Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1407: The Emperor’s shot to kill is invisible?

Xiao Chen solemnly collected 12 nameplates, thanked Yanshi Wang again, and then said: "Predecessors, when began to teach me the use of the power of Hongmeng."

"Don't worry, say it after dawn, you should take a break first." Yan Shiwang smiled and waved his hand, casually.

Ten days of enlightenment, it is indeed a little tired, Xiao Chen nodded, a few flashes fell into his own courtyard.

In the bedroom, he took out the red king to him, and he showed his emotions on his face. Yan Shiwang’s kindness is too great, and I don’t know when it will be returned.

There is also a beautiful, if there is no small Jiaojiao, Yanshi Wang will not be so close to him. It was also a jealousy, so that Yan Shiwang did not fulfill the gamble, he handed Hong Mengdan to Xiao Chen.

After gambling with Yanshi Wang again, in addition to verifying his own rhetoric, Xiao Chen is also letting himself take this Hong Meng Dan, taking it logically.


Just thinking about Jiaojiao, the window door was opened, and a tenderness came out and came to the bedroom. The moment the window door opened, the soft moonlight just fell on the body, and covered with a fresh and refined taste.

Let Xiao Chen look at the slightest stay, I did not expect that Jiaojiao will have such a moving scene.

"What are you thinking, stupid master." Yan Jiao stood on the desk and said with a smile.

Xiao Chen was able to realize the ingenuity and get the attention of the 13 thieves of the Black Sea. Besides Xiao Chen, who said that he was the most happy, naturally is not a singer.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, did not answer Jiao Jiao, he could speak eloquently, but he was not good at lying in front of familiar people. Some words, if it is said to cause misunderstanding, then needless to say.

When I saw Xiao Chen, I didn’t answer it. I guessed a little in my heart. I didn’t mind. I said casually: “I’m going back to the Star Island, you have no plans.”

Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "I have thought about this early. After I went back this time, I intend to set up the Longmenshan brand and announce the four seas. The gantry was formally established."

“Is it faster?”

He was shocked, although she knew that this was a plan that Xiao Chen had set very early, but she did not expect it to be so urgent.

All along, I feel that after the establishment of Emperor Xiao Chen, the Dragon Gate will be formally established.

Xiao Chen got up and collected Hong Mengdan and shook his head. "It's not too fast. I received these twelve nameplates today and strengthened my plan. Some things have to be done, late and early, no. the difference."

There is also a very important reason. Before he became an emperor, he had to go back to the sky. In what capacity to go back, of course, it is best to go back as the lord of the gantry, in order to solve the father's knot.

Just as the two men discussed it, the gantry was officially listed and needed to make some details.

Xiao Chen’s expression suddenly became a stiff, revealing a bit of painful look, and a confused and confused question: “What happened?”

"There is someone invading, my knowledge of the sea, don't worry."

After squeezing a word, Xiao Chen quickly closed his eyes and sat down on the bed, immersed in unprecedented tension.

Jiao Jiao looked at it, some strange, but could not help but be busy.

In the knowledge of the sea, a powerful force, unscrupulously explored into the depths of Xiao Chen’s mind, seemed to dig out all his secrets.

A picture flickers in my mind, but the picture is fixed in the Cangjie world, the Tiandaoge Qingyunfeng, Xiaochen and Liu Ruyue get along.

This powerful spiritual force has fallen into violent temper and wants to recall this paragraph and destroy it as much as possible.

"Who is this, wants to turn me into an idiot, killing and invisible? I don't think about it!"

Xiao Chen’s heart was furious, and all the spiritual powers in the sea were all rolled up to form a wall of gods, blocking the spiritual power of the overbearing.


The power of the overbearing tyrannical power is like a heavy blow, and all the walls of the mental power are smashed.

Not good, this mental power is too overbearing, the person who shoots has the strength of the supreme level, and it is also the kind of mentality. Otherwise, Xiao Chen will not have any resistance at all. His mental strength has already become a mana, but it is not the ordinary Wudi who can come in casually.

