Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1431: The rhinoceros is full of firepower

The five poisons taught the old man to drink cold, let the square have some awkward sounds and cool down.

Xiao Chen looked up and paused for a second. He ignored the speech with Lan Shaobai and walked toward the ring.

The white old look was a glimpse, and his eyes burned with anger. Xiao Chen actually ignored him directly.

"Qinglong Wang, give me up and lead to death."

Bai Lao once again burst into a sentence, this time using the power of his own heavenly law, the sound of the big, so that the entire Qinglong Square began to shake.

The towering stone pillars and sculptures swayed in this blast, and they were swaying and swaying. Some of them were repaired to the lower ones, and even the blood was tumbling, and some suppressed.

More unbearable, in this blast, directly vomiting blood.

"The emperor is strong, it is unfathomable, and the strength is lower, this voice can kill people directly."

"Terrorist enough, this white peak of the five poisons is said to have stopped the water of a heavy Emperor."

"For hundreds of years, there is no Wudi public shot in the Tianxing Sea. This time, Xiao Chen is afraid of being fierce."

All over the square, there were many discussions, and the five poisonous Baifeng screamed, and everyone succeeded in seeing the unfathomable strength of Emperor Wu.

Xiao Chen will still be indifferent, look up and continue to walk forward without hesitation.

The tense and serious atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, and a raging anger, one is not too slow, and completely ignores the other's name.

"Haha, interesting, this Qinglong Wang actually ignored him completely."

"The Emperor Wudi, who was so aired, I guess it is the first time. What kind of medicine is sold in this Qinglong Wang Hulu."

"It is said that this time, the head of the Qinglong King can be changed to an eight-pronged gate. Is it a little too excited for the white elders of the five poisons to teach."

"If I were in front of the Emperor Wu, this roar would have to be scared and sorrowful. Xiao Chen actually did not respond at all."

The sound of slyness, the white peak of Emperor Wu, was clear. The sound of argument, every word, made him feel a great insult.

When he was in the position of Emperor Wu, he was ignored by people.

"Qinglong Wang, give me up to death!"

The anger burned fiercely in the heart, and Bai Feng burst into it this time. The voice contained his own power and the real thing.

Only the loud noise was thunderous, the sound was deafening, and the entire stone pillars and the rocks on the surface of the statue were all peeling off.

Above the ground, cracked a gap, and some people's eardrums were shattered on the spot, and the pain was very painful.

Yu Bo has such a great power, and Xiao Chen, who bears the brunt of it, can bear the pressure.

That's it, Xiao Chen is still calm and calm, no anger at half point, no see how dignified the look.

After seeing the old man, he turned back and said hello to Lan Shaobai, and he walked alone to the downfall and walked slowly.

The Wudouchang of Qinglong Square, covered with the space array left in the Dragon Gate Secrets, has completely changed the space rules of that place.

A bit similar, the collapse of the Yingying City in the Ming Dynasty, but the specifications and level are higher, can withstand the war of the Wudi level.

On the ring, in the face of Xiao Chen three times ignoring his own call, the anger of Bai Feng’s heart has accumulated to an unbearable level.

There was only one thought in his heart. When Xiao Chen came to power, he gave him a fatal blow and let him know that he was ignoring his own price.

No one has ever dared to ignore him!

Step by step, I finally boarded the ring, bowed the hand, and Xiao Chen looked at Bai Feng. In the heart, the other party is already a dead person.

"I see you, how much is the bottom, but I ignored him twice and killed me!"

Bai Feng did not have a half sentence with Xiao Chen. When he finished his ceremony, he screamed and rushed directly to the past.

Poison dragon claws!

The body shape flashed, Baifeng turned into a poison dragon, and the sky was dark, suddenly covering the sky and hiding a claw. It is like having a huge ancient dragon, from the clouds, falling down the dragon claws.

The huge dragon claws almost covered half of the platform, and the dragon claws were dark, not only powerful but also highly toxic.

