Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1414: People coming to the Imperial Palace

Hearing the explanation of the stranger, Xiao Chen’s interest was not even stronger, and what he had learned in the illusion was actually used. And no matter how long it has been in the illusion, in reality, it is just a blink of an eye.

For the valuable warrior of time, it is simply a super killer.

After a while, the two went out to Tianlong City and came to the foot of the highest mountain on Tianxing Island.

This peak, towering into the clouds, aura, green and green, the mountain has long been selected by Xiao Chen as the hill of the Dragon Gate. There are many talented children in the mountains, and they are taught by Xiaoyu, Jinlin, Liu Ke, etc., and will be the future of Longmen in the future.

It is the Longmen Shantou itself. With the presence of the mountain card, this place is more important. The masters of Lan Shaobai and Lantian Qi personally sit here.

In order to prevent the news from being leaked out, the Longmen Shan brand is not used by others except for some absolute letters.

In the middle of the mountain, in a hidden and quiet place, Xiao Chen saw this Longmen Mountain card.

The place where the mountain sign is erected is Xiao Chen’s own choice. The mountain sign is made by the town Tianshi, placed in a suitable place, with the role of guarding the air and condensing the Quartet.

On the mountain card, the word Longmen is written by Qingdi. Two ancient characters, one stroke at a time, like a peerless knife, waving a knife, sturdy and clean, free and easy.

In the vicinity of the Longmen Shan sign, Xiao Chen saw the two men kneeling and closing their eyes, and their faces were constantly changing, seemingly caught in a certain fantasy.

"Male sheep feathers, Xuanyuan war days!"

Xiao Chen brows a pick, how the two old people in the Cangjie world came here.

The stranger explained: "Tianlong City has recently become famous, and it is your territory. There are many of your warriors posing as your old people. But most of them are liar, they are seen by the morning, they are two I have confirmed my identity in the morning, you should know."

Xiao Chen nodded and said that he had a smile on his face. Come here, people are always nostalgic, and the addition of Longmen new building really needs these leaders to join.

Today, the name of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, in this vast and innocent sea world, has long been unknown.

As for his deeds, the gods that are passed on are like living legends. It is not surprising that someone pretending to be his old man to come to Star Island.

"Blue predecessors, why didn't you see it." Xiao Chen looked around and said strangely, isn't it that the blue predecessors personally guarded it?

"Oh, even you can find out, then my life is Shura, it is really white."

Silent and silent, the blue dynasty seal appeared next to Xiao Chen, as if it existed for a long time.

Flashing invisible, no shadows!

I was shocked by Xiao Chen. It’s no wonder that even the king’s emperor would feel jealous. If the other side wants to kill him, I’m afraid I really don’t know how to die.

Lan Chaofeng smiled and looked at Xiao Chen, that pair of eyes, so that Xiao Chen felt that he could not hide any secrets.

"Yes, it seems that the rumors are not fake. The little friend has a good harvest this year."

Xiao Chen said: "The predecessors know?"

Lan Chao nodded: "In the circle of Emperor Wu, the news spreads very quickly. You are one of the hot topics in our circle. Even if I don't leave home, I can know that you are in the Dragon Tomb, the Dark Sea. Some people have the deeds of the magic sea."

Xiao Chen is not surprised that Wu Di is the top group of people in Kunlun. It is difficult for ordinary people to hear about them in their lifetime. It does not mean that they do not exist, their eyes are always paying attention to the entire Kunlun.

There is nothing big, they don't know.

The two played a dumb-and-mythical conversation. Some of them were speechless, but she could hear the good news about Xiao Chen. It doesn't matter.

"You are here to inquire about this Longmen Mountain card. This mountain card is indeed mysterious. People in this realm will be indulged in the illusion of it." Lan Chaofeng mentioned this Longmen Mountain card and was also amazed. Can't explain it.

Xiao Chen’s heart is happy: “This Longmen Mountain brand can also be used by seniors?”

