Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1410: City gate storm

The process of visiting the thirteen thieves was quite smooth. These kings were originally impressed by Xiao Chen’s style. After the meeting, some conversations were more satisfying.

For the seniors, Xiao Chen has always been respectful, and will not appear to be arrogant. People respect me a foot, I respect a person, has always been the motto of Xiao Chen.

When the visit ended, Xiao Chen was really a line with these thieves.

Throughout the ages, the young leaders who can get the thirteen thief friendships at the same time, and only Xiao Chen alone.

After the handling of the Black Sea was completed, Xiao Chen turned his heart to the arrow and wanted to rush to Tianxing Island.

The four dragons pulled the chariot, rushed in the clouds, and rushed toward the island of Star Island. In fact, now, the personal speed of Xiao Chen is actually faster than the dragon chariot.

However, there is no such thing as a strong body of the dragon, and it can be sustained without slowing down. From the long-distance journey, it is still suitable for the dragon chariot, and the efficiency will be higher.

Within the chariot, Xiao Chen did not fall into practice.

Nowadays, he has a hundred abilities of honour, half-step golden body, mastering the brilliance of the moment, the tyrannical industry and the descending dragons, and the three to the Chinese martial arts, and each of the Chinese martial arts has been cultivated to small. Into the realm.

More flustered and stunts, you can instantly mobilize all the power and a little bit of the rhythm.

This kind of strength, once again facing the heavy Emperor of the Wu Emperor, Xiao Chen, even if he does not use the reincarnation of the battle flag, can also have a battle with the Emperor of Heaven. If you use the reincarnation flag, you can easily win it, no need to be as hard as facing Hong Lao.

As for Emperor Wu of the Double Heaven, Xiao Chen still has no way to touch it. It is not good to assert that he wants to retire. There is no way for the other party to take him.

"Now, there are three paths to improve my strength. One is my ultimate Thunder will, the second is my 70% soul, and the third is the breakthrough of Zilei."

Xiao Chen calmly analyzed that each of the three paths is not easy, and the limit of the will of the Thunder, to be virtual, can be condensed into a congenital thunder.

After the sword soul is raised to 10%, it is difficult to form a knife field. Purple Lei broke through the seventh heavy, and had to be a thunder again before he could enter the eighth.

These three roads obviously cannot be carried out at the same time, and there are priorities. One by one.

On the way to Tianxing Island, in addition to strengthening his own cultivation, and daily absorption of Hongmeng gas, Xiao Chen is thinking about this problem.

At only three days away from the Star Island, Xiao Chen made his own decision to upgrade his soul.

After all, in the end, he is a knife, before he became an emperor, he had to form his own knife.

The cultivation of the soul of the sword has reached the late stage. To speed up, you can only rely on the best konjac. After returning to the Star Island, you have to ask the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to this news.

Three days, in a blink of an eye, when Xiaojiao and Xiao Chen said that Star Island has entered the line of sight, Xiao Chen stopped practicing and walked out of the car.

The front line of sight is suddenly wide, and the familiar sea area appears in front of you. The outline of the star island can be seen by the naked eye. The nearest affiliated island is already clear.

Nowadays, the affiliated islands in the sea area have been completely mastered by Tianxing Island, and no outsiders dare to intervene.

Before leaving, the retreat of Wu Yiwu, a big heavenly emperor, made the star name of Tianxing Island widely circulated in this western sea. If you want to play the idea of ​​Star Island, you have to measure your weight well, otherwise you will not be able to find any good fruit.

As the distance is getting closer, Xiao Chen, who is walking in the sky, can already see the buildings on the island of Stars with the naked eye.

The first thing that was printed in the eye was a magnificent and huge city, like a huge real dragon squatting on the pirates.

Therefore, the existence of the city has fixed all the feng shui of the Quartet, and all the air transport is condensed in the Star Island. On the island of Starry, you can see the looming dragon, in the clouds, in and out. It seems quite extraordinary.

In the faint, this city can see the style of the holy city, not the lost moon in the moon palace.

On the gates of the city, there are three ancient and modern characters in the Tianlong City. There are armor guards on the walls, all wearing uniform costumes.

Xiao Chen fixed his eyes and looked at it. The costume was the costume of the late gantry, but it lacked the mark of the gantry. It was definitely from the hands of the stranger.

