Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1408: Push the road

The cultivation and teaching of Hong Meng’s power began. Yan Shiwang did not teach Xiao Chen for the first time, but explained to him the power of the great emperors.

"The cultivation of the power of Hongmeng is something that every Wudi has to experience. Generally speaking, the Emperor Wu of a heavy heaven can unite a hundred abilities of the Dimensional, the Emperor of the Double Heaven can condense two hundred avenues, and the three heavens can Concentrate on the power of three hundred roads."

"The same is true for the promotion. In the case of the Nine Heavens, the Emperor of the King can have the power of nine hundred."

A rough comparison, you can know that the Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Heaven is ten times stronger than the Emperor of Heaven. In fact, the real war is more than nine times. The hundreds of Emperor Wu of the Heavens is not enough to kill the King.

The gap between the two is no longer enough to make up for it. Without a thunder, the sublimation brought to Wudi is not just on the flesh.

The power of Hongmeng will also change and form a leap.

In this way, Xiao Chen feels that his ten powers are really not enough to see in front of the king.

Yanshi Wang continued: "Do you think I told you what these purposes are?"

Obviously, Yanshi Wang will not waste time and explain something that is irrelevant. It must be related to Xiao Chen’s cultivation.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and he had an answer in his heart. However, he was more cautious when he was once used by Yanshi Wang.

Exploratory way: "The implication of the predecessors should be to tell me why different levels of Emperor Wu can refine the power of different numbers."

"This answer should be on the flesh, and then the seniors will give me some advice based on my physical strength, helping me to cultivate the ultimate power of this body."

Yan Shiwang’s face showed a gratifying smile: “It’s easy to deal with smart people. It’s true. It’s the truth. Your physical strength has reached the point where a great Emperor Wu’s body is enough to refine 100. Dao Hong Meng’s strength comes."

Fortunately, this time did not pit him, Xiao Chen also relieved in his heart.

At the same time, he also had some doubts. He wanted to take the opportunity to ask: "Predecessors, before many emperors became emperors, they did not cultivate the flesh. After they were promoted to Emperor Wudi, they also owned the Emperor Wudi, and those of us who practiced the flesh were suffering before the emperor. It’s not in vain.”

How painful the cultivation of the flesh, Xiao Chen personally experienced. It is not a practice of blind body, and a sigh of relief in the same order, Xiao Chen is not doing this now, it must be five years into the emperor.

This problem has actually plagued him for a long time, and his heart is puzzled.

Yan Shiwang smiled and said: "If you think so, you are very wrong. Pay attention to the ones I mentioned earlier and add a word."

"Generally speaking?" Xiao Chen thought sharply, and Yan Shiwang mentioned, he thought of which word.

"Yes, there are some people who are not ordinary. They are the warriors who practice the flesh. Heaven is always fair, how much suffering it will bear, how much will it be. Whether it is you physical practitioners, or other The warrior is the same."

Yanshi Wang went on to say: "The reason is that after you are promoted to Emperor Wu, you will understand. Now you don't have to think about it. Take out the Hong Mengdan that I gave you. I teach you how to refine these medicines."

"Dan medicine, can you swallow it?"

Is there any other way to refine and refine, Xiao Chen is puzzled, and Hong Mengdan is taken out.

Yanshi Wang took the medicine bottle and laughed loudly: "You have to swallow it. Most of Hong Mengdan's potency will be wasted."

"How to do?"

Yanshi Wang did not rush to say that his face was uncharacteristically serious: "I once told you that three kinds of skills, each of which will not be learned in vain, because these things are what Wudi can learn. You are full of greatness. The cultivation of the emperor is to go against the sky, and the suffering is inevitable."

"Anyone, even if it is cultivated in my own way, it will be painful. I want to say that I think that the cultivation of my power is equally overbearing and dangerous, not to mention pain."

Xiao Chen said: "Enlightenment is a sign, the seniors should understand my determination, as long as I can increase my strength, no matter what the danger, I am willing to accept."

"Okay, take the knife!"

Yan Shiwang’s face sank and he said something that made people feel unspeakable. Xiao Chen said according to his words. Without any hesitation, he took a sharp knife from the ring.


Yan Shiwang went straight to the knife, and Xiao Chen’s half-step golden body was in the hands of Yanshi Wang, in the hands of Yanshi Wang, like a paper paste.

A knife goes down, it is a big mouth with a big mouth, and the blood keeps flowing.

"Don't let the wounds recover. It's just the first step to get the strength of your great perfection. You want to get the power of a Mongolian Emperor to cultivate."

Yanshi Wang looked cold and said with no expression.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and let the blood flow out, suffering from severe pain.

Take out a Hong Meng Dan, Yan Shi Wang flexed a finger, and the drug was put into the hole.

The blood of Xiao Chen suddenly absorbed the power of Hongmeng in the medicinal herbs. The body was filled with this explosive force, and people felt the infinite power.

The power of Hongmeng in Hongmengdan is absorbed by the door of Xiaochen’s opening up of time and space. I don’t know how many times it is enough to be worthy of his ten years of cultivation.

Xiao Chen did not reach the physical state of Wu Di Jin Jin, this explosive force, his test of his body.

Yanshi Wang did not speak, pointed to Xiao Chen’s heart, and then smashed a knife, and then placed the second Hong Meng Dan.

The third knife, the fourth knife, the fifth knife, and Yanshi Wang even smashed the nine knives before they stopped.

Every knife is bloody, people can't bear to look straight, after finishing the nine-knife. Nine thumb-sized wounds have been around his heart, forming a small circle.

Boom! Hey!

The heart of Xiao Chen, jumping in a rhythm, every time he jumps, there will be a huge force of Hong Meng, absorbed by the body.

His flesh will explode at any time. What is called the heartbeat, Xiao Chen’s current state, shows this sentence to the fullest.

Although he has worked hard to inhale the power of these sorrows into the hearts of the emperors, it is still far from enough.

If Yanshi Wang does not take some measures, and for a moment, Xiao Chen will really be blown up.

Among the jade bottles, there was the last piece of Hong Meng Dan. Yan Shiwang did not use it. After the jade bottle was covered, one hand quickly clicked on Xiao Chen’s chest.

Fingertips brilliance flashed, every time, Xiao Chen’s body has a Huaguang, rising from the sky.

After nine points, Xiao Chen’s chest appeared a tiny array of methods, slowly running.

At his feet, there was also a formation, and the nine Huaguang also had a formation in the air.

"This set of formations is called the nine-turn mixed-element array. It was the array used by the immortals to exercise the spirits of the spirits. I changed it afterwards, and once I maintain your body, it will not be Hongmendan. The drug can be blasted. Secondly, the drug power can be expanded, and the nine-turn mixed-element array will strengthen the power of half of each.

Yan Shiwang’s hand, his face showed a trace of exhaustion: “This set of formations represents the heavens and the earth, and the three rings are interlocking and indispensable.”

"If you can't bear the pain caused by the potency, give up halfway, the battle of the chest will be destroyed, and the moment of unbalanced arrays, you will be ruined."

Xiao Chen’s heart was a bitter smile, and the intense pain made him unable to speak. If he can speak, he must have a big meal, and Yanshi Wang completely forced him to a dead end.

I did not expect that the practice of Yanshi Wang’s cultivation would be so dangerous.

Yanshi Wang smiled slightly: "I have to go drinking first. You can get stuck with the little friends. Otherwise, this explosion, my ash castle that has been passed down for thousands of years, has to be annihilated with you."

Encourage a smile, Yan Shiwang quickly left, like to avoid a human bomb, the air of Xiao Chen, there is the impulse to rush out to slap him.

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