Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1411: Crisp and loud slap

In the moment when the old man in black clothes started, Xiao Chen’s face was sunk, and I didn’t expect this group of people to be so unscrupulous.

Regardless of identity, even the guards of the defending city, a few small figures at the level of the emperor, will be wounded.

It is unbearable!

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed in his eyes, driving in the dragon chariot, and swooping directly.

The powerful momentum makes Xiao Chen, who is driving the chariot, like the gods. The leading half-step Emperor Wu, under this momentum, was a bit worried, and there was a look of fear in his heart.

"Dragon chariot? He is Qinglong Wang Xiaochen. This chariot was taken from the young master of the East China Sea Dragon Palace."

When I saw the dragon chariot, everyone guessed the identity of Xiao Chen in the first time. This originally represented the symbol of the cold dragon of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It has now become a personal symbol of Xiao Chen, and it cannot be said that it is a great irony for Leng Shaofan.

For the sudden appearance of Xiao Chen, the five people of the Xihai Dragon Palace, all did not expect, a little dumbfounded feeling.

"Qinglong Wang!"

"Qinglong Wang Xiaochen is back!"

Many of the guards on the top of the city burst out with thunderous cheers. When the old city was destroyed that day, Xiao Chen rushed out of the picture of the Buddha’s palm in the most dangerous situation, but let these guards remember new.

The knife smashed the Buddha's palm in half, and the endless sunshine poured down on the white figure. The scene was printed in the minds of millions of people in the city, and will never be forgotten in this life.

There is some anger in Xiao Chen’s heart. He probably guessed this group of people, why is it so unscrupulous?

Among the fighting power of Tianxing Island, the most top-notch nature is the master of blue and white and blue sky, and the life of Shurao Lanchao, the peak of the Emperor Wudi.

Under the blue seal, you can only rely on the blue imperial white Qin elders and other quasi-emperors to support, facing the half-step Wudi, these people are not opponents.

However, if the blue dynasty seals the hand, to deal with this half-step Wudi, it will definitely give the opportunity to the West Sea Dragon King. When I came over and asked for sin, I sneaked a sigh and said that the blue dynasty did not understand the rules and shot the younger generations. Instead, they became the Star Island and they were unreasonable.

The great emperor also has the rules of the great emperor, and the role of the following emperors will indeed be given a handle in the circle.

But the blue can not seal, no one can stop this group of people, it is the other party to come over and mess up twice, constantly suppressing the new Tianlong City. Dust and other people can only endure, things are big, and the loss is still Star Island.

Let's not say that the West Sea Dragon King itself has the strength of the King's Emperor. In addition to the Dragon Waiting Seven, the present Tianxing Island is completely unable to compete with this tens of thousands of years.

After all, it is a little worse, and it cannot be done overnight.

What can be done again, the Tang Emperor Wudi shot a Wu Emperor, Xiao Chen could not stand.

"Xihai Dragon Palace, really is the old emperor of the sea, tell me, your name!"

Xiao Chen stood on the dragon car, holding the reins with one hand, and with one hand behind him, his eyes looked coldly at the old man in black.

In the inexplicable horror of the old man in black, in the air of Xiao Chen, there was a timidity.

What happened? His progress in this year, despite his horror, reached the great perfection. But when I was half-step Wudi, how could I still be in front of him, even his eyes could not look straight.

The old man in black has sweat coming out of his forehead. Why is this happening? He is puzzled.

Under the pressure of Xiao Chen's powerful gas field, some uncontrollable words have their own names: "The old surname Lu, the famous Yuanhe, the elders of the Xihai Longgong inner court."

When the words were exported, he regretted it. I was a half-step Emperor Wu, why should I listen to him as a great perfect emperor?

But he just wanted to say something. Xiao Chen’s words blocked him back: “Now I apologize, I gave Xihai Longwang a face, nothing happened.”

Lu Yuan and Wen Yan were furious: "Jokes, I want to go to the Emperor Wudi in a half-step, apologize to a Wuhuang, Qinglong Wang, are you kicked by your brain? Grab the dragon chariot of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and dare to use it so blatantly. You have lost your own horror, but you are so mad, the younger generation is only you."

Previously, Xiao Chen’s gas field was too strong. Lu Yuanhe was shocked for a while. At this moment, he took advantage of this anger in his heart and pulled the momentum back completely. He in turn asked Xiao Chen to come.

"The apology is your yellow-haired boy. You are begging me now. I can say a few words in front of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It is too ugly to let you die."

