Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1412: Amazing countermeasure

The loud slap sound came out again. Lu Yuan and the slap in the palm of his hand flew to the ground. The speed of Xiao Chen’s shot was not clear to the other party.

In front of Xiao Chen, this Lu Yuan is like a clown, only a part of being played.

After landing, Lu Yuan and his mind were still a little unconscious, and said with a strong heart, I saw you, I saw you.

The other four emperors of the Xihai Dragon Palace accompanied by the fire, the face burned hot, and their own half-step Wudi was completely stunned.

Throughout the Tianxing Sea, it is estimated that Lu Yuanhe was the first person to be stupid with a slap in the face. Unfortunately, this first is not the first glorious first.

"Come and take the elder Lu."

"This time it’s a shame, it’s a big loss. I don’t know how many deputy palace owners will handle us.”

A few prospective emperors, I can't wait to find a place to sew down, where to dare to stay, the wind is carrying Lu Yuan and quickly overlooking.

In the middle of the air, Xiao Chen held his hand and looked at it, watching the gang go far, without blocking.

Although he is proud and hateful, he is not a fool. The current Tianxing Island is not the opponent of the Xihai Dragon Palace. There is no need to do it too much.

Today, this Lu Yuanhe, playing tricks, has already saved the lost reputation of the Star Island, and also helped those who have been harmed by Lu Yuan and the injured, this is enough.

"Qinglong Wang!"

Looking at the people who died in the West Sea Dragon Palace, the guards of the entire city, all cheered. The king of Xiao Chen’s domineering, invisible, a little precipitation.

Looking back, I saw the dust and blue and white, and a few people looked at each other and laughed. Everything was in the air.

The dragon chariot with Xiao Chen whistling away, strange dust and blue and white, waved to let others back, and jumped to the chariot.

"Xiao Chen, brother, have you succeeded?" asked the stranger eagerly.

In the eyes of Lan Shaobai, the look of expectation also emerged. Xiao Chen left the Star Island and looked for a way to quickly become a great perfection. This is something that both people know.

Looking at it now, Xiao Chen can even play the half-step Wudi, and it is sure to find a way.

Xiao Chen nodded, briefly explained his own experience, and then said: "This time I not only promoted the great perfection of the emperor, but also condensed the heart of the emperor, you can cultivate the power of Hongmeng."

After the two got the exact answer, they showed a heartfelt smile on their faces, filled with deep joy.

Lan Shaobai laughed and said: "It seems that tonight, there will be a grand banquet in the city government. We are not drunk."

Xiao Chen took a sentence, and then asked about the ins and outs of the city gate, what is going on.

Blue Shaobai hesitated, and said: "Dust, you, this is the decision you made."

Xiao Chen’s doubts look at the past, is there another hidden feeling?

No stranger nodded: "The general outline of this Dragon City, I used the manpower of the entire Star Island, using some of the secrets of Tiangong Baojian, which was completed half a year ago."

"At the same time, the wineries on the island, as well as the refinery villas on the Black Island, are also running at the same time. You know, we have the treasure house of Longmen, the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, all kinds of top ore, all rare materials. lack."

“The city has just been established and will soon be operational, but in January it has become the commercial center of the western seas. I have colluded with Dabao, and in the gantry treasure house, I took out a few treasures and held auctions regularly. ”

"The flow of people in Tianlong City has suddenly prospered, completely surpassing the Hailong City of the Xihai Dragon Palace. The major chambers of the Star Sea are also competing to enter Tianlong City, bringing huge tax revenue."

Xiao Chen listened to the slight tongue, Tianlong City is like a giant, when it works, the rise is almost unbelievable.

The dust continued: "Under the huge interests, the Xihai Dragon Palace is red-eyed. Three months ago, their young masters came over and wanted to cooperate with us."

Xiao Chen brows one pick: "Cooperation, how is a cooperation law?"

The dust shook his head and said: "It is cooperation. It is essentially a robbery. They say that the Xihai Dragon Palace provides security for Tianlong City, and then we must extract 50% of our profits every year."

