Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1406: Peerless style, unparalleled in the world

Yanshi Wang laughed loudly and swayed in the air, setting aside the posture, and facing Xiao Chen.

Looking at this, it is really ready to accept the challenge of Xiao Chen. Other Black Sea thieves, among the eyes, have a hint of interest.

Like Xiao Chen, just comprehending his own stunts, he dared to compare with his predecessors. It’s really rare, and the guts are enough.

"It is still the same as the rules ten days ago. You only have the perfection of the emperor. I only use the half-step Wudi strength." Yan Shiwang said with a smile.

He didn't care much about the face problems after winning or losing. The real thoughts in his heart, I hope that Xiao Chen can win more.

Of course, this does not mean that he will release water, but it will be more severe.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Well, this time I will never lose!"

"Oh, you have to take the real thing to talk, the last time you said so." Yan Shiwang whispered, his state of mind has been repaired, has reached a very high level.

call out!

Neither of them said much, just under the eyes of the whole city warrior, the flash of electric light flashed at the same time.

The good thing about the rhinoceros is that it is fast. Whoever wants to grind it, but also counts on finding the other party's flaws, as long as you slow down, you will lose.

Therefore, the speed of the two shots, so that those who watched the war, slightly did not respond.

I saw a slightly dark sky, and two bright lights appeared in the abruptness. The space that shines is like the hottest noon.

The momentum looks very similar, only in some details and colors, there is a big difference.

The light of Xiao Chen's fingertips, flashing a little electric light, is pure purple. The light of the fingertips of Yanshi Wang is red, red and dazzling, like the sun burning at the fingertips.


There is no room for thinking too much. These two rhinoceros fingers, from the appearance of light to the collision of each other, almost at the same time.

A violent collision, like two planets colliding together, a long crack in the space that spreads over the entire Yanshi Castle.

The aftermath oscillated out, and some of the lower-powered warriors were directly shocked on the spot and vomiting blood.

If it weren't for the big stone castles, all the buildings would be destroyed and become ruin at the moment of the fight.

The rhinoceros refers to the rhinoceros, and the light of the two groups is coming faster. When the light dissipates, between the electric and the flint, the outcome is also divided.

Xiao Chen’s mouth overflowed with a trace of blood stains, and his footsteps retreat in the void. Every time he stepped back, there was a roaring thunder that rang through the sky.

After ten steps back, Xiao Chen stabilized his body. When he stood firm, the sky behind him was already thunderous and thunderous.

On the other hand, Yan Shiwang, who only used half the strength of Wudi, was even worse than Xiao Chen.

The moment when the light dissipated, his whole person was directly shaken out. Of course, he had the golden body of Wudi. He was strong in strength. Although he retired, he was not injured.

According to the gambling contract, Xiao Chen would only win if he defeated Yanshi Wang. It is indeed overfulfilled, and it will directly send the Yanshi Wang to the earthquake and gain an overwhelming advantage.

Who wins and who loses can naturally see it at a glance.

The silence of the four parties, all of them were surprised to say nothing, Xiao Chen not only used the ten-day time to realize the rhetoric, but also directly defeated Yanshi Wang with the spirit of a finger.

The church apprentice, starving the master, is the truth.

Even Yanshi Wang himself, some of the results have not responded, can not understand how Xiao Chen will win so thoroughly.

After a while, he suddenly realized that he stood in the air and laughed, and the laughter was full of relief.

"You are a singer, it is indeed a little bit of water, I can't think of it, I really can't think of it, you actually mobilized your own power."

Originally expected, Yan Shiwang felt that the power of Hong Meng was too strong. Xiao Chen uses the skill of the rhythm and refers to the power of Hongmeng, and will definitely hurt himself.

I thought that he would come step by step, first mobilize all the powers of the law, and be familiar with the power of calling Hong Meng.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen, stepping into the sky, will transfer all the power of the whole body.

Such Xiao Chen, the power of mobilization, is no less inferior to the Emperor of Heaven. The Yanshi Wang still uses the power of the half-step Emperor Wu, and naturally he will lose so thoroughly.

It is not that the spirit of the Yanshi Wang is not as good as Xiao Chen, but the power of the Yan Shiwang mobilization, not as good as Xiao Chen.

As a predecessor, Yan Shishi did not feel lost in the face, but was extremely pleased.

"Blood Shark King, you are not saying that this little friend, I will never realize the mystery of the ten days? Now I have not only realized it, but also the full version of the rhythm, how to feel."

Yanshi Wang turned to the 12 Black Sea thieves and smiled proudly: "There are a few old ghosts of you, and they are also squatting together. Now, they are all fanning their mouths."

Twelve Black Sea thieves, facing the flamboyant King of the Stones, gnaw their teeth, but they could not refute them. They could only let the Yanshi King fall.

However, these people are the king's emperor, and their state of mind is much better than that of the general warrior. Naturally, there is no comparison.

After half a sigh, the blood shark king sighed: "The descendants of the Qing emperor, it is really incomparable, the old man is really serving this time."

Before I finished flying, I handed Xiao Chen a nameplate: "Small friends, if you have time, you can come to my **** mountain village to sit down, and the old man will definitely entertain himself personally."

In the face of the invitation letter from the first pirate in the Black Sea, Xiao Chen was somewhat flattered.

In this world where the strong is respected, he is a great perfect emperor, can make a king emperor, so polite invitation, it is simply something that outsiders can't think of.

After receiving the nameplate, Xiao Chen said: "Thanks to the seniors for lifting, there is time, will definitely visit."

At the beginning of the blood shark king, other Black Sea thieves, at the same time reacted, all of them put on a smile, politely handed a nameplate to Xiao Chen, inviting him to have time to go to his own courtyard.

"There is no reason, the Black Sea thirteen thieves, actually issued an invitation to Xiao Chen at the same time."

"Don't be jealous. If you can understand the spirit of the ten days, you can beat the king of Yanshi. I guess you have this treatment."

"It’s too hard to be jealous. There are these 13 nameplates. After the morning, Xiaochen can walk across the Black Sea."

"It’s not the Black Sea, the whole sea world is moving, it’s not too exaggerated.”

Looking at the Black Sea thieves, one by one handed out the nameplate and invited Xiao Chen. The warriors of the entire dark city showed their expression of envy and hatred.

In the history of the Black Sea, there have been 13 thieves and an invitation to one person. This scene will definitely become a sound.

If the gaze can kill people, Xiao Chen, under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, does not know how many times he has died.

When all the thieves left, Yan Shiwang smiled and walked over and patted Xiao Chen’s shoulder: "Little friend, this time you helped me to face up, these old ghosts came in. One by one It’s very awkward, I haven’t seen them so honest for a long time, and I’ve been afraid of a fart being trained.”

Xiao Chen smiled, it seems that the hot temper of the two brothers of Batu Ba Yan, must be passed from the Yanshi Wang, this 桀骜 is completely carved out of a mold.

Also looked at the nameplate in the hands of Xiao Chen, Yan Shiwang put away a smile, solemnly said: "After my special training, I must go to other thieves, this sheet of nameplate, you can never Xiao Yan."

Xiao Chen looked a glimpse, and when he thought about it, he understood it.

He is a descendant of the Qing emperor, and he is convinced that he knows how terrible his enemy is.

Thirteen nameplates represent the thirteen kings of the emperor, representing the entire Black Sea standing on his side. This strength is twisted into a ball, how strong it is, it goes without saying.

This night, he used his own supreme style to convince the Black Sea thirteen thieves to fight for a powerful boost.

Peerless style, unparalleled in the world.

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