Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1403: Enlightenment and spirits alarmed the whole city

"Teach you first and foremost, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, you think how I did it."

Yan Shiwang looked at Xiao Chen and asked, it seems to be testing the understanding of Xiao Chen.

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully, he will sigh for a long time: "The surface looks like all the energy, constantly squeezed, and then condensed at one point, and finally breaks the face with a point, and exerts the attack power far beyond the realm of its own."

The previous Yanshi Wang’s finger, only the half-step Wudi’s realm, can bring about lethality, but it is stronger than the medium-sized martial arts that Xiao Chen’s display is. This is the truth.

However, if it is so simple, this means will not have anything special. It is learned by the individual at a glance. Yan Shiwang also teaches Xiao Chen what to do.

Yan Shiwang smiled and nodded and said: "Continue."

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said: "The real situation is certainly not so simple. The power of the law is like water in the body. The human body is like a water bladder. Once there is too much water in some place, the water bladder will definitely Deformation."

"Doubling twice as much as you can, if it is more than ten times a hundred times, the water bag will be accidental and will explode directly."

The smile on Yanshi Wang’s face is even stronger: “It’s still the first time I heard such an analogy. It’s a bit interesting. You continue to say how to ensure that the water bladder is not exploding.”

Yanshi Wang did not say that Xiao Chen guessed it was right or wrong, indicating that Xiao Chen himself, continue to think about this idea.

Xiao Chen was encouraged and continued: "If you want to make the water bladder not broken, two methods are to strengthen the toughness of the water bladder, that is, the strength of the body. The second method is to increase the density of water. It is to let the power of the law, constantly concise. It is clearly the force of the same size of law, but it can play ten times the power of each other."

The idea is getting clearer and clearer, Xiao Chen continued: "I guess, the predecessors should use the second method, because the predecessors only used the strength of the half-step Wudi, and did not use the Emperor Wujin."

Yanshi Wang laughed and made Xiao Chen somewhat unclear. So guessing is right or wrong?

"Predecessors, I guess is it right or wrong?" Xiao Chen asked cautiously, and now I really don't know the other's mind.

Yan Shiwang smiled enough and replied: "Sorry, completely wrong, but I think your thinking is also a direction, amount, you can consider it."

Xiao Chen was speechless in his heart. This was a pit to pick himself up. At first, I saw the expression of Yan Shiwang. I thought I was right. I didn’t expect it to come.

"Predecessors don't have to play with me like this." Xiao Chen said depressedly.

Yan Shiwang said: "I didn't play with you. My own comprehension skills are good, and mine. I can't compare with your own understanding."

"Your direction is correct, but the body is the flesh after all, and the water bladder is somewhat different. My skill is a word, fast!"

Fast, what do you mean?

"It's the ultimate fast, such a huge gathering of energy, the body can't bear it. But if it's only a thousandth of a second, a hundredth of a second, do you think the flesh can bear it?"

In the morning of Xiao Chen’s mind, the flash of light flashed, and suddenly the time suddenly became bright. Indeed, if it is only a thousandth of a second, or a hundredth of a second, it is completely tolerable with the resilience of the flesh.

However, this is a bit of a challenge. If you slow down a point, you may be physically disabled and not worth the candle.

Like dancing on a steel wire, a careless, falling down, is nothing.

"I have shown you several times to show it, look good!"

The face of Yanshi Wang was a glimpse, and with one finger, the sky was dark and nothing could be seen. In addition to the bright light of the sun at his fingertips, even the face of Yanshi Wang and the body, all covered up by this light, melted into the night.

The light flashed, and above the shoulder of Yanshiwang, this flame appeared like the sun.

Glittering, the sun-like flames of light, constantly appearing on the Yanshi Wang.

Xiao Chen’s eyes widened and looked carefully. Under the patient demonstration of Yan Shiwang, some famous churches were finally found.

In the chest of Emperor Yanshi, there is a faint red vortex that keeps spinning. No matter where the power of the law flows, the red vortex never disappears.

It looks like a red vortex, not stopping.

In fact, the red vortex has been shimmering, swift and incomparably flowing, even faster than the glimmering flame of the day.

Only the speed is too fast, the naked eye can not capture, this has created the illusion that has not stopped.

The light stopped flashing, and Yanshi Wang said: "How to see what is coming."

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "The skill of the predecessors, the core point, should be on the red vortex in the chest. It is impossible to condense the red vortex. Even if the outsider knows the principle of this rhyme, he dare not go. test."

"Yes, this kind of rhinoceros refers to the time when I have not yet become an emperor. It is a coincidence that in a state of harmony between man and nature, the aura flashes and realizes."

Xiao Chen said: "The world will never be for no reason, there will be a flash of light, there is no ordinary accumulation, and there will be no flash of light."

Yan Shiwang heard this and looked at it. I didn’t expect Xiao Chen to see it so thoroughly. This is how he learned for more than a thousand years.

"There are two ways to choose from you. First, I will teach you the rhythm according to my own method. Second, you will follow the direction of your original direction. What do I need to be on call."

Xiao Chen did not hesitate for a long time and made a decision: "I chose the second one."

The speed is so fast that Yanshi Wang is a bit screaming: "Why? You can think clearly, I just said casually, time is so short, it is too difficult to understand."

