Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1402: Three kinds of gods are good

Xiao Chen held the moonshadow knife and asked Wang Yanshi: "Predecessors can be ready."

"You can shoot at any time."

"Okay, that's offended!"

A total of ten times out of the mobile phone meeting, Xiao Chen out of caution, but also confidence in his own strength, the first shot did not mobilize the power of Hong Meng.

Directly to promote the power of the law of the heavens, to display the great cause of the ages, the endless kingdom domineering from the body of Xiao Chen spread out.

When the figure is flashing, there will be a city wall, which will appear out of thin air. In the city pool, a million people appear and scream for long live.

The momentum is like a raging wave, and instantly climbs to the peak. When the long lived voice is united, Xiao Chen overbears the tyrannical hegemony.

Among the qi martial arts mastered by Xiao Chen, the most overbearing of the tyrants in the past, using this trick to force the Yanshi Wang, Xiao Chen’s confidence is relatively large.

He can hardly believe that a half-step Wudi, hard to pick up this move, will not retreat.

Even the Yanshi Wang, there will be no exceptions, "Retreat!"

The roar of the imperial dynasty, showing a dynasty of the imperial dynasty, the knife that Xiao Chen smashed out, perfectly carrying this air transport.

The Chinese-style martial arts can send and receive freely. It is a sign of entering the hall, and it can be sent and received as if it is a small realm.

The next realm is the combination of people and meanings, comprehending the artistic conception contained in the martial arts of the righteousness, and condensing it into the tricks. This is the symbol of the great achievements of martial arts.

The last realm is to do whatever you want, to think about it, and not to take it. All the visions of martial arts have been completed in a flash.

By the moment the rifle is squirted, all the power of martial arts can burst out, and this is the peak.

Any martial arts has these four realms, and it is a small succession, a small martial arts, and a successful achievement.

The level of martial arts, the more you go up, the higher the difficulty of cultivation. To the height of the Chinese-style martial arts, the Wudi, who is generally a small celestial, is difficult to achieve unless it is cultivated for hundreds of years.

Xiao Chen’s trick is to make a fortune, and from the realm of Dacheng, there is only a glimmer of distance.

Yan Shiwang’s heart nodded secretly and praised it. It’s no wonder that Xiao Chen was so confident in front of himself that it was indeed a genius and amazement.

However, there is still a little something missing. It is a bit difficult to beat him back.

Looking at the peerless knife, Mang was slashed, and at the end of the time it was less than three meters away, Yanshi Wang moved.

The right hand pushed forward abruptly, only to see him squatting down, a blush, like a flame crystal, the whole person burned.

When you want to contact with Xiao Chen's knife, you can get into the flames, like a river, and go to the tip of the Yanshiwang index finger.

For a moment, the flames of the fingertips were dazzling, and the sun in the sky was completely obscured. The whole world suddenly darkened, and only that light was dazzling.


When the fingertip touches the knife, the space cracks a small slit, and some people step back ten steps to stabilize the figure. It’s not Yanshi Wang, it’s Xiao Chen with absolute confidence and a knife.

Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart. How did this happen? All the strengths of the whole body were condensed in one point, without any trace of waste.

If he does this himself, the finger will definitely explode in the first time, and the enemy will not be defeated. Instead, he will give himself a play.

Wu Di Jin body?

No, the predecessor of Yanshi Wang, since he said that he only used the strength of the Wudi Emperor, he would never renege on his words.

One move was retired, and Xiao Chen did not have a self-confidence, but a calm analysis.

Yan Shi Wang mouth corner reveals a smile, yes, this state of mind is rare.

For a long time, Xiao Chen was puzzled, and the other party’s skills were too scary. Qianqiu Baye is already his most overbearing martial arts. If this is not successful, other martial arts fears will not work.

To use the power of Hong Meng, or forget it, use the power of Hong Meng, even if it is lucky to win, Xiao Chen also feels that victory is not good.