There is no resistance at all, and the mental power wall that Xiao Chen condenses is destroyed by the other side and easily destroyed.

"Put it with you!"

Xiao Chen gave up the defense and gathered the final mental power. The whole sea of ​​knowledge was sensational. The shackles of mana, also condensed into a fist, smashed the past.

At the crucial moment, when the boxing man is about to come together, Xiao Chen’s Qinglong Wuhun suddenly woke up and went directly into the sea of ​​consciousness and attached to Xiao Chen’s spiritual power.

The other side's mental strength was heavy, and the appearance of the Qinglong Wuhun was sensed. It was obviously stunned and paused for a moment.

Seeing the darkness of Qing Chen’s fists, he retired when he took the absolute advantage.

But everything went to calm, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, feeling dizzy and upset.

And this kind of pain is from the damage of the soul, and it can't resist in the strong flesh.

"Xiao Chen, what happened." Jiao Jiao quickly came over and asked Xiao Chen's concern.

Xiao Chen wiped off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and said: "Abandon the Emperor, and personally shot me."

The strength of the supreme level is the spiritual power of the major. For the people who shot Xiao Chen, the scope will be infinitely narrowed at once, and the entire Kunlun community will be apart from this person.

There are absolutely no other people, and there is such a strong mental power to cultivate, and it is possible to kill people invisible through millions of miles.

And doing so, it is difficult to leave any evidence, will not give people a handle.

"This group of people, it is really a dog jumped into the wall, too shameless." Yan Jiao said distressed.

Xiao Chen comforted Jiao Jiao with a smile: "I don't get in the way, after this failure, he won't dare to do it again."

Supreme shot, failed once, naturally no face in the second shot, but I don't know why, Xiao Chen still has some shadows.

The next morning, Yanshi Castle has been restored to its cleanliness, and the warriors who were shocked by Xiao Chen Wudao have already left nothing.

When Yanshi Wang saw Xiao Chen’s first eye, his brow wrinkled: “What’s wrong, with your body, all injuries should be restored, how is the spirit so bad.”

In front of Yanshi Wang, nothing can be hidden. Xiao Chen truthfully said the experience of last night.

"You guessed it. It should be the hand that abandoned the gods. I used to contact some of the Protoss Emperor Wu. They all have this ability."

Yan Shiwang affirmed Xiao Chen’s speculation and continued: “It should be someone who gave you the nameplate of the 13th thief of the Black Sea last night and passed it on, letting these people jump over the wall.”

Xiao Chen’s face didn’t have much turmoil, calmly said: “Please teach my seniors how to cultivate the power of Hongmeng.”

Yan Shiwang was taken aback. In the eyes of Xiao Chen, he did not see anger and hatred. Instead, he said his request so calmly.

"You are sinking in the air. If I am as young as you are, I will be violent and thunderous. I might have an impulse to kill a few Protoss."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Is it useful?"

Yanshi Wang took a brief sigh and said: "It is really useless."

"He has survived the supremacy of the nine-day thunderbolt. What can I do with this? What I have to do is to live well. Live to give him a fatal blow, wash the shame on the day, not be disturbed by him. Your own plan."

Xiao Chen’s eyes are as calm as water, but through the heavy water, he can also see his hatred hidden in the deepest.

At the ceremony of the King of the Kings, he abandoned the Emperor of Heaven and gave him a hand. He was to be abolished on the spot, without any mercy.

Among the devil's paradise, the arrogance of the arrogant and arrogant, the memory is still fresh, and the life is unforgettable.

When he got here, he and the hatred between the gods and gods had no possibility of negotiation.

Hatred is hard to come by, only killing can end.

What he has to do is to constantly become stronger and step on the enemy who is on the road of the emperor.

Yanshi Wang’s mouth reveals a smile: “The ancient times, the road of the emperor without people, like you are so hard, I am very much looking forward to the day when you became emperor.”

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