Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1405: The rhinoceros refers to the rhinoceros

"He started to meditate!"

"It’s really persistent. In that kind of near-self-abuse, I actually insisted on it for five days."

"The time he agreed with Yanshi Wang seems to be only one day left."

"It’s too difficult to think about retreat in one day."

Entering the state of retreat, all the thunder and lightning, the vision of heaven and earth, all disappeared. The sun was falling, it seemed that all of them were on the white knives that were suspended and stopped. For the temperament of Xiao Chen's elegant dust, he added a little solemnity.

Thirteen Black Sea thieves, like other warriors, have their eyes on Xiao Chen, whose injury has been restored.

At the moment, Xiao Chen, the injury on his body has already recovered. Taking the holy Dan in the thunder of Lei Di, the recovery ability of Xiao Chen is not like a strong one.

On the surface, no scars and blood is visible.

That breeze robes, although the grade is very low, but has an automatic cleaning function, plus is sent by Liu Ruyue. After Xiao Chen came to Kunlun, he saw many stronger treasures and did not choose to change them.

"The strong physical recovery ability is almost the same as that of one of the most important Wudi Jinshen."

"Without such a strong flesh, this little guy doesn't dare to be so chaotic, but even if ordinary people have such a strong body, it is estimated that this perseverance will persist."

"In fact, look closely, this little guy is not blindly self-abuse. Every attempt should be rewarded."

"The old guy who can be Yan Shiwang, the time given to him is too short, only one day is left for retreat, I am afraid it is not enough."

The Black Sea thief looks like a torch, and what he sees is much clearer than other warriors. When I talked about it, I didn’t bring any emotions, and I was objective and true.

When Yanshi Wang heard this, Le laughed: "Ten days, he will not realize it. I will naturally teach him his method. You don't have to blame me. Since I can see my little friend, that Your stunts are also taught to him, and I promise that he can also comprehend."

Other Black Sea thieves immediately shut up, making jokes, and the king's stunts are all secrets. Even the apprentices are rarely passed on, and they are only passed on to relatives who are related to their own blood. It is really not as generous as Yanshi Wang.

"Yanshi Wang, what do you do, what is it, what is your relationship with this little guy?" Other Black Sea thieves, some puzzled.

Yan Shiwang smiled faintly: "I have nothing to do with him, but when I was a teenager, I was greatly blessed by his instrumentality. If you said that you don't understand, then let's see, if I am a little friend, really The breakthrough is successful, I see where your old guys face."

"Oh, you don't have to die with Yanshi Wang. We won't fight with you first. You will know when you look at it."

The blood shark king smiled lightly, and the other Black Sea thieves continued to watch.

Time passed quietly, and there was less thunder that had been roaring all the time, and the electric light that kept flashing. All the warriors present were slightly unaccustomed.

After Xiao Chen’s retreat, there was a lot of talk, and it took an hour to pass. Two hours passed, and the scene slowly disappeared, quietly.

Very simple truth, the same topic, has been discussed, it is an individual will be annoying.

Now all the people, just look at them, silently watching Xiao Chen sitting in the air and sitting on the knees.

Time passed quietly, the sunset sunken, and the night was about to fall.


At this time, in this time when everyone was not ready, Xiao Chen’s body suddenly radiated a thunderous thunder.

The sky that was about to fall into the darkness, under the glare of this kind of light, instantly became brighter, like the most bursting sun at noon.

Hovering in the air, Xiao Chen, sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and the purple thunder on his body became more intense.

Dazzling and dazzling, people dare not look straight.

Xiao Chen slowly got up, stood up in midair, and the majestic momentum, accompanied by his king's domineering, filled out.

"A strong and powerful king."

The blood shark king couldn't help but say that the momentum of Xiao Chen is in the eyes of these kings, and naturally it is not worth mentioning.

Can be imposing, accompanied by the king of domineering, but it can not be ignored.

Going deeper to see, I will be surprised to find that behind this domineering doom seems to hide deeper momentum.

It is in the midst of it, the kingdom of Kunlun, the present Xiao Chen, the air and the sky, the mysterious air transport, strong enough to see some doubts with the naked eye.

Many of the king's emperors, all eyes are exposed, the look of envy, the weather, this kind of thing is something that every martial person can't hope for.

"Is he successful?"

The Emperor of the King, because of the suspicion of the weather behind Xiao Chen, appeared a short-lived loss.

Other ordinary warriors, nothing can be found, can only feel the strong and horrible momentum of Xiao Chen, they are more concerned about the success of Xiao Chen.

Yanshi Wang did not pass the stunts, and the rhinoceros pointed to the end.

Soon, Xiao Chen told them the answer with the most direct action.

Xiao Chen, among the crowds, stood in the air and suddenly stayed in the sky.

The violent thunder that flashed on his body, under this finger, disappeared, and there was no left, but the unpretentious body was not stained.


The next moment, a loud roar in the sky, the space of the entire Yanshi Castle began to shake.

Accompanied by the roaring sound, it was Xiao Chen’s body, the flash of the emperor’s prestige, and in the moment he angered the sky, there was a real power of the Emperor.

When Xiao Chen took back his fingers, there was a huge hole in the sky. Around the hole, there was a black crack, such as a spider web.

Many warriors, obsessed with this scene, tearing the void, this is the ability of Wudi. The spirit of a finger, really was Xiao Chen, to comprehend!

If not, how can it be explained, a great perfect emperor, how can the attack come out against the Emperor Wu.

Xiao Chen looked at the slowly closed hole in the air, and the face that had been quiet for three days showed a smile of satisfaction.

Although this blow, there is no way to beat the peak of the reincarnation, but this is based on his own strength, without relying on any foreign objects.

And compared to the peak of the reincarnation flag, the side effects and dangerous consequences, this rhyme is more practical.

"Thank you for the guidance of the seniors of Yanshi Wang, the younger generation succeeded in realizing their own genius!"

In the middle of the air, Xiao Chen turned around and bowed deeply to the Yanshi Wang.

Yanshi Wang’s face was full of smiles, and he laughed in a group of Black Sea thieves: “Polite, I just pointed out a way for you, and you can understand the spirit of the day. Still yourself."

Other Black Sea thieves, the color of surprise on their faces, is no less than that of ordinary warriors.

The blood shark king turned his eyes and thought thoughtfully: "After half a day of retreat, I realized that my heart and soul are pointing. It seems that the painful attempt of five days and nights has already made him think about it."

Turning his head and other thieves, they looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Ten days to realize the rhythm of a finger, it is no wonder that it can sweep all the celestial glory of the entire Kunlun continent, and shine in the crowds of the Tianxing Sea.

Their descendants, the younger generation, are defeated by this young man.

After the Qing Emperor, it really is a well-deserved reputation.

Xiao Chen saw the people around Yanshi Wang, but also slightly surprised. I did not expect that I would understand the spirits and will blow up so many horrible people from the Black Sea.

But now is not the time to care about this, he would like to test, his own rhinoceros one finger, in the end and the Yanshi Wang genuine rhyme, who is strong and who is weak.

Xiao Chen said to the Yanshi Wang, respectfully said: "Ten days ago, the predecessors gave a light finger, so that they could go down in the next step. Can you give the younger a chance to make this bet again?"

When this statement came out, it suddenly stirred up a thousand waves. This Xiao Chen’s great temperament, just realized the ingenuity, made a challenge to Yanshi Wang.

Yanshi Wang laughed happily and accepted it with pleasure: "I will wait for you, I also want to see if you have any moisture in the rhythm and defeat the fate of my Yanshi Wang."

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