Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1413: Strolling in Tianlong City

Although I know that the purpose of Xiao Chen’s future is to rebuild the Dragon Gate based on the Star Island. It is unexpected that the dust and blue and white are not expected. It will be a little unexpected.

"Yes, it's too early." Blue is less white.

There is no talk in the dust, but obviously there are the same questions. The accumulation of the strength of the island is not enough.

On the day of leaving, blue and white and strangers, the two are considered to be the real masters of the Star Island, and the idea of ​​Xiao Chen’s heart does not have to hide the two.

In the mind to organize a language, Xiao Chen said: "In fact, compared with those holy places, no matter how the development of the island, how can not reach their roots within a hundred years. Early announcement is not as good as the other side, announced later Still not as good as the other, it is the same."

"In this case, why not announce earlier that the signboard of the gantry will definitely accelerate the development of the island."

The two of them heard a word, and they didn’t even think about it. They thought about it as if it were exactly what Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Chen continued: "I was originally a descendant of the Qing Emperor. It was the Qinglong King who was hand-picked by Lei Wang. He was the Qinglong Wuhun. I was erecting the brand of Longmen. The name was right. The line was right, the station was straight, the light was upright. There is no need to worry too much."

Lan Shaobai looked at Xiao Chen’s firm and persistent eyes and smiled. “I don’t care. After you promised me to accompany me, I have already made my own choice. No matter what decision you make, I will Support you."

"Qinglong strategy is your legend, I will continue to write, and I look forward to your promise of the martial arts conference."

Under the veil, the dust smiled: "The things you decided, I will never object."

When I heard the words of two people, Xiao Chen’s heart was warm and solemnly thanked.

Lan Shaobai smiled and said: "It seems easy to erect a brand, but there are too many things to consider. We will slow down this thing first. Today you just returned to Tianlong City, let the dust take you around the city. Let me go."

Blue Shaobai turned over and got off, thinking about coming to think carefully, how Xiao Chen’s decision is going to be done.

I want to see blue and white at the beginning of the year. The arrogance of the other party is still fresh in my memory. I am curious now. When the blue-and-white world of the sea was hit, what kind of blow was it, he lost the idea of ​​writing Qinglong policy alone.

"The chariot is put away, I will take you around this Dragon City."

If you are in the dust, pull back from Xiao Chen, smile a little, and collect the dragon chariot with the strangeness and stroll in Tianlong City.

In the streets and alleys, people come and go, and the popularity of the entire Tianlong City is dozens of times larger than before it was destroyed. This kind of change can only be felt when you walk in it.

From time to time, there will be patrolling guards on the street. After seeing the two, they will say hello respectfully.

With Xiao Chen strolling through the bustling business district, Xiao Chen led Xiao Chen and went to the unique Tianlong Wudouchang. Every detail in the battlefield is modeled after the ancient city of Longmen, and many things have now lost their inheritance.

It can be reproduced in Tianlong City, and it is very attractive for some warriors.

For example, depicting the walls of the sages of the gantry, as long as you pass through some levels, you can touch them and feel the martial arts that the sages stay in the walls.

In this way, there are countless, Xiao Chen walked among them, and found that some of the strong stars in the Stars have chosen to station here. There are even half-step Wudi, in which martial arts halls are set up and their own battlefields are established.

Du Mo explained: "The construction of a city is obviously not fully grasped in all aspects. After the general outline is built, I will contact the major chambers of the Stars and let them participate. Now Tianlong City can be so prosperous and very big. Part of the reason is here."

The explanation of the stranger made Xiao Chen open his eyes. Her eyes and eyes, in this respect, completely closed the border of Xiao Chenxi.

In exchange for the construction of Tianlong City, he will not think so far.

In the square of the city, looking at the flowers and flowers, the Tianlong City is full of water, and Xiao Chen’s heart is filled with infinite emotion. When the Yunhai area first saw the dust, it was estimated that he could not think of it. Such a woman would personally help him build a city that set off the revival of the Dragon Gate.

To revive Longmen, for Xiao Chen, it is actually at all. He is better at repairing on the martial arts. If it is not blue and white, it is not a stranger. He does not know how to start the revival of Longmen.

Regarding the future of Longmen, Xiao Chen did not have much thoughts and ambitions. Rebuilding the Longmen was a sense of responsibility of the descendants of the Qing Dynasty.

I really want him, and then to the same time as the young emperor, with the gantry commanding the entire Kunlun world, there is little interest. His pursuit is to go to the top of the martial arts.

The tragedy of the gantry annihilation in the past also told him that some things can't be done too much. The Qing emperor seems to sweep the eight wild, invincible, but a fact that cannot be ignored, but also explain.

The Longmen was destroyed in the hands of the Qing Emperor.

What he hopes more is that a healthy gantry can continue the inheritance of the ancestral lords of the gantry. Even if one day he died, the spirit of the Dragon Gate will continue to continue and will not die.

But this seemingly simple craving is still full of variables. Those forces who are worried about the gantry are reluctant to see the Longmen word reappear in the world.

This time, I told the world that Xiao Chen is going to show his attitude.

He is a descendant of the Qing Emperor. He has a **** family and rebuilds the Dragon Gate. How to make it like a thief, hiding and hiding, is not a matter of doing anything.

Xiao Chen looked around in a circle, and Xiao Chen, who was in a daze in the square, understood his heart.

There are too many forces in the Kunlun world to feel jealous. Even if Xiao Chen’s wish is simple, in those eyes, it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Chen to complete.

To make the announcement of the world, the decision to rebuild the Dragon Gate, the most stressful is definitely Xiao Chen. When the news is announced, it will certainly alarm the fluctuations of the entire Kunlun. On that day, the small island of Star Island does not know whether it can carry these pressures.

All of this, Xiao Chen obviously considered it, but he decided to make this decision.

"Xiao Chen big brother, thinking about what." Mo Xiao laughed, interrupted Xiao Chen's thoughts.

Xiao Chen came back and smiled. Without a positive answer, the palms spread out and there was a flower, but it was the dragon blood flower he found from the dragon grave.

"Nothing to thank you, this is the dragon blood flower I found from an eight-star dragon grave. You take it."

Under the veil, a strange smile appeared on the dusty face, and the hands were held together, and I accepted it with pleasure.

The flowers fell from the hands of Xiao Chen, and they fell, and they fell in the hands of strangers.

"Hey, dragon blood flowers are extremely rare. These flowers will get a sensation when they get to the next-day Tianlong auction."

Xiao Chen’s action stops: “It’s best not to, you keep it for yourself. I have other treasures in my hand. I can put it at the auction. These are what I gave to you.”

Nostalgic nodded, the dragon blood flower is collected: "What do you say, just how, go, I will take you to the Longmen Shan card, which has now become the forbidden place of the Star Island."

For the Longmen Shan brand, Xiao Chen’s heart is also curious, I really want to see. In the middle of the mountain card, what is the situation in the end, so that the dust and blue and white progress is so great.

Through conversations with strangers, it was learned that this mountain card was an unintentional touch by Lan Shaobai, and it was discovered that it was mysterious.

After entering, Tata was in an ancient battlefield. After he was killed by Jian'an from the battlefield, he came to the real world and was surprised to discover the martial arts practiced in the illusion. After returning to reality, it was universal.

At this time, he is only a moment in the real world.

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