Angry, and led some people around, looking at Xiao Chen on the branch, their eyes have a complex look.

Xiao Chen's speed is too fast, his eyes are sharp, and more than one person sees Xiao Chen floating and swaying. Every time he stops, he will have a harvest, and he has already produced a heart.

At this moment, the black-faced youth caught a head, and everyone else had a lot of thoughts.

Seeing that people are getting more and more, even the opening has appeared. Xiao Chen knows that things are a bit big, and they are too squinting.

However, there was not much fear. I looked at the black-faced youth below coldly. "You think too much. What Yang’s predecessors said is whoever gets it first, not whoever sees who it is."

Even if he first saw it, it was also Xiao Chen’s first sight. The dragon blood flower here was the first to see him with the eye of the hole.

In any case, Xiao Chen is in charge.

The black-faced youth was a little stunned. I didn’t expect Xiao Chen to refute this way. He didn’t know how to say it. Someone didn’t know how to say it: “I don’t care, this dragon blood flower is what I saw, you have to give it to me, otherwise don’t blame me. You are welcome!"

Xiao Chen said coldly: "Although you are not welcome to me, I am afraid I am not afraid of you."

Seeing the atmosphere of the two people is a little nervous, Yang said quickly: "Xiao Chen, let this dragon blood flower give it to you, you are not bad this one. The people here, I am afraid that all add up, are No more you gain."

In the face of this open-minded apprehension of the black-faced youth, Xiao Chen did not think about taking a step back. Just because I have more experience than others, I have to give it to others.

There is no reason at all, and in this circle, if you show weakness, let one step, the end will definitely be endless, and the heart will never be content.

Can't let one step!

Xiao Chen was indifferent, and directly collected the dragon blood flower into the ring. The moon shadow knife was held in the left hand, silently indicating his attitude.

Just as Xiao Chen and the two sides were arrogant, the big fat man suddenly screamed.

"Rely, what."

He reached for the back and grabbed a large piece of meat, a **** worm, a piece of meat on his small mouth, appeared in his palm, swallowed quickly.

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