When this move came out, it suddenly caused a burst of exclamation, and it was worthy of Emperor Wu. The original martial arts, without any accumulation of time, will move with the heart, showing a perfect mood.

Like the poisonous dragon claws, the original martial arts, Qinglong Square, many people will want to be able to display it easily, but also maintain a perfect mood, no one can do it.

The speed of display, the martial arts, and the two are perfectly combined by Bai Feng.

However, the warrior who came with Bai Feng had a slight change in his face, and there was not much happiness.

"It's a little bad. This white peak was shocked by anger. Isn't it better to delay the war before going on stage?"

"Yeah, this is hard and hard, in the middle of the morning, I am in the midst of a sorrowful sorrow, and I have never had a loss."

"No, Baifeng is also a good emperor. His mood will not be so easy. He must have been deliberate. I remember that night, he said that he had abandoned the will of the Emperor and had contact with him?"

An old man from the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea suddenly remembered this matter. Other Wudi’s face suddenly changed and smiled: “Ginger, still old and spicy!”

Looking at the incarnation of the poison dragon, the white peak of a piece of torn space, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, thoughts again and again.

The mood of Emperor Wu can never be easily broken. This guy is angry and attacking. It may be deliberately selling me a mobile phone.

I would rather count on it and see how he responded.

There is a bottom in the heart, Xiao Chen stepped forward, chest, gathered four thunder vortex, gathered half of the body's strength, Xiao Chen showed a spirit.

The most powerful secret technique of the attack of the Stars and Seas is to crush the dragon claws and to lose momentum.

Thunder pointed to one finger and continued to go straight to the key to the heart of the White Peak Emperor.


Can be out of the unexpectedness of the morning, unbreakable, unbreakable, and sinister, actually blocked. The force was shocked, but he was sent out to the earthquake. He couldn’t catch it and spit out a blood.

Bai Feng laughed happily: "Play with me, you are still a little tender, a little trick, sell you a flaw, you still take it seriously!"

Until this time, Xiao Chen only saw clearly, the location of the other's emperor's heart, with a protective mirror covered with a **** pattern.

This heart is not the heart of the heart, refers to the heart of the emperor, the gods on the guardian mirror, so that he is extremely familiar, the brow picks, whispered: "This is the secret treasure of the Protoss, only the Protoss Emperor Wu, Will have it."

Bai Feng laughed and said: "You know now, it's too late. The rhinoceros is useless to me. I see if you have any cards to fight with me. Qinglong Wang, you head, my white peak is disrespectful, accept it!"

So mean, to deal with a great perfect emperor, the Emperor Wudi, actually looking for the Protoss to borrow the Tianxin Mirror, it is really eye-popping.

If you are fighting in the same stage, you can't use the secrets of the secrets. You can face a big perfect emperor. If you do this, you can only say that you are too identifiable.

Above the square, everyone has squeezed a sweat for Xiao Chen, how can this play?

Bai Feng’s move, although it’s shameful, there’s no violation, there’s never been a rule in life and death.

Xiao Chen wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and faintly glanced at Bai Feng: "Who told you, my spirit is a finger, only a little power."


Not giving him a surprised time, Xiao Chen's chest, flashing nine thunder vortex.

The light flashed, nine thunder whirlpools, and gathered at the fingertips.

Days, I suddenly became dim, and I couldn’t see my fingers. The entire Qinglong Square was only the light of the thunder of the fingertips of Xiao Chen.

This time, the firepower was fully open, and even the white peaks were broken. The last one was on the Protoss.

The squeaking of a crisp sound, everyone heard it clearly, the exclusive guardian of the Protoss Emperor Wu, bursting into pieces.

The gods are scattered and turned into a colorful aura. In the darkness, they are scattered like meteors.

"How could this be how his spirit is so powerful!"

In such a scene, the Emperor Wu, who accompanied Bai Feng, was all taken aback, stunned and stood up at the same time.

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