Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1430: Emperor sacrifice knife

At the top of the barren hills, with the morning of Xiao Chen as the origin, the sky is rolling, and the thunder cloud is rumbling in the clouds.

It is audible, but you can't see the electric light.

Within this kilometer, all the light seems to have gathered on one person.

It was a white figure. His posture was not so majestic, and his delicate face made people feel that he was not domineering.

But he stood in the foothills, it was so eye-catching, and doing nothing, it would attract everyone's attention in an instant.

Whether it is the mountains under the feet, the clouds in the sky, or the roar of thunder.

When you set foot in this millennium, everything will disappear. What you see is only the white figure that is so ethereal. He gathers all the "lights" of this world.

Xiao Chen looked at it with satisfaction, and his mouth was slightly upturned, showing a sly smile.

In three days, the blue dynasty sealed the hands of the teacher, he finally understood what is the slightest.

From the point of view of the situation, it is simple to say that the original momentum is hidden in all the details that are unknown to the whole space.

It is a pity that the three days are too short. There is not much that he can comprehend. There is no way to make the blue rainy and silent. Quietly and uninterested, but with the peace of mind and body, no flaws, impeccable.

If he goes further, he can hide the thunder and let Shen Yun disappear.

The mind is moving, within the kilometer, it is its own field. Thunder and electric light, moving with the heart, all over the world, everywhere.

But it can be, three days, can have such a big progress now, is already very satisfied.

Suddenly, his eyes glanced, his eyes spurred his eruption, and he took a step in the course of a kilometer.

It can be found that the thunderclouds in the sky, along with this step, have quietly moved the kilometers, or the beginning of Xiao Chen, as if everything has not changed.

The only thing that changed was the hidden sword. This knife broke out. Within a kilometer, the barren mountain gravel and the dry grass branches all broke out with amazing swords.

Everything is omnipresent, making people feel that within this kilometer, there is nowhere to hide, as if everything is against him, and the whole world is rejecting him.

All because of the reason, Xiao Chen pulled out the knife.

When Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath, the sky was cut, and the moment disappeared, turning into nothing. The scene just like an illusion, never appeared.

"Yes, from the momentum, you have already done it initially. Within this kilometer, it is your world. No matter what kind of field, the knife domain, the sword domain, the water field or the flame field, the focus is on the latter one. On the domain word."

Xiao Chen scattered the knife field, Thundercloud dissipated, modest way: "Not enough, compared with the predecessors, the difference is too far."

Lan Chaofeng smiled and said: "You are still a little self-aware, but I don't have much to teach you later. You have already gotten started, and you will understand it slowly."

"Predecessors, I have something to ask."

"Say!" The blue dynasty sealed the clean and honest road.

Xiao Chen said: "I want to know how to fight against opponents in the same field and find out the shortcomings of the other side. In reality, for example, how can I break the waters of the seniors?"

Lan Chaofeng laughed and said: "Well, you kid, it’s really daring, I dare to ask anything. I heard that there is no sentence, the church apprentice starved to death, you don’t want to starve me now, you just want to force me to die. ""

Xiao Chen smiled and didn't talk. Now she almost knows the temper of Lan Chaofeng. The old man has a strange temper, but it is definitely not the kind of person who has the vision of the portal and cares.

Sure enough, after the blue smile, he said: "You don't think too much. There is no trick or stunt in this matter. You think that my water knife field, I also feel that your Thunder knife field is not good. Who is going more? Far, the realization of the more transparent, who will gain an advantage in the battle."

"I am so satisfied with this answer?"

Xiao Chen chewed it and commented: "Not too satisfied, but one day, I will find out the flaws in the field, and nothing will be flawless."

The blue dynasty sealed the eyes: "Which cows dare to blow, look at the entire Kunlun, even if it is the supreme king, do not dare to say this."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and did not refute. He said this. It is related to his own innocent knife, no way, never believe, there will be real perfection in the world.