He stood in the air and looked at this magnificent city. It was really shocked. I don’t think that in just one year, the dust will help him build the city, and build a huge city on the ruins that were destroyed that day.

Dust, this strange woman who has a chess and calligraphy painting, a medical slogan, and a refining brewer, really helps him too much.

"If you stop, there is no Tsing Yi order issued by the city government. You must not fly directly into the city. If you don't, you can also see several people entering from the city gate. If you want to be strong, we will inspire the big city."

In the midst of the cloud, Xiao Chen, when he was preparing to fly down into the city, the scene that took place over the gate of the city made him frown slightly.

A group of black people wearing squats want to squat directly into the city wall and fly straight in.

Xiao Chen knows that the general holy city has such rules. If it is not a VIP, it cannot fly freely in the city. Like Mingyue City, and the dark city he has been to, this is not the case.

This group of people knows that Tianlong City has such rules, and they dare to sneak up, in all likelihood, it is to chaos.

Xiao Chen stared at it, and as he expected, the leader of the company was actually a half-step Wudi, and the followers were all different emperors.

Strong strength, this team, which forces sent out, Xiao Chen secretly thought about it.

"Jokes, the people of the Xihai Dragon Palace, come to your little Tianlong City, what rules do you have to keep? Quickly go away, don't block us into the city, otherwise don't blame us."

The old black man in the lead, with a sneer, took off his body and exposed the unique red robes of the Xihai Dragon Palace. The latter four, at the same time, took off their fights and showed their identity.

It turned out that Xiao Chen’s heart was so stunned that such a strong team could only be the overlord of the Western Seas, and the Xihai Dragon Palace could be sent out.

This scene on the wall suddenly caused a sensation, and some of the warriors who lined up in the city stopped to watch.

"Interesting, this is already the Xihai Dragon Palace, and the eighth time it has sent people to trouble."

"No way, who called this Tianxing Island to develop too fast, several large-scale auctions, completely cover the limelight of the Xihai Dragon Palace. Now mentioning the Tianxinghai mentioning the western waters, the first thought is the Star Island, the West Sea Dragon Palace Reputation is completely suppressed."

"Not only the auction, the secret treasures, wine, and treasures produced by Tianxing Island are all a must, so it is difficult for the city to think about prosperity."

"The rise of Tianxing Island is obvious to all. The Xihai Dragon Palace is really being rushed this time. The way of suppressing it is so direct."

"I don't know, this time the Star City will deal with it. It is said that it has been forbeared a few times ago."

Some arguments at the gate of the city gave Xiao Chen a general understanding of the ins and outs of things. It is not surprising that there are not many unexpected looks on his face, old-fashioned hegemons, and the suppression of emerging forces that can threaten him.

It’s just that you shouldn’t have to sneak up on his head.

"Where are the big guards, who are you scared? If you dare to activate the big battle, you will have to provoke the war. When I am in the West Sea, the Dragon King will wait for seven heroes, and you will be able to level your star island in minutes."

The old man in black was screaming coldly and let the armor of the defending city be unwilling, but he could do nothing.

"Get out of the way, a small Tianlongcheng dare to make such a big score. Is it really a holy city?"

The man in black directly took the palm of his hand and flew out the guards in front of him. The guards only had the strength of the emperor. The captain also has the strength of Wu Sheng, and does not activate the big battle of the moat. In this half-step Wu Di’s eyes, it is the same as the ants.

Suddenly shot, where can be blocked, directly hit a serious injury, fell off the city.

The people who saw the Xihai Dragon Palace actually started, and the outsiders watching in front of the city gate all changed. The guards of the defending city, the elders of the Xihai Dragon Palace, did a bit too much.

What is their identity, it is the elder of the Dragon Palace, with a high weight. The guards of the defending city are only the stars at the bottom of the island.

"Unbearable, this strength, but also dare to block our way." The old man in black sneered, with four people behind him, ready to fly straight into the city.

"court death!"

But when the four people were about to fly into the city, on the top of the sky, a sudden scream of anger, followed by the sound of four dragons.

I saw a white man, holding a reins, rushing four deep sea dragons, driving the chariot, with a sly momentum, swooping.

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