Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1415: The king's glory is angry

Xiao Chen collected the letter, and for a moment, thought about the countermeasures. Dust waves, let the people retreat, do not disturb Xiao Chen thinking.

In nominal terms, the island of Starry is still under the jurisdiction of the Wushen Palace, and is different from those who joined the Ashen. Tianxing Island is a direct seal of the Wushen Palace. Similar to the Fenghuang, there are many in the Wushen Palace.

Although these princes have great autonomy, the proceeds of the land closure must be paid to the Wushen Palace in proportion.

It’s just that Xiao Chen’s land is a bit special. Before the people of the Three Holy Lands left, all the buildings on the island were destroyed directly, and even the transmission line was destroyed.

Not to mention sending people to help Xiao Chen, to provide protection for Xiao Chen, everything is developed by Xiao Chen and the friends themselves.

At the beginning, the Wushen Palace did not have the proportion of the proceeds from the closure of the land, because it did not believe that Xiao Chen could develop and did not see this benefit.

Now, if you send someone, what can be, except for the blush, Xiao Chen can't think of other reasons.

For the people of the Three Holy Lands, Xiao Chen is not waiting to see him at all. When he was in the palace, he secretly gave him a blind man. When I arrived at the Devil's Paradise, I sent people directly. It was already on the face and he turned his face.

The dust knows that Xiao Chen does not like this group of people, whispered: "If you want to turn off the transmission array to the battle of the Wushen Palace, regardless of this group of people."

All the transmission arrays in the Valkyrie system are connected, but the transmission array is like the previous airport, and you can freely choose which lines to close. Once closed, the people on the other side of the Imperial Palace will not be able to transmit it.

Xiao Chen said: "No, the other party sent this time is unusual. Even if the transmission array is turned off, it may not be able to stop them for a long time. Instead, they give them an excuse to blame, you inform, Tianxing Island All the top leaders are in the ranks, giving them the most solemn courtesy. Let me see if these three holy places can play tricks."

A move in the dust, the turn off the transmission array can not stop, is the person sent by the other party have the Wudi leader?

Wudi can tear the space, the speed is very fast, from the Kunlun mainland, to the Star Sea, but only half a day, you can cross this endless distance.

After half an hour, Tianxing Island sent money, Xiao Chen and Lan Shaobai were standing together, followed by Yue Chenxi and others standing together.

The core figures of the entire Star Island were all present and quietly waiting for the upcoming Museo Palace.

I don't know if the coming of the Wushen Palace will come when.

Lan Shaobai talked to Xiao Chen about the main points of the reconstruction of the gantry: "Last night, I checked a lot of ancient books. There are many ceremonial reconstructions in history. The ceremonies and rituals to be paid attention to, I roughly sorted out one. Fan, after waiting for this, you can look at it."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "It will be fine for you to do this. If you make a good plan, you can arrange it yourself. I believe in you."

Xiao Chen’s trust made Lan Shaobai breathe a sigh of relief, and this thing was afraid that the layman would intervene in chaos. Xiao Chen was so relieved that it would not be difficult to arrange it.

"The ancient ceremony of the re-enactment of the ceremony, the field is large, some unnecessary I think can be saved. Only one, to pay homage to the ancestors, this can not be sloppy." Blue Shaobai continued.

Xiao Chen nodded, just what he wanted, and everything was virtual, and what was important was his responsibility to the ancestors of Longmen.

As I spoke, the transmission array flashed, and a burst of colored brilliance, the two stopped talking, and everyone had a dignified face.

Everyone knows that this person is not good and can't cope.

The light stopped flashing, and in the center of the big array, a red-hot cicada appeared. The green dragonfly has the blood of the beast and the Suzaku. It belongs to ancient animals and represents a noble identity. It has a strong ability to control fire.

This one is a young man, the arrogance of his body is not small, Xiao Chen estimated that his four deep sea dragons add up, not the opponent of this green.

On the back of the green ostrich, there are five people, all wearing the pale gold costumes unique to the Wushen Palace. One of the five people is the most special. The others are standing, but he is sitting on the back of the phoenix bird and closing his eyes.

This person's appearance does not look old, the neckline is embroidered with the pattern of the **** bird Suzaku, and I want to be the high-level elder of the Holy Land Phoenix Palace.

The stranger got this person, and his heart was shocked. It was really right for Xiao Chen. There was indeed Wudi sitting in the town.

There are some doubts in my heart. I don’t know how Xiao Chen is a prophet. This can be guessed by him.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess. In the magical paradise, Xiao Chen has slaughtered many half-step Wudi. The people of the Three Holy Lands have already understood that if they do not come to Wudi, they will not be able to live in Xiaochen.

The flames lingering in the green, the wings spread, the blood of the beasts flowing on the body, all exudes, and oppressed toward Xiao Chen.

Hey, under the pressure of this arrogance, on the side of Xiao Chen, some people suddenly stood unsteady and felt struggling.

After all, the blood in the body of the scorpion has a **** vein of the bird of the Suzaku. After the blood of the sacred beast is activated, it is difficult for ordinary people to be completely suppressed.

The person headed on the back of the bird, with a sneer on his face, seems to be deliberately doing this, giving Xiao Chen a slap in the face.