"Used, but the effect is not great. After all, after the emperor, the cultivation of the power of the law has not been of much use. I have tried it, and there is no way to cultivate the power of Hongmeng, more is the power of cultivation, and exercise. Your own fighting skills." Blue Chaofeng explained.

This is not bad. If you have time in the future, you can have a good experience.

After chatting with the blue dynasty for a long time, Gong Yang and Xuanyuan waking up in battle, and the two saw Xiao Chen, naturally it was a surprise.

For his own people, Xiao Chen has always been easygoing, never letting the shelf, let the Gong Yang Yu and Xuanyuan war days feel that there is no wrong place.

After the farewell, the dust led Xiao Chen to continue to the hill and saw the little fish that was teaching a group of young martial arts.

I can't see it. This little fish turned out to be a spoiled young lady. Now she teaches a group of children to come, but it is a one-on-one look. It has a model and a temperament.

After preparing to quietly observe this, I visited Xiao Chen, the next old friend, and was discovered by the little fish at the tip of my eye. The other party immediately caught him out excitedly, let him teach the group on the spot, and even asked him to accept the apprentice.

Xiao Chen now has the heart of collecting people, can face the soft and hard foam of small fish, and some do not know how to parry.

In the end, I saw the long-lost smile of the stranger, and helped him solve this problem. But he still promised the little fish. After he became an emperor, he must come to collect an apprentice.

After that, the two went to visit again. Yue Chenxi, Jin Scale, Liu Ke, and Xiaoxian followed the first batch of Xiao Chen and volunteered to come to Tianxing Island.

Seeing the cultivation of these people, each one has made remarkable progress, and Xiao Chen is relieved that he has not lived up to them.

When these people promised to come over, Xiao Chen was most worried that they would delay their cultivation in Tian Tianzong. Nowadays, the fear is a bit redundant. If they continue to be in Tianzhu, they certainly have no progress.

The sky has already been unknowingly darkened. It is not enough for Xiao Chen to be very excited. He has been nervous for a year outside. Like he is home, he always feels inadequate.

Unfamiliar with the dust, led Xiao Chen to continue to stroll and took him to the refining cabinet on the Black Island. The scene of the tens of thousands of refiners and the refining of the treasures is quite shocking.

Looking at Xiao Chen, he couldn’t help himself, and he followed an addiction.

At the dawn of the day, the dust will bring Xiao Chen to his own winery, rest well, and taste the wines that she personally brewed.

When I came to the winery, Xiao Chen remembered that he had promised to overthrow the Yanshi Wang, and then he took the opportunity to raise the matter with the stranger.

The dust and soft laughed: "This is a very small thing, and Xiao Chen’s brother will give a good command."

At this time, the sky is white, and the dawn of dawn will soon sweep the darkness of the whole world with endless light.

The two men chatted and talked about it, and they didn’t want to go there for a while.

The sun rises as scheduled, and the sunrise in the sea is not too tired. This represents the rising sun of the new life, every time in it, feeling the hope of ambiguity, people are full of fighting spirit.

Elegant drink the best wine in the cup, stranger: "Xiao Chen Big Brother, there are actually many places in Tianlong City, you have not been to. Today, I will take you to the Chamber of Commerce, the heads of those chambers of commerce, I really want to see you."

"Okay." Xiao Chen readily agreed that those big chambers of commerce are the gods of the gods of Tianlong City, and they have a good relationship with these people.

"Miss dusty, there is news from the transmission line, saying that there will be a VIP coming soon, so that you are ready to deal with it."

At this time, in the pavilion, a guard came to bring a letter to the guard.

The dust took a letter and glanced at it. His face changed slightly and he handed it to Xiao Chen: "The trouble is coming. Today I am afraid I can't go shopping anymore."

“What are the three holy places to send people to do?”

After reading the letter, Xiao Chen’s brow wrinkled strangely, and the letter above actually wrote the Wushen Palace. But now the Wushen Palace, regardless of the king, is the three holy land in operation.

In Xiao Chen’s view, there is no difference between the people of the Wushen Palace and the people of the Three Holy Land.

A stranger said: "There is a bad feeling."

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