Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1435: Ssangyong meeting


A hundred miles around the sea where the West Dragon Palace is located, it is a scream of the sky, the tsunami is rolling, and the sky is faintly seeing a red dragon shadow, making an angry roar.

"The Dragon King is angry!"

Throughout the entire island of the Xihai Dragon Palace, after seeing this vision, his face showed a sultry look.

The Dragon King of Xihai has long been retired for many years. The affairs of the Dragon Palace are managed by three vice-presidents. The ordinary people have not seen the figure of the Dragon King of Xihai for many years.

Within the most magnificent palace of the Dragon Palace, the West Sea Dragon King waves, sitting on the throne of the center, his face is gloomy and terrible.

Among the palaces, three deputy palace chiefs, and a dozen emperor elders, all of them are sitting in danger, and the atmosphere is not afraid.

In the impression, the old dragon king has rarely angered, this time is really angry.

In the vast palace, an old man hangs his body and whispers something. This person is exactly the old man who was forced back by Xiao Chen on the same day. It is the dark chess arranged by Xihai Longwang in Tianlong City.

The old man surnamed Zhong, at the moment with his head down, simply did not dare to look at the West Sea Dragon King.

"You continue to say, what he said, Huang Maozi, Ding points achievements, it flew into the sky." Cang Lang calmed his face and continued.

Zhong Lao meditated for a moment and continued: "The kid said that when the Dragon King is welcomed, there are many saints who will come to watch the Longmen ceremony and will give the highest courtesy."

"Hey!" The waves slammed the armrests, and the anger could not hold back. He stood up: "A good courtesy, I will go to the kid and see what kind of courtesy."

The waves are not in the Dragon Palace on weekdays, they are all taking risks in the stars and seeking a breakthrough. This time, I received an urgent request from three deputy lords, and I reluctantly rushed back. I thought it was no big deal.

Unexpectedly, his Xihai Dragon Palace was not only overtaken by a Tianlong City, but also an emperor of his own emperor, who was still awkward by a young man.

Even more ridiculous is still behind, this Huang Maozi, actually daring to say that to rebuild the Dragon Gate, it really makes people have to be angry.

Three vice-presidents with the strength of the great-day Emperor Wudi quickly got up and advised: "Big Brother, you can't make it, you can't!"

Several people know that their big brother, temper is notoriously hot, and doing things rarely considers some consequences.

Sure enough, I heard the news that Xiao Chen rebuilt the Longmen, and immediately wanted to kill the past.

How can this be done? If it is so simple, the great saints will not have any way to take Xiao Chen.

Don't forget the back of Xiao Chen, standing is the King of Lei, in addition to Lei Wang, there is a heavenly supreme. The West Sea Dragon King went this way. It is estimated that Xiao Chen did not learn anything. Instead, he will be taught by Lei Wang.

The three men stated the pros and cons and wanted to persuade the impulsive West Sea Dragon King.

The waves waved and waved: "Reassured, I have my own size, the horror of King Ray, I know better than you, I just look at the screaming Qingdi, what kind of person is it."

As soon as this statement came out, the three deputy palace owners were relieved.

If you want to come, it’s also a hegemonic figure. Even if you are angry, you won’t be impulsive.

"You three, give me a trip, Nanhai Dragon Palace, Beihai Dragon Palace, Donghai Dragon Palace. This time I have to integrate not only the old emperor, but also the holy places, I have to find them together, I want to force people ""

Others heard the words, their faces changed slightly: "Big brother, this is not good. After the news, I guess I will be unable to bear the news, but no matter who is unwilling to be the leader, after all, the guns are in the first place. bird."

"If Lei Wang settled after the fall, the first unlucky one is us."

In the eyes of the waves, the eyes flashed, Shen Sheng said: "I don't understand this simple reason. But now, you think I have other choices. If this guy is not in the West Sea, I will not be the leader. ""

"Let's talk nonsense, as I told you, hurry to do it."


With the arrangement of the various forces of the Tianxing Island, the Emperor Wu went back. Within a day, many immortal holy places and ancient families have received news that Xiao Chen wants to rebuild the Dragon Gate.

