Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1390: Overloaded

"The camp is attacked, and you will be responsible for this."

Hong Lao was a little angry and ruined, and played a rogue.

Xiao Chen sneered: "Can you no longer face it? I have never seen it. You are so stingy Wu Di, the supreme I have seen, will not talk to me like this, what are you?"

"what did you say?"

Hong Lao angered and attacked the heart, stepped forward and said evilly.

Xiao Chen was not afraid of him at all. He also stepped forward and said directly: "I said that you don't want to face, what's wrong, your ears are stunned, can't you hear? Then I said it out loud, your old guy is shameless! ”

"Isn't it just to fight a serious injury and push you back a small step? Use such a stingy, how big a thing, let you come to me everywhere."

When I said something about it, I immediately let those half-steps of Emperor Wu, and I was so scared that my face was so bold. Dare to talk to an Emperor Wu, what medicine to eat, the fire is so big.

It’s not that Xiao Chen’s anger is big, he’s fed up, and throwing him out of the camp in the middle of the night is already very uncomfortable. The good end of the return to the camp, clearly that everything is correct, but also accused him of a random mess, Xiao Chen temper is good, but still not good enough to this point.

"you wanna die!"

"You dare to try it out, don't push me hard. You are a one-day Emperor Wu, I really don't believe you can pinch me at will."

In the face of the old and the vast emperor, under the mask, Xiao Chen did not have a little retreat, with layers of emperor, once again stepped forward, sharp vision, and forced each other.

Under the pressure of this line of sight, Hong Lao saw the edge of a warrior, and he was not bent, and the unprovoked momentum was weak.

The heart couldn't help but think quickly. This kid dared to enter the ancient dragon tomb, and certainly had some cards. I killed him a great perfect emperor, and made him desperately with me. There was no advantage at all.

Maybe it will hurt yourself, it is not worth it. If there is any value in Xiao Chen, he can still let him shoot, but there is no advantage at all, and it is a thorn, which makes it difficult for him to make up his mind.

"If you forget it, you are all yourself. You don't need to fight against each other. Now you fight, and the road behind you will go."

An Emperor Wu saw that Hong Lao needed a step and said quickly.

The Red Hair Wudi also said at this time: "Hong Lao, everyone has responsibility for this. No one has thought of a dense fog, but also a group of bone dragons."

"Right right, Hong Lao, you don't want to be angry with juniors. Young people are a bit tempered."

Seeing the edge of Xiao Chenning's inconsistency, there were some retired Hong Lao, who took advantage of the trend and smashed their sleeves: "This time I look at the faces of several people, I don't know you."

Xiao Chen sneered in his heart, too lazy to pay attention, went straight to the side.

Geng Jiao has already remembered how to get in and out of the path of the dense fog. By relying on the reincarnation flag, he can leave here anytime and anywhere, and there is no need for too much taboo against this one-day Emperor Wu.

People respect me a foot, I respect a man. Three times and five times for me, what is polite to you.

"Xiao Chen, you are so bold."

Wang Yuzhu came over and smiled slightly.

Xiao Chen said casually: "There is no problem of courage and bigness. People have their own bottom line. If he has the strength of Emperor Wudi’s triple heaven, I will endure it when I call and drink, and I’m a one-day Emperor Wu. When you are in the sky, you don't need to give him a face."

Wang Yuzhu’s heart smiles, and you dare to say that no matter how many days, the Emperor Wu is the Emperor Wu, the man of the storm, and it is an invincible existence for them.

"What happened last night, you tell me." Xiao Chen looked at the bones of the earth, and some doubts were asked in the past.

Wang Yuzhu looked around and whispered: "Last night, a group of bone dragons madly rushed to the tent where Yiling was located. We are half-step Wudi, but the pressure is relatively small."

Xiao Chen’s heart moved to Yiling, which means that it was not because of his Qinglong Wuhun.

Isn't there anything in Yiling, or how it will attract such a big hatred. Or if this guy is a dragon, it will attract the hatred of the dragon, but maybe.

But with concern for another issue, I’m looking at the distance to discuss things. “Is he not shooting?”

"No, the group of Emperor Wu valued him very much and protected him in the first place."

Xiao Chen’s eyes flickered and fell into meditation. Shen Shen said: “The road behind you, you are close to me, this action is estimated to be the same as what you said. Our group of people, it is estimated that they are only abandoned in their hands, there is no I am going to let us go back alive."

