Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1375: The same way for different purposes

Chu Chaoyun was not surprised by Xiao Chen’s performance. When Xiao Chen’s powerful momentum was over, his momentum was suddenly released.

Will come from the Xiao Chen Wei pressure, give the top back, the two people's momentum is equal, no one can help.

In the body of Chu Chaoyun, the black and white light flashes alternately, that is, the light and the dark will blend together, forming a new chaotic will.

Only this chaotic will, the fusion is not too perfect, otherwise it will be able to suppress Xiao Chen's limit Thunder will.

There was a slight surprise in the eyes of Chu Chaoyun. Some did not think that his powerful chaotic will did not suppress Xiao Chen in the first place.

Open channel: "Yes, the ultimate thunder will, it seems that before the emperor, you can form the innate Thunder crystal. The heart of the emperor, the innate thunder crystal, if there is a day | really become an emperor, I do not know what kind of situation will stir up."

Chu Chaoyun was amazed, and Xiao Chen was not. He had quietly operated the pressure of the Emperor's heart, and with the limit of the Thunder's will, the momentum still did not occupy a clear advantage.

In the past ten years, Chu Chaoyun has had some experience in the end, so that its progress is so great.

"But unfortunately, your strength is still unable to force me to speak. Perhaps in your eyes, I am mysterious, but in my eyes, you are also mysterious."

The words of Chu Chaoyun seem to have something else to say. After a pause, he went on to say: "The many things you want to know, in fact, I want to know, but we have chosen different paths."

Xiao Chen knows that it is no longer possible to use force to force the other party to open the mouth. In a different way, he said: "Then you can talk honestly, telling what you know and eliminating misunderstandings."

Chu Chaoyun shook his head and said: "You and I have not misunderstood. If you think, there will be a battle between you and me. As for frank talk, I can reveal that if you say this world, who wants you to die, I am sure that I am the one who wants to see you as an emperor, and no one is more urgent than I am.

Xiao Chen’s mind flashed a ray of light, thinking of something, opening: “Qinglong Temple, Tianhuoyuan!”

Chu Chaoyun smiled and said: "Before you become an emperor, don't die, otherwise I will not open the Qinglong Temple to me, the source of the fire, I will never take it away."

It turned out that it is no wonder that after the other party got the news, the old man came running and helped himself to block the robbery of the Devil.

How can I explain that the other person wants him to die most.

Is it because of their respective identities? The descendants of the Qing Emperor, and the descendants of Emperor Tianwu, must end the grievances of 10,000 years ago?

Or because, a certain fairy power, as mentioned before, the entire Kunlun is an exile.

"It is right and wrong, there are many disturbances. Actually, you don't have to think too much. When you stand at the top, you will find that you and I have the same purpose. The person who wants me to die most will definitely be you."

"But all this, you can only understand after standing at the peak. Do your best, don't underestimate the Kunlun leader in the starry battlefield, and don't underestimate the genius of the abyss in the abyss. You are still far from the peers. Call it invincible."

When the words fell, Chu Chaoyun slammed the black and white light on his body and broke into the body. All the luster on his body disappeared, then turned and left.

The light dissipated, and at the moment of turning around, Xiao Chen’s eyes glanced and noticed that in the chest of Chu Chaoyun, the humble mark was the badge of the Nether.

Chu Chaoyun, joined the Nether!

Xiao Chen’s heart is moving. Is this the way Chu Chaoyun walks?

For the sake of strength, I joined the Nether that once destroyed the Tianwu dynasty. I don't know what he thought.

"Xiao Chen, you said this Chu Chaoyun, is it a good person or a bad person?" In the fairy ring, Jiao Jiao said his doubts.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said: "Where is there a good man and a bad person in this world? As he said, he just walks differently. He also has his own doubts and troubles. In fact, he is also big with this world. Like most warriors, there is nothing special about it."

In fact, sometimes, it is too tangled, and it is too complicated to put some simple things. When I finally know the cause and effect, I will find out that it is just like this.

This time I met with Chu Chaoyun, there was not much talk, and I could relieve Xiao Chen’s knot.

Let him not be obsessed with the secrets of the other party, there is always a day of falling out, do not have to think too much.

As for the origin of the skyfire, Xiao Chen is not too concerned about it. The Qinglong Temple does not know how many people are staring.

When he really became an emperor, when he went to open, there will be many Wudi strongmen who will be killed, and there is no way to predict it.

Chu Chaoyun is willing to appear, and this group of water is more chaotic, just like him, can help reduce a lot of attention.

Outside the starry sky, above a desolate planet, the Protoss abandoned the Emperor of Heaven to come to this place.

It didn't take long for this one to be in the starry sky, above the starless stars, and at the same time, two figures fell.

It is a ghostly king of the Dongyue ghost, and the corpse of the corpse, not long after, three people with masks fell on the planet.

The three men with masks, in fact, identity is not a secret, that is, the three holy people of the three holy places of the Terran.

Combined by the power of three people, it is enough to be supreme and possess the power of a battle. It is also considered to be the same as the other three, and the capital of the equivalent conversation will not be in a weak position.

"The air traffic of the descendants of the Qing Emperor is really horrible. Didn't have any shots, and this bureau was broken by him."

"There are too many variables, who can think of this, the inconspicuous role of the solitary arrogance, will suddenly erupt. Who can think of it, even the devils sent people to shoot, have been stopped." Dongyue ghosts in the words, some self-deprecating .

Abandoning the Emperor of Heaven, he said: "But it’s okay, he embodies the heart of the emperor, and he doesn’t know what level of fire and catastrophe will be caused. In three years, I want to be prepared to survive this raging fire. Almost impossible."

"Thunder King is not dead, everything is possible!" The phoenix palace with a mask suddenly opened his mouth and said quietly.

In a word, suddenly let the other supremes fall into silence.

Lei Wang, this is a hurdle in the hearts of several people, one can not cross the past. If it weren't for the existence of the King of Thunder, why should a few people be so afraid of their feet, and if they had an idea, they could kill Xiao Chen.

"Thunder King, how long can you hold on, you don't know the bottom of the store in your three holy places?"

"Short for a year, more than ten years, Lei Wang will die." Fengqing Palace, the master said.

Abandoning the gods in the eyes of the gods flashed a ray of light: "Ten years is still too long, I will fight for it, the support of the three stars of Tianxinghai. The wind and fire robbery is the time when his luck is the lowest, and it is also the best time to start. I won't give him any chance when I win."

"Difficult, although the palace of the moon palace does not like the descendants of the Qing emperor, it can be old knowledge with Lei Di, the Wanfa demon king and the spirit fox king are old friends, these two people will definitely choose neutral. The only thing that can really fight is the Zhoutianxing Palace. The palace owner."

"It's not bad, as long as you can win one person, you can break the balance between us and their strength."

If an outsider is present, I will never think that a group of people standing at the peak of the Kunlun community will gather together for a great consummation and discuss the countermeasures.

This conversation did not last long. After half an hour, several Supreme Powers left.

The desolate planet is silent, just like no one has ever been.

At the moment, Xiao Chen did not know that someone had already laid out the layout in advance for his raging fire. He is on his way to the island of Star Island, and is familiar with the tension, the many magical uses of the heart of the Emperor.

No wonder, there are always people who say that after becoming Emperor Wu, they will bring great changes to the military. He now knows some reasons in advance.

The mysterious world of Emperor Wudi was pushed open by him and opened his eyes.

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