Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1429: Attention to all parties in the war

"From the momentum?" Xiao Chen asked.

The blue wave nodded and said: "Yes, your mastery of the Thunder knife field is still at the level of the potential. You have to enter the micro. What is micro-intelligence? Simply put, you can't see your knife. But you can really feel it, your knife field."

"For example, my water knife field, my heart is moving, the rain is silent, I can't see the knife light, but the knife is everywhere."

Xiao Chen passed it a little, and Ming Wu came over: "That is to say, my Thunder knife field, you must hide the knife light in the Thunder."

"Yes, this is the direction, but it is not as simple as you said. What you have to do is to integrate your entire potential into the space. It is not simply to hide the knife light in the Thunder. In this whole space, the mind is moving, the Thunder is electro-optic, and the trend is out of the sky. Everywhere, it can be used for you."

Thunder and electric light, out of the trend, all over the world, everywhere!

Xiao Chen feels like a slap in the face, the whole person is suddenly open, and the blue dynasty seal opens a door he has never seen before.

"Let you feel the difference."

Lan Chaofeng reached out and pointed his finger at Xiao Chen’s eyebrows.

During the time, a picture flickered, forming a coherent image that appeared in Xiao Chen’s mind.

In the picture, the blue dynasty hovered in the air, long hair dance, the wind whistling, his side floating a handle with a cold handle.

There was a boundless trend on the body, and the whole person was almost integrated with the knife field of the whole body. As far as the eyes were concerned, Xiao Chen’s heart was shaking, and the situation was too strong.

So strong!

This knife field will promote the blue dynasty to the extreme, and Xiao Chen asks himself, and will be willing to go down on the spot.

I always feel that something is wrong. This is strong, but it is far from the previous drizzle. The blue seal is bathed in the rain, and the picture that comes step by step is shocking.

"Understood, the seniors intuitively told me that before the micro, and the gap between the micro and the micro, it is still necessary to compare to see the difference."

The picture continues to change, and the blue seal begins to fight. Xiao Chen looks carefully and every detail is not willing to miss.

In the battle before the game, each game is won by the blue seal, and the other's head is cut off, but there are always big and small scars on the body.

The knife field looks powerful and terrible, but the opponent always has a chance to break, and then hurt the blue predecessor.

After the battle, the battle in each game is also the blue seal. The blue predecessor, who has never suffered a single injury, is utterly omnipresent.

"I don't understand it."

Xiao Chen nodded: "I don't fully understand it. I can know what the predecessors want to express. It is empty and powerful, but it can't be completely mastered. It will always be found by the opponent. Only pervasive, omnipresent, can make the opponent really fear."

"Yes, the knife domain, the focus is not on the word, but on the domain word behind."

Xiao Chen’s brain flashed a flash: “Predecessors, did you say that the knife field is going to practice behind, will it go to the space concept?”

There is a gratifying smile in the blue-eyed seal: "It's a bit of a pass, but it's not what you can now do, the space is artistic, the profound and profound. The small heavenly Emperor Wu, can only touch his fur, the big heavenly Emperor Wu, can get a little introduction, The king of the great can only have a small success."

"The top kings of the Kunlun world are all highly sacred in the space, but now you don't have to think so much, you can understand the situation. You can continue to see, I will show you again. My watershed mood."

While Lan Chaofeng taught Xiao Chen, Lan Shaobai and the stranger were not idle, and he was secretly arranging the various issues of the Longmen Grand Ceremony.

Time has been determined, only to wait for Xiao Chen to make a decision, you can tell the world.

On the other hand, after three days of Xiao Chen, the news of the life-and-death battle with the emperor-level elders of the Five Poisons was also spread throughout the Western waters.

After that, there was a rapid spread in the Tianxing Sea, and then spread to the Kunlun mainland.

In less than a day, all the top leaders of the top forces in Kunlun received such news.

In the circle of Wudi, such a message is even more shocking, and almost every Wudi meets and talks about this news.

The Emperor Wu has always been on the top, and the military who has not become an emperor, no matter how strong, in the eyes of Wudi are like ants.

For many years, this situation has continued.

But now, a great consummation of the emperor, to challenge the existence of a founder of the emperor for many years, is simply a stone breaking. If the average person does this, everyone will be a joke and will never care.

But the person who is challenged is Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, a young man who has created many miracles. Without being an emperor, he has already been in the circle of Emperor Wu, and he has no one to know.

The weight of this challenge is so heavy that these Wudi have to be treated with special consideration. There are not many reasons, just because of the challenger's name.

Tianlong City, in a mountain village, several Wudi who went to prepare for the demon before the day gathered together.

"White old, this time your challenge, but in our entire circle of Emperor Wu, there was a storm, and there is a certain degree of certainty." An old man from the Xihai Dragon Palace asked.

At present, the contradiction between Xihai Dragon Palace and Xiaochen is the biggest, and naturally it is also the most concerned about this decisive battle. As long as Xiao Chen is dead, the hearts of Tianxing Island will naturally die.

Wu Laojiao of the Five Poisons said: "I don't dare to say that 10% is certain, but there are still ninety-nine. I have been in the emperor for five hundred years. As long as I drag on an hour, he has no chance, I am poisonous. Teaching martial arts and martial arts will make him unable to survive."

"But the morning of the morning, it’s really horrible, and the old man is still careful." An old man from the ancient family, said calmly.

There was a hint of jealousy in the old white eyes: "This is natural, but the card is known, and it is not a card. His spirit has not yet reached home, I am careful enough to deal with it, and I am not prepared for it."

"What preparation?" Others curiously asked, the power of the spirits is just fierce, and the old man has completely responded.

White old mysterious smile: "There is another day, you will know when you arrive. I can only say that a big man of the Kunlun mainland Protoss came last night and came into contact with me alone."

"Abandon the Emperor!"

Others whispered, revealing a surprised look, and abandoned the Emperor, but the big man who was second only to Lei Wang, actually personally questioned the duel.

Bai Lao does not deny or admit it. The cold voice: "In one sentence, after tomorrow, this kid will die. The resources exchanged by others will definitely let me spend the thunder of the double heaven."

In the eyes of other Wudi, they all flashed a look of envy, the head of Xiao Chen, that is really worth the money.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t dare to move him, but this time the challenge was made by himself. The battle of life and death, killing, no need to scrutinize the revenge of Lei Wang, everything is Xiao Chen Yu from the self.

Several Wudi began to congratulate in advance, after the Qing Emperor, many people's eyes were nailed. If he dies, not only the Xihai Dragon Palace, but also the owners of many holy places in the Tianxing Sea will laugh and laugh.

White and old faces are full of smiles, and the eyes are full of ambition, waiting for the time to arrive, the hand blade Xiao Chen.

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