Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1391: Twists and turns

Xiao Chen's expression was slightly stiff, although it quickly recovered, but still did not escape the eyes of the Red Hair Wudi.

The Red Hair Wudi walked to Xiao Chen and smiled. "The eyesight is good. Now I am a bit curious. Under the mask, what is your identity? But this time you don't have to go out. I will shoot myself, you don't have to thank me. The road is still far away, and I don't want to watch you and Hong Lao always have a conflict."

Xiao Chen’s heart is depressed and speechless. He explores the road several times. You don’t want to take the risk. The key moment is to fill this person. This magma pool, apart from the source of Gengjin, is dangerous.

But even if a lot of sentences are smashed in my heart, Xiao Chen’s face can only smile with a smile: “Thank you for your predecessors.”

Hong Lao’s face looked awkward. He did not expect the Red Hair Wudi to stand up at this time.

The red-haired Emperor, step by step, quickly came to the magma pool, and looked at the flame pool, forming a vast pool.

The melt is filled with hot bubbles, and the Qianlong Qianlong emerges. Every time the blisters burst, the spattered residue is in the air, making a horrible groan.

Xiao Chen’s heart almost mentioned the eyes of the blind man. He originally wanted to use the fingers as a soldier, to get a blind eye, and then to dig out the source of Gengjin, where he thought that the Red Hair Wudi would suddenly come out.

"The Tibetan is still quite deep. If it is not so close, it is really possible for you to hide and give it to me!"

The red-haired Wudi screamed, and the Emperor of the Emperor Wudi’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor

Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart and quickly mobilized his own kingship to resist this momentum. It was the first time that the Red Hair Emperor was officially shot, and he did not expect the momentum to be so strong.

However, in this molten pool, is there any danger?

Just between the doubts of Xiao Chen, in the molten pool, a wave of ripples was sprayed, as if all the melts had been turned over to the sky, and a black hole with no bottom was exposed above the plain.

Not too late to be surprised, I saw a fiery red dragon, flying toward the red hair Wudi quickly, wherever the air was burned into nothingness, black paint, I do not know how high the temperature reached.

In the faint, you can see a ripple in the space, and the world begins to shake.

This dragon is very simple!

Xiao Chen’s face flashed a trace of fear, and if he really died, I’m afraid it’s really dead now, and there are hidden monsters in the melt.

A few half-step Wudi, hurriedly back, this battle is not what they can intervene. Rear Hong Lao and others, their faces are dignified, each mobilizing the power of Hong Meng, ready to help at any time.

In the retreat, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered that he had to find the ore that was suspected of "the source of Gengjin."

Looking away, Xiao Chen looked at the molten gas that went up in the sky, and looked at it. Sure enough, in the melt that had already floated into the sky, he found a golden strange stone.

Take a closer look, like the source of Gengjin that I have seen before.

Just the eyes of other people are concentrated in the deep pits on the ground, and the mysterious monsters, no one pays attention to the sky.

But the face is too late to reveal the color, the golden source of Gengjin, was submerged in the heavy magma, and then with the magma landing, can no longer be found.

Xiao Chen was anxious in his heart, looking around and searching for it, no matter how he found it.


I can't think too much, in the deep pit, I found a big head, and there is a snake crown above the head. This is actually a flame dragon snake.

The Flame Dragon Snake, one of the most dangerous monsters on the wilderness plain, is strong enough to rival the Emperor of Heaven, and it still has a good position and strength.

Screaming, the flame dragon snake was ejected, unexpectedly crossed the red-haired Emperor and killed the past.

The four Emperors who were guarding Yiling were not flustered. They stepped forward and blocked in front of Yiling. They shot together and forced the flame dragon snake back.

"The animals are killed!"

The red-haired martial art took the opportunity to shoot, and the palm of the hand shot out. There were two flame apertures behind it, and the red sky was mapped to the ten-mile sky.

Five Wudi, who went around, beat the dog, and did not give this flame dragon a chance to turn over.

Because everyone knows that this terrible battle will certainly attract many beasts of the same rank, a flame dragon snake is not terrible, it is really troublesome to come to a group of beasts of the same rank.

The war was fierce, and the Emperor Wu took out his true skills. A group of half-step Wudi seriously observed and learned more or less.

But Xiao Chen is now innocent, he quietly receded, his hands sealed, and then whispered a word, pointing to the soldiers!

Suddenly a stone under his feet, under the influence of the soldiers, changed into a small snake, swimming silently.

Xiao Chen looked at the group of Wudi war dragons, but the mind controlled the snake, and swam to the place where the pile of melt fell, looking around.

Five Wudi soldiers shot at the same time, and there was also a two-day Emperor Wudi present. The flame dragon snake was suppressed from the beginning to the end, and it was already scarred after a short time.

Can be red-haired Wudi and other people, his face is not very optimistic, because in the distance, you can hear a few heart-warming screams, stirring the wind, far from.

Yiling's eyes flickered, and there was a black sigh on his body, hesitating whether he wanted to shoot.

The black breath looked, Xiao Chen looked at it at first glance, and there was a fear in his heart. The Qinglong Wuhun, who had been suppressing it for a long time, was quiet at this moment and shivered.

Is it?

He is familiar with this kind of breath, but Yiling exposed too little, so that he could not make 100% speculation.

"found it!"

Xiao Chen, who was distracted, suddenly saw a joy in his heart. The snake was in the pile of magma, and finally found the golden ore.

Just as he completely shifted his mind, Iling in the air suddenly shot, his eyes condensed, his body flashing, and his palm was printed on the dragon snake.

Originally, the raging flame dragon snake, the momentum suddenly collapsed, the strength is very different.

When Xiao Chen turned his gaze, the five dragons who had been caught by the flame dragon snake had a chance to kill, and the body was broken into pieces, and there was no life.

"Hey, look at how he shot."

"No, it's too weird, I don't know how he did it."

Xiao Chen couldn't help but be disappointed. It was a chance to get a chance to see Yiling's way, but lost it.

But fortunately, the source of Geng Jin was found by him.

While several of the Emperor Wu were at rest, he stepped a little, silently and came to the pile of molten mud, and shot with lightning, holding the golden ore in the palm of his hand.

Looking at it in detail, the ecstasy color on his face is really the source of Gengjin, and it is more than twice as big as the one in the treasure of Lei Di.

However, it is necessary to refine the refining and remove the impurities before we can know that there are multiple sources of this Gengjin.

Did not think much, Xiao Chen took it into the ring, and turned around.

Can turn around, Xiao Chen's face changed, Hong Lao did not know when he appeared behind him, looking at him coldly.

"Good guy, we are tired and half dead, you are so refreshed, it’s cheaper to follow, just what you just took, hand it over to me."

Xiao Chen responded coldly: "If you say it to you, it will show you what you are."

Others won this scene, they were curious, and they slowly came over, and their eyes all looked at Xiao Chen.

"What happened, what happened to both of you?"

Red-haired Wudi said, frowning.

Xiao Chen has no jealousy for anyone. It is this red-haired Emperor, who has the strength of Emperor Wu’s two heavens.

If he finds the source of Gengjin, then he must have to run, and whether the source of Gengjin can be saved is also unknown.

Xiao Chen’s heart was depressed, a source of Gengjin, and I did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns.

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