Xiao Chen smiled: "This is really good, when do we want them to protect."

The latter thing, naturally, needless to say, you can guess. With such cooperation, it is impossible for the stranger to agree, and then there will be things that the other party will send people to mess around.

When the dust was not judged, the choice was made before the return of Xiao Chen, and then there was a scene that Xiao Chen saw at the gate of the city.

Lan Shaobai took the following sentence: "What is even more abhorrent is that the young master of the Xihai Dragon Palace uttered madness. At that time, he still had to sneak a veil of dust. If it was not for the master to come out and scare him away, the consequences would be unpredictable."

Is there still this? Xiao Chen’s heart was so angry that he looked at the stranger, and the stranger smiled quietly: “Nothing, he can’t get close to me. My cultivation has not fallen this year.”

Xiao Chen looked at it carefully, only to find that it was not only a stranger, but even blue and white, and it was a great progress in the past year. Both of them entered Dacheng Zhundi.

There is a Tiangong Baojian in the dust, and this ancient Zongmen’s treasure of Zhenzong is in perfect harmony with her. It is not surprising that it is strange. The strange thing is blue and white.

Although Lan Shaobai has great talents and resources support from the Longmen Treasury, Tianxing Island is not an excellent trial site for the Star Wars. How can he have such progress.

The dust came out of Xiao Chen’s doubts and said: “I know what you are wondering, the answer is on the piece of Longmen Mountain that you brought from Mingyue City.”

Lan Shaobai said: "Now I know that the Longmen Mountain Stone built by Tianshi Stone in the town not only has the function of condensing the air traffic of Zongmen, but also is a perfect place for trials. There are many souls of the Dragon Gate, small fish, Yue Chen, they are now practicing inside."

Xiao Chen’s heart moved. When he first saw the Longmen Mountain card, he did see the existence of the illusion. Unexpectedly, the illusion still has another mystery, and it can also be used for cultivation.

During the year he left, the changes in the Star Island, some of which made him unexpected, unexpected surprises.

Can not blindly precipitate in the joy, the hard bones of the Xihai Dragon Palace, always have to find a solution.

"About the Xihai Dragon Palace, what do you think of the two." Xiao Chen asked.

When I mentioned the Xihai Dragon Palace, the smiles on the dust and blue and white faces gradually disappeared, and the eyebrows flashed through each other.

The Xihai Dragon Palace has a profound foundation. The Xihai Dragon King has the strength of the King's Emperor. The two deputy palace owners have the strength of the Emperor Wu. It can also be called at any time to bring together the temperament dragons. In short, this is a huge force.

He has dominated the Western seas for tens of thousands of years, but he is not angry, but he can wipe out the island of stars.

The dusty road said: "There is still the existence of the Wushen Palace behind the Tianxing Island. The Xihai Dragon King does not dare to use force. He is afraid that he has been playing tricks and constantly sending people to harass us. After all, the blue predecessors can't just take it."

Lan Shaobai said: "We don't have to worry about this now. If there is Xiao Chen, they will dare to send people to harass, but they will only take their own humiliation."

Xiao Chen listened to the words of the two, both of whom are clever and superb, but at the moment they can't think of any good way.

There is no reason for it, nothing more than the word of the bottom, the essence of the island, compared to the old hegemony of the Xihai Dragon Palace, the foundation is still much different.

"Xiao big brother, you have a countermeasure in your heart?" The dusty thoughts, seeing the look of Xiao Chen's face, saw some doubts.

Blue Shaobai curiously looked at the past, Xiao Chen just came back to have a countermeasure, this is a little too incredible.

Xiao Chen nodded: "There is definitely a countermeasure. When I came back, I actually thought about it. It just happened to be solved. The hard bones of the Xihai Dragon Palace let the West Sea Dragon King know that the Star Island is not only on the surface. It's as simple as that."

"What countermeasures?"

Xiao Chen’s tone is calm, and he slowly spits out eight words: “Show the world, rebuild the Dragon Gate!”

Dust and blue and white heard the words, sucking a cold air, and did not expect Xiao Chen's countermeasures, so amazing.

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