"I surrender."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, and some of the distressed ones left the millennial fire that was left to him by the stranger, and all took it out.

"Ha ha ha." Yan Shi Wang laughed and reached for a roll, and wanted to roll the millennium fire into his own space ring.


At this time, the charm of the fairy ring, I do not know when, stood aside, snorted with a screaming mouth.

Looked at the Yanshi Wang, it means that you dare to take it for me to try, then look up at the sky, not to see Yanshi Wang.

Yan Shiwang’s smug smile was stunned by the sly eyes, and he smiled slyly: “Little brother, serious, serious, I just said to play.”

"Oh, you know that you won't be bullied by the minibus. The predecessors are seniors."

Geng Jiao turned his face and smiled. He walked over and held the millennium fire on the ground in his arms. Then he said, "Yes, what a big gift, say it, let it out, and hide what to do."

Xiao Chen saw it quickly: "Jiaojiao, bet, but I lost..."

Geng Jiao smiled like a flower, and blinked at the Yanshiwang Road: "Is it?"

Yan Shiwang looked at the millennial fire in his arms and swallowed the throat: "Yes, yes, isn't it. Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, bet is just a joke, my generation is here, how can I You bet, come here is a meeting."

After talking about a face, he threw a jade bottle out, and Xiao Chen took it over and opened the bottle cap. A familiar atmosphere came in an instant, and he was surprised to lose his calm.

"this is……"

"Yes, this is Hong Meng Dan, a total of ten. I will use the atmosphere of Hong Meng every one hundred years to refine one. I will leave it to the boy of Ba Yan, now I will give it to you, make good use of it, I believe you must I can survive the fire."

It’s really Hong Meng Dan’s refinement of Hong Meng’s temperament into Dan, which requires a huge amount of enthusiasm. And Yanshi Wang, he must also use the spirit of Hongmeng to cultivate, one hundred years, one is not worthwhile.

The gift is too heavy and too heavy. Xiao Chen is a bit guilty, but he has to give up, and he really has a heart.

"You're welcome, I don't think you are a guest."

Xiao Chen solemnly collected, the ten Hong Meng Dan, it is too precious, it is no wonder that Yan Shiwang will say that he will definitely need it.

Geng Jiao smiled and walked over, took Hong Mengdan from Xiao Chen, and blinked at Xiao Chen. He said: "I will help you collect it first. I remember to squeeze something out. This minibus dared to call me." Big sister, you should be welcome to him!"

The original Yanshi Wang, who had a sore face, smelled his mouth and twitched again.

To be far away, Xiao Chen said: "Predecessors, this millennium winemaker, is on my star island. Waiting for me to return to the fiefdom, please let her brew some fake products and send them over the millennium fire."

Hearing this statement, Yan Shiwang smiled: "Well, you must remember, my life product is the most loved wine, especially spirits. I have once drunk this millennium fire, and I will never forget it again."

Xiao Chen nodded: "Sure."

Yan Shiwang put away a smile and looked serious. "This month, I will not teach you any martial arts. I will only teach you three skills. The first one is what you just saw. You can gather all the power. One point, that is a kind of rhetoric. It is a finger, but after you really master it, you will do whatever you want, and you can use it anywhere, not just your fingertips."

"The second one is about the cultivation of Emperor Wu, how to maximize the use of the power of the body, so that you will not be violent."

"The third point is some of the tricks that are most relevant to you."

Xiao Chen looks a glimpse, these three skills can be a magical skill. Everything is good, as long as you learn, it will make him very rewarding. The kindness of Yanshi Wang is too big.

Yanshi Wang continued: "But my guidance, it will never be easy, and every one has to suffer a lot. Especially the third skill, you may even be in danger of being killed."

Xiao Chen has no fear, and his eyes are firm: "The predecessors are relieved. The younger generation has come this way. It has already understood this truth. The greater the value, the greater the risk and the cost, and there is nothing to do without it."

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