"Do you have the confidence to run out of Wudi?" Wang Yuzhu said unbelievably.

Xiao Chen didn't say much more: "You just follow me. When you know it, I will never act recklessly. Not to mention, Yiling's group of people came over."

Yiling and the Red Emperor Wudi came over and summoned a group of half-step Wudi and began to command.

"The wilderness plains are all dragons and beasts with fire attributes. If you join forces to explore the road, don't act separately. We will follow you back and guarantee your safety."

Hong Lao originally wanted to follow up and let Xiao Chen take the lead, but when he thought of the sharpness in the eyes of this guy, the words in his stomach were swallowed back.

Let your kid first be proud of it, wait until the destination, Laozi first to destroy you.

Into the land of this dragon grave, several half-step Wudi have not had much decision-making power, and the other party’s instructions have to be followed.

The seven people joined forces together and began to explore the road above the wildfire plains, giving the latter several emperors a buffer time.

However, this is also beneficial. The seven people who walked in front of it, above this wilderness plain, will find some ore-level ore from time to time, and it can be regarded as a rare thing on the outside.

Red-haired Wudi and others, even if they are jealous, will not be so embarrassed to find this group of people to ask for.

Among the few people, Xiao Chen was the most harvested, and there was no way. He used the eyes of Dong Tian to record the rare ore along the road last night.

After each battle, you will find some good things from some corners that others can't notice.

"The best fire spar, Ye Chen, was discovered by you again."

Another battle ended. Xiao Chen found a burning fire spar in a pile of melt. This kind of spar has great help for the warrior who cultivates the fire attribute method, and even the Emperor Wu can use it.

Not only a few half-step Wudi, some red eyes, even the eyes of the Red Hair Wudi and others, all flashed a trace of color.

This mask youth, luck is not generally good, several Wudi secretly said in the heart.

After the other Emperor Wu took a look, he stopped paying attention. After all, there was a saying that Xiao Chen first discovered him.

Only Hong Lao, the two eyes shine, flashing a greedy look. It took a long time to open my eyes, but my heart has thoroughly planted the seeds of greed.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, didn't care too much, these are appetizers. It is not the energy gem of Ray's property, the value is high, and there is no way to make him really tempted.

What really cares about it is the existence of the source of the suspected Gengjin. This is the biggest temptation for Xiao Chen.

Among the treasures of Lei Di, although there are also sources of Gengjin, there is only one piece, less than a hundred pounds. In Xiao Chen's view, the moon shadow knife is not a **** soldier. Once it becomes a **** soldier, it must have the qualification to attack the super-sword.

His goal is to have at least enough of the source of the Gengjin, and there must be nine demon nucleus of the Wudi-level thunder.

Looking at it, the 10,000 meters ahead is the magma pool where the source of Gengjin is located. In the end, it will be seen immediately.

After the break, several half-step Wudi gathered again and began to explore again.

Soon, a group of people will soon pass through the flame-burning magma pool, and Xiao Chen’s heart is anxious. This place was unexpected. It was smooth and windy. There were no vicious beasts. There was no battle without vicious beasts.

If there is no fighting, he will have no chance to rush to catch the "Golden Source".

Turbulently went to a magma pool and fished out a source of Gengjin. It is estimated that anyone will see something wrong.

How to do?

Xiao Chen is anxious in his heart. If he can't think of a way, he has to go through it and miss this opportunity in vain.


Just when a few people were going through the magma pool, Xiao Chen suddenly spoke and let everyone stop.

"What happened, Ye Chen, did you find the dragon beast?" Yiling wondered, and several other emperors were also puzzled.

If you don't have the opportunity, you can only create opportunities for yourself. The source of Gengjin must not be missed.

Xiao Chen remained calm and nodded. "In front, the magma pool seems to be a little weird, but I am not sure."

In the old eyes of Hong, the fierce flashes, and immediately said: "Then you look at it, we are watching you behind."

Xiao Chen’s heart is a joy, waiting for you, but on the surface, there is still a slight disappointment in his eyes.

"I am coming, this magma pool, I also feel a little weird."

Just as Xiao Chen was preparing to go forward, the Red Hair Wudi saw the unpleasant look in Xiao Chen’s eyes, as if to ease the contradiction between the two, and suddenly said.

Xiao Chen took a brief look and did not expect the key moments, there will be such accidents.

The installation is a bit too much, which makes him how to interface, is it necessary to look at the red-haired Emperor, eye-catching in front of himself, get the source of Gengjin?

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