Xiao Chen was too lazy to pay attention to his nonsense, a faint saying: "I will say the last time, you apologize and do not apologize!"

Many of the warriors at the gate of the city did not understand, and Xiao Chen was a great emperor. How to face the half-step Wudi is so strong, has always asked the other party to apologize, where is the courage to come.

"Don't talk? Then I will give up, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, it's too embarrassing."

An understatement said that Xiao Chen’s figure flashed, stepping on the thunderbolt step and vacating.

"Hurricane, I don't do it for you, you dare to take the lead in me."

Lu Yuan and his mouth sneered a sneer, and it came just right. The opportunity to come to the door must not be missed. Frustrating Xiao Chen is stronger than playing in Tianlong City for a hundred times, enough to make the reputation of Tianlong City fall to the bottom.

But the voice fell, Lu Yuanhe could not laugh, because Xiao Chen, who was still in the field of vision before, suddenly disappeared.

what happened?

"Lu elder, behind, he is behind you."

Lu Yuanhe’s companion, hurriedly reminded, no one thought that Xiao Chen’s speed would be so fast.

"I want to attack me, you are looking for death!"

The body made a horrible momentum, Lu Yuan and the explosion screamed, turned and punched. The strength of this boxing power screamed in the space, and the earth at the gate of the city shook slightly.

Ke Luyuan and expected a punch, hit the air, he did not even see the shadow of Xiao Chen, was slap in the face, the body flew up.

When he stood still, he touched his face and looked forward, but he still didn't see Xiao Chen's figure.

Lu Yuan and his face changed wildly, and the thunder was generally overwhelmed by the thunder.


A more loud slap in the face, printed on Lu Yuanhe's face, his body was pulled back by this slap at a faster speed, still did not see Xiao Chen's figure.

There was a terrified look in his heart. Lu Yuan and his toes were a little volley, and he swung forward and turned forward.

In an instant, the wind was raging and screaming. Every turn, Lu Yuanhe brought a huge force of heaven and earth. He was a little disoriented when he slapped the two palms. He didn't want anything at all, just wanted to capture the figure of Xiao Chen.


He can rotate at high speed, and in the tenth of a second that pauses, a finger print appears on his face, and the whole person pulls in reverse. When I stopped, I still didn't see Xiao Chen's figure, and I didn't even see the shadow.

"Lu elders, behind, behind!"

Behind me? I don't believe it, even your figure can't see it!

Lu Yuan and his heart grievous, but he did not dare to turn and attack, but turned into a touch of glory, flying toward the front of lightning, and then turned again.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In the high altitude, there is a slap in the face. As long as Lu Yuan and turn around, he will be stunned by a loud slap. No matter how you do it, how to speed up, as long as he turns around, greet him is a slap in the face.

However, Xiao Chen was behind him, and everything was seen. He couldn’t see it alone. Just turning around was a slap in the face and pumping it back.

The funny appearance made the whole city gate guard and other foreign warriors laugh and laughed loudly.

Even with the Lu Yuanhe, the four people who came together felt that their faces were burning. This time, the face was really lost. Being stunned by the fan, like a silly light, looking for people who fanned him everywhere.

"This guy, there is also today!"

"Qinglong Wang is the Qinglong King. Every time the old guy comes, it is all arrogant and arrogant. No one can cure him. I have already had a sigh of relief in my heart."

"If Miss Moss says that she is not ready to use the big city, he really thinks that he can turn up any waves in Tianlong City."

Watching the scene in the city, all of them feel that the atmosphere is incomparable.

Upon receiving the news, the rushing rush of a group of people, originally worried about Xiao Chen, saw this scene, the corner of the mouth could not help but a smile.

"Ha ha ha, Qinglong Wang, I saw you, I saw you!"

I don’t know in the air, Lu Yuanhe, who was pumped a few thousand slaps, and once again turned around, finally saw Xiao Chen’s figure. Some crazy laughs, and there is still a hint of joy in the words.

It is like a child who is eager to find something. After finding it, he has a sincere satisfaction.

The spectators who can see clearly, but know that Xiao Chen did not move at all this time, deliberately let him see.

I don’t feel a trace of sadness in my heart. After I finished, Lu Yuan and I were really stupid, my face was swollen into a pig's head, and I was so happy.

"So happy to do something, I am just tired of backing you."

Xiao Chen’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the handsome and handsome face is quite beautiful. In the eyes of outsiders, this smile is terrible, like a devil.

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