Just when Xiao Chen was preparing a man, when he took down this power, the little yellow hair in the fairy ring suddenly burst out. However, the small yellow hair of the size of the palm, when it came out, the gods from the green, it was easily offset.

After seeing the little yellow hair, the flames lingered and the body was huge, and the body shook slightly.

On the back of the bird, the martial arts ambassador, the body swayed, and the head of the person desperately controlled the green scorpion, but it did not matter at all.

The little yellow hair suddenly became bigger. The eyes rushed to the green scorpion fiercely, the green scorpion was completely frightened, the wind swept away, brushed, and the green stunned back, squatting to the ground, shivering.

Sudden changes, but in the twinkling of an eye, the four or five people on the back of the green scorpion were caught off guard and directly smashed down.

Except for the middle-aged man with the Suzaku embroidered on the neckline, the other four people were all thrown to the ground by this change, and they got a dust and quickly stood up.

The little yellow hair was in the air, and one of the wings patted the belly, and smiled slyly. It was very cute.

A group of people on Tianxing Island couldn’t help but laughed.

Even Xiao Chen, his face could not help but reveal a smile.

"Is it funny? Xiao Chen, this is what you treat, the attitude of the Wushen Palace? It is said that you are arrogant and arrogant, and I am a person today."

The headed person suppressed the anger and came over and gave Xiao Chen a hat.

The middle-aged Emperor Wu sitting cross-legged, like slow motion, opened his eyes in the air, slowly landed, an invisible emperor, with this headed person, quietly swept over.

The battle was unfolding in the invisible, and the beast of the beast was golden, helping Xiao Chen to win a game. The other Wudi immediately shot and released his own.

Sure enough, the people who come are not good, the good people do not come.

"Hurry and tight, can you know my identity? I am Wang Feng, one of the ten elders of the Wushen Palace Inspectorate. The one who is the elder of the law enforcement hall, Xing, is a rebellious murderer of the Wushen Palace. He has the power to play first."

The elder of the inspection institute named Wang Feng, with a sullen face, step by step: "Whoever gives you such courage, dare to be rude to us, replace it below, do you want to rebel?"

The powerful gas field, in conjunction with the Ding of the Xing elders, made a group of people slightly breathless.

"Isn't it a carelessness, fell off the back of the bird, put on a stinking shelf, and gave us such a big hat."

Jin scales and temper is hot, I really can't understand the arrogance of the other side, can't help but say angry.

Wang Feng sneered: "Where the waste comes, I don't understand the rules. Is there any part of your speech?"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, reached out and stopped the golden scales, and looked at this Wang Feng: "You tell me the rules, well, then I will tell you the rules. Xiao Chen disciplines no way, so that the beasts are not afraid to scare you." The young people, apologize to you, no."

Seeing that Xiao Chen is so sensible, he is not provoked and makes reckless behavior.

Wang Feng had some accidents. At the same time, his heart was unwilling. The other party did not make mistakes, but he couldn’t catch the little scorpion. He said coldly: "This animal is very scary. You said that it would be fine to apologize? Give me a break. Wings, severe punishment!"

Unreasonable trouble, everyone on Tianxing Island is angry, this is completely unreasonable, and the beast cuts off one wing and completely abolishes it.

Xiao Chen did not move, following the other side's words: "You are right, there is nothing wrong. But the spirit beast is naughty, but the temper makes it, the fault is still my master, the discipline is not strict. The punishment should also be my own, This knife, I will pick it up for him."

Without giving Wang Feng a chance to respond, Xiao Chen had a short knife in his hand and slammed his chest and splattered his blood.

Wang Feng stood close, was spattered by blood, and hurriedly back three steps, a little scared.


Xiao Chen, who did not change his face, all these words came out in the hearts of the Wushen Palace. All of them were shocked, and even the eyes of the Emperor Wudi showed a hint of color.

"Inspect the elders, how do you feel this punishment?" Xiao Chen asked a short knife with blood and asked in a cold voice.

Wang Feng’s blood on his face was not dry. He looked at Xiao Chen’s eyes and was full of horror. In the face of Xiao Chen’s words, the voice trembled: “Yes, yes, this is all over, let’s talk about business.”

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, the murderous flash of light, coldly asked: "Who told you that this is over?"

"Where isn't finished." Some of the eyes that Xiao Chen stared at were illusory. Wang Feng didn't know why, and felt nervous.

Xiao Chen continued: "What did you just call me?"

"Xiao Chen, I am not calling you Xiao Chen, what is it."

Xiao Chen sneered aloud: "Call me Xiao Chen? I have a million battles, Feng Qing Long Wang, Lei Wang Qin points. Up and down the Wushen Palace, not the emperor, can not call my real name."

"Whoever gives you such courage, and calls my real name, you want to question the prestige of Lei Wang, do not agree with the identity of my Qinglong Wang, or I am unpredictable, plotting misconduct, say!"

Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the murderousness between the words became more and more intense. The last burst of blast was directly caused Wang Feng to tremble.

The heart thumped and hopped, and Wang Feng’s back was cold and sweaty, his face was pale, and he couldn’t say a word.

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