If there is no doubt about this spirit, then his way will collapse in an instant, and the persistence of being a swordsman will fall apart and lose his heart.


There was a gust of wind coming from the foot of the mountain. It was someone who was rushing to the place at a very fast speed.

Xiao Chen and Lan Chaofeng did not look back. They each felt a little bit and knew that it was blue and white.

"The less white is coming, the battle between you and the old man should start soon. The five poisons are famous for their poisonous attack. You can go to the realm of the Emperor Wu, and practice the golden body. It is very difficult to poison the world. But you don't have a golden body yet, so you have to make a quick decision in this battle. It is best to solve your opponent within half an hour."

Lan Chaofeng is still very concerned about Xiao Chen, giving him a detailed explanation of the upcoming war, some points to pay attention to.

"As long as you end the battle in half an hour, you will not be affected by the war."

Xiao Chen remembers one by one, Gong Dadao: "Thank you for your predecessors."

The blue swaying hand waved and the body disappeared a little bit: "I will not see less white. This kid is now a very slippery head. It was even worse than the Tianqi last time."

When the front foot just left, Lan Shaobai fell with the wind, and the doubt said: "What about the master? I just saw it, I saw him."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "If you leave before, time is not good."

"Selected, twenty-eighth this month."

Xiao Chen calculated it, today 13th, that is to say, after half a month, the Longmen Grand Ceremony will be officially held.

"Revival ceremony, I refer to the revival of some Zongmen in ancient times, and then made changes according to the facts of Tianlong City. As with the last time, the most important activity is to pay homage to the ancestors."

Lan Shaobai continued: "At the beginning of the construction of Tianlong City, the dust used the body of the gantry warrior to build a Qinglong Mausoleum in the north of the city, and the place where the ancestors were worshipped chose to be there."

Xiao Chen nodded, no objection, these gantry wars, even after death, become awkward. Still guarding the treasure house of Longmen, until the death of the party, can afford, he Xiao Chen three weeks and nine.

These ancestors, perhaps not all of them are the Xiaomen family, can be loyal and unwilling to obliterate.

"Let's go, let me go to the old man of the five poisons, the reconstruction of the Dragon Gate, and tell the world, who must have some people to sacrifice the knife."

Xiao Chen looked calm and said in an understatement. There was no tension between words.

I can't see it at all. He is a great perfect emperor and challenges a real Wudi.

As if he wanted to kill, but a cat and a dog, jumped the clown.

Lan Shaobai felt in the heart, and the outside of this war was a storm, alarming the entire Tianxinghai. But the protagonist of this incident has actually calmed down to this point.

I don't know, the white old man of the five poisons learned what kind of thoughts would be if Xiao Chen wanted to sacrifice the knife with the emperor.

The location of the decisive battle was set in Qinglong Square. The entire Tianlong City has only this place, and there is a battlefield dedicated to the Emperor Wu.

Near the square, as long as the place where people can stand, it has already been occupied. Looking down from the sky, densely packed, people crowded like ants.

On the imperial battlefield where there is a battle, the plane is empty and no one is playing.

White old group of Wudi old friends in the crowd, did not rush to debut, he self-sustaining identity, Xiao Chen does not come, he will definitely not pre-emptive, standing stupid and so on.


Above the square, a sudden bang sounded and the whole room shook.

Bai Lao and others looked at the entrance with a gaze. It was not surprising that Xiao Chen was accompanied by Lan Shaobai and strolled in.

"White old, I will wish you first, hand-curved Qinglong Wang. With this head, raise the power of the Emperor of Heaven in the Stars!"

"Yes, for hundreds of years, we old guys have rarely shot in front of the public, and the old man has not lost my prestige."

Bai Laoyin smiled coldly: "Reassured, today he will die, no one can save him!"

Directly tearing the space, Bai Lao fell to the top of the ring, looking at the strolling Xiao Chen, coldly said: "Qinglong Wang, give me up to death!"

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