Moon Palace, Zhou Tian Xing Palace, Tianfu Academy, Yin Yang Dong Tian, ​​Wan Yao Island, the five high-level students of the poison, and gathered at the same time, his face is a dignified face.

The Zhou Tianxing Palace, Tianfu Academy, and other high-rises of the Holy Land, which had hatred with Xiao Chen, were even more furious.

In the past, the rumors of the rumors were so great that there were forbidden books in all holy places. No matter which holy place, they would not want to see the gantry appear again.

What is really worrying is that I am afraid that Xiao Chen will become the second Qing Emperor. Then the immortal holy place Leiyin Temple, in a moment of destruction, all the inheritance is broken.

Such a tragedy, any holy place, is not willing to happen to himself.

But how can we stop it? There is no good way for the high-level sacred places, and each is a headache.

One day later, Qinglong Wang wanted to rebuild the news of the Longmen, spread throughout the Tianxinghai, and caused many warriors at one time.

People with a little common sense will know what kind of risks are involved in this, which will cause anger at the top of the Holy Land.

Along with this news, there is another rumor, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, in front of tens of thousands of warriors, personally killed a five-drug emperor.

After the group's Yingsheng meeting, Xiao Chen, who was slightly silent in the Tianxing Sea, once again became the focus of everyone's discussion.

Those who had waited for Xiao Chen to become a meteor in the sky, after getting the news, all of them were as pale as they were, and they looked blank.

If you don't become an emperor, you can kill a real Wudi. Even if you become a meteor, Xiao Chen must be the most embarrassing meteor in the history of the entire Kunlun world.

Two days later, the news spread throughout the ocean world, the Black Sea, the Devil Sea, the Dragon Tomb, the Storm Sea, the ice and the sea, all know the news.

In the ice sea, I was looking for the moon palace of the Wanlian Ice Lotus. After I heard the news, the whole person was stunned.

"It’s too impulsive, how can we make the decision to rebuild the Dragon Gate at this time."

Not much hesitation, she immediately put down her hand and set off for the moon palace. Not for others, just want to go back quickly and see if it can affect the attitude of the moon palace.

With her position as the head of the palace, more or less, it should be able to speak a little.

Rebuilding the Dragon Gate, if it fails, Xiao Chen’s air transport will be greatly affected, and she will not be worried.

Three days later, the news spread to the mainland of Kunlun, and all the top forces in the five major domains were all in utter disappointment. Compared with the forces of the Tianxing Sea, these Kunlun mainland forces seem to be more calm, after all, Tianlong City is too far away from them.

Except for the three holy places of the Terran, the three lords of Fengqing Palace, Baidi City and Shenwumen once again came together. The reason is quite interesting.

Just a word, the entire Kunlun world is undercurrent, and the world is shocked. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that only Xiao Chen is alone.

There is a big storm that is slowly accumulating, and no one knows. It will be a big move on the day of the Longmen ceremony.

The hero of the event, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, is not as anxious and nervous as other people imagined, and looks quite leisurely.

On top of his mountain, the clouds are rolling, the thunder is not only, and there is a flash of current flowing from time to time in the air.

Xiao Chen lay on a rock, looking at the scenery with a light look, playing a moonshadow knife with one hand.

I will fall at the fingertips of Xiao Chen, and I will be gently hit by Xiao Chen’s arms. The moon-shadow knife is dexterously moving, like the arm of Xiao Chen.

The movement is light and natural, revealing a simple beauty.

Suddenly, the dark clouds of the sky were cut into two halves by an invisible force, like a sharp blade, as if the soldiers were evading the generals of the king.

It is the Xihai Dragon King, the waves, step by step, with their own invisible potential, directly in the knife field of Xiao Chen, separated a road of their own.

"The West Sea Dragon King is coming, there is a far-reaching welcome, and the younger generation is rude."

With a backhand grip, grab the beating moonshadow knife and gently drop it to the ground. Xiao Chen did not stand, sitting on the top of the stone, watching the people faintly said.

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