"I want to be clear, the predecessors said it is quite right. After all, I realized that I should be more suitable for myself. The first one seems to be simple and the entry is extremely fast. The predecessors are the warriors of the fire attribute. I am the warrior of the Lei attribute. Although it's fast, it takes a lot of time to get fit in the future."

Xiao Chen continued to analyze: "If I choose the second one, it seems that the entry is extremely slow, but once we get started, it will fit perfectly with us, and the efficiency is actually higher."

Yan Shiwang smiled: "You are so confident that you will be able to realize it."

Xiao Chen calmly said: "The predecessors have told me so clearly, and they have demonstrated themselves. If they really can’t come out, they can only say that this is not suitable for me."

Yanshi Wangdao: "Okay, then I will give you ten days. No matter if you are successful or not, I will skip this step and teach you the second skill, the use of the power of Hongmeng."

Xiao Chen nodded, not busy thinking about meditation, but let Yan Shi Wang, carefully explain how he realized the spirit of the original.

Two days have passed, even the Yanshi Wang has been somewhat lacking in Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen is still tireless and careful to ask.

In Xiao Chen’s understanding, there is such a king’s emperor at his side, which is more useful than any cheats.

By the third day, Xiao Chen no longer asked Yan Shiwang, and he piled up a high-ranking book by his side, all of which were in the conversation of Yan Shiwang, and some of the exercises and martial arts that he had inadvertently said.

Seeing the Yanshi Wang, secretly screaming, he himself could not remember, Xiao Chen did not miss a little, all remembered.

On the fourth day, Xiao Chen had a bunch of books around him, all of which was borrowed by Xiao Chen to find Yan Shiwang, about the traits of martial arts and martial arts.

Yan Shiwang and Yan Jiao sipped the millennium fire, and they glanced from time to time, practicing Xiao Chen, who was serious about reading in the battlefield.

Yan Shiwang frowned: "The time is almost half past, still reading, too calm."

He is also a bit skeptical now, whether he is looking at the eye, and encounters a nerd on paper.

Xiao Jiao smiled and said: "You wait, Xiao Chen never does things that are not sure. Since he dares to choose the second road with you, he definitely has his own strength. You don't know at all, how much is his understanding? Strong."

Yanshi Wangdao: "I also hope that he can realize it himself. This is stronger than anything. It is only six days, he is still so calm, I am really worried."

"Hey, Xiao Chen moved!" Jiao Jiao put down the wine glass.

Yan Shiwang’s eyes lit up and he quickly looked at the past and could not help but be disappointed. Xiao Chen, who put down the book, still did not meditate, but tried it directly.

As a result, there was no success. Instead, he was bruised and bruised by the Thunder. On several occasions, even the guilt was blown up and seriously injured.

Yanshi Wang wants to stop and is stopped by the devil: "Don't go, with his attachment, definitely not at this time, listen to your advice."

Repeatedly, in this martial arts field, no matter the day or night, there is lightning and thunder. This vision has alarmed the servants of the entire Yanshi Castle.

When I saw Xiao Chen in the practice of martial arts, everyone’s face showed an incredible look.

"What is this?"

"It is said that it is to understand the Yanshi Wang's non-passing skills, and the rhinoceros is a finger!"

"Funny, just like this, I want to comprehend the rhinoceros and my head is kicked?"

In the thunder of the thunder, let this sky, no matter the day or night, always be the top of the clouds, rolling. Three days passed, not only the people of Yanshi Castle were alarmed, but even the entire dark city warriors were alarmed.

It is really that the vision lasts too long, and hundreds of thousands of lightning flashes, and it can be seen clearly across the hundred miles.

Many people in the unknown have seen such visions, all of whom think that the Yanshi Castle is refining any peerless soldiers, or the top emperor.

In the end, even the other thieves of the Dark City were alarmed.

"Yanshi Wang, what do you want to do when you hide in the Yanshi Castle, refining the peerless soldiers and not meeting with us."

"It will not be, I suspect that my position is low, I want to change the position?" The first thief in the Black Sea, the blood shark king appeared outside the castle, said coldly.

Misunderstandings were a big problem. Yan Shiwang looked at the other 12 thieves who stood outside the castle. They were all gaze-stricken and felt cold and sweaty.

It is hard to argue, and the explanation is unclear. Yanshi Wang had to remove the array of Yanshi Castle and put all these thieves in.

Yanshi Wang said: "The stinky boy will really cause me trouble. My ash castle, when I opened it to other thieves, now I have come in."

Many other warriors who were outside the castle saw the thieves being put in, and all the moments of the opening of the squad were all in.

The Yanshi Wang snorted, and he was too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, there was no secret of seeing anyone. Let these go in and save the rumors.

When I figured out the facts and saw thunder and lightning, all the people were shocked by this scene, all over the body, and the hair was scattered and the face could not be recognized.

"Who is this, is it crazy? To be able to realize this, the thief's stunts are too worthless."

"I bet he can't understand the rhythm, maybe he will be killed by himself."

"Who is gambling with you, is this not clear? The Yanshi Wang is also too bad, and he simply can't teach him, and the whole city is suspicious."

Yanshi Wang heard this, vomiting blood, looking at the ignorance, as if not seeing everyone like Xiao Chen.

In the heart of the dark road, Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou, you have to give me a sigh of relief, now the 12 thieves are out, you have to really realize, my joke can be bigger.

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