Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1374: The future is going to be a thing today.

Eight half-step Wudi, all died.

The hatred of Xiao Chen’s heart, but not much dissipated, he knows that these are just a piece of chess.

Even the chess pieces are not counted, just abandoned.

Only those who were in the hands of the Supreme Emperor Wudi, from the moment they were sent out, the Supreme Emperor hidden behind the scenes, and the Three Holy Lords did not think about the lives and deaths of these people.

Xiao Chen secretly vowed that one day, he would let those who are behind the scenes pay the price they deserve.

Onlookers of the mixed-race demons, looking at the white shackles of Xiao Chen, the inner shock, can not be extinguished for a long time.

The black iron monster that can kill the Emperor Wu, watching Xiao Chen, is also secretly jealous.

In the heart of the evaluation, although the eight half-step Wudi, have consumed too many rules in advance, and underestimated the strength of Xiao Chen.

It is possible to kill eight half-step Wudi in one fell swoop. No matter from which point of view, the present Xiao Chen is enough to be called one of the strongest existences under the Emperor Wu.

Even if he is, he does not have a 10% grasp and can certainly defeat Xiao Chen.

More importantly, Xiao Chen has just condensed the heart of the emperor, but he is not fully familiar with his own strength and has a strong fighting power.

It will not be long before, maybe you can beat the ordinary Emperor Wu like him.

It is not possible, but it must be, thinking about it, the black iron monster always said in the heart.

Xiao Chen returned to God, three steps and two steps, quickly came to Mu Xiyan, watching the other person's arms still not awake, solitary and proud: "How is he, still not awake?"

Mu Xiyan’s face squeezed a smile and said: “Fortunately, Jiaojia gave him a holy Dan. Now the power of life has stopped, but he does not wake up, but there is no way.”

Xiao Chen’s heart sinks and understands what it means. He is still resisting the other half of his body. If the drug's potency is over, the situation will still become difficult to ponder, and life or death is still between the thoughts of loneliness.

Can stand alone and arrogant, if there is no interference from external forces, the outcome is certainly unpredictable, waiting for him is still dead.

How to do?

Although killed, the twelve half-step Emperor Wu who caused all of this was alone but still did not wake up.

Even if he embodies the heart of the emperor and is promoted to the great perfect emperor, his mood is still not getting better. There is no reason for him, and he is too arrogant to help him too much. If he is alone and arrogant, he will be guilty forever.

"Gengjiao, do you have a solution?" Xiao Chen himself is limited in vision. I can't think of any good way to do it. I can only look at Jiaojiao.

He was slightly addicted and shook his head. "I don't have any good ideas. However, there are many other holy medicinal herbs in Lei Di's legacy. If you are willing, you can keep him from having problems within two years."

Dan medicine is naturally deserved, but after two years, what should I do?


At this time, a strong atmosphere suddenly enveloped the entire desert island. A huge illusion appeared in the sky, covering the entire island, glanced at the eyes, and everyone on the island seemed to be looked at and felt creepy.

"Done mad!"

"It’s a father who is so proud. He came, and it’s really good.”

"It seems that he has always been there, but it is not good for those half-step Wudi hands."

"It is no wonder that no one knows how terrible the supreme strength is than the Emperor Wu. They say that these half-step Wudi had given the opportunity to leave alone, and the reason for the independence of the singer."

"However, it is said that there are more than a dozen sons in the solitary madness. He has not been so eager to see independence and may be related to this."

The following discussion has been made, so that Xiao Chen learned the identity of the person who came to the first time. The demon emperor was solitary and arrogant.

"Thank you for your shot, killing is very good, the solitary family owes you a favor."

The low voice sounded between the heavens and the whole space shook violently, an invisible pressure, and everyone on the oppressed island trembled.

The huge virtual shadow reached out and made an irresistible force, and then pulled out the arrogance from Mu Xiyan's arms.

When I was about to leave, the virtual shadow looked at the dull Mu Xiyan: "Yes, you can be my daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law, let's go together."

As soon as he reached out, he brought Mu Xiyan to the past.

The dark clouds rolled, and the solitary madness did not discuss anything, leaving a sentence that owed Xiao Chen a person, and then they would leave with them directly.

After he left, on the desert island, the repressed atmosphere left the hearts of the people.

Duoao was taken away by his father. It must be the best ending. I think the other side should have a way to wake up.

Xiao Chen secretly, is this the strength of the Great Emperor?

The great emperor, who is as strong as a solitary madman, is afraid of the supreme, and it really makes people feel a little desperate.

The people on the island gradually dissipated. In this battle, the name of the white knives, the Qinglong King, will surely resound the entire magic sea.

With a small yellow hair, she went into the fairy ring to rehabilitate her. Xiao Chen alone leaned on the stone tablet and looked at the desert without desert. The complex look was not knowing what to think.

The moon shadow knife was inserted on the ground, and the blood on it was still flowing slowly. Under the mapping of the sun, revealing the beauty of a devil, loneliness and pride.

It stands to reason that the purpose set before leaving Star Island has been fully achieved.

Not only did he reach the realm of the great perfect emperor in advance, but he also embodies the heart of the emperor who is unique to the Emperor Wu. He only waits for three years to accumulate, and when he has survived the fire, he can board the emperor.

Can things really be so smooth?

Nowadays, it is only to take a flower of life, and the three supremes that are provoked, and the three saints are all unable to sit still. If you really want to cross the fire, the other party still does not know what kind of means will be.

Qingdi, Qingdi, what exactly is a existence, how exactly he was overbearing in the past, will die for thousands of years, and people are so vigilant.

Let his road to the emperor be as difficult as it is.

Shaking his head, not thinking about it, Xiao Chen pulled out the moonshadow knife, took out a piece of cloth and slowly wiped the blood above, and waited until the blade was fresh and bright.

In front of Xiao Chen’s eyes, suddenly there was a more person, and with a long sword on his back, his face was always a light and light expression.

As he first saw it, after so many years, there has been no change.

Chu Chaoyun, the opponent who was destined to entangle his life, appeared in front of Xiao Chen after everyone left.


Xiao Chen sent the moonshadow knife into the scabbard, holding the knife, and step by step to the front of Chu Chaoyun: "Why help me?"

The other side mysteriously appeared, helping him to be a deadly trick, and now he is a little confused.

In the memory, for Chu Chaoyun, he did not know how to locate. It is definitely impossible to say that it is a friend. It is not an enemy to think about it.

I really want to describe that the existence of this enemy and friend can only be described by the opponent's two words.

Chu Chaoyun smiled and said: "Nothing, many years ago, I said, I am different from your position, but the ultimate goal is the same. Now it is far from the end of the story, how can I let you die? Even if I don't take it, you can't die."

Xiao Chen is not willing to play these riddles with him again. All the doubts must be solved today.

Now he has been promoted to the great perfect emperor, condensing the heart of the emperor, asking himself can exceed the other side of the line. If the other party does not want to say more, then you can only use some, by force.

"Tell me your true purpose, from the first time you shot me in the Cangjie world, what are you going to do for more than a decade now!"

Xiao Chen’s eyes were sharp, stepping forward, and Shen Sheng asked, the powerful momentum was invisibly pressed toward the other side.

He is not trying to kill the other party, or hurt the other party. He just wants to know that the real purpose of the other party is not always confused.

All the past events must be broken today.

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