Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1436: Double king

The waves are in the knives of Xiao Chen, just like in their own world, completely unaffected.

He looked at Xiao Chen, white clothes, long hair, handsome and handsome appearance, among the two, like the ancient wells. There is a calm and unrelenting temperament on the body.

A strong state of mind, after seeing me, I can still be so calm, not angry or arrogant.

The next sentence of Xiao Chen, as well as the actions made, once again aroused the anger of the West Sea Dragon King.

Now that he knows his identity, he still can't afford to meet, and he has a shelf at the front end.

"Do you know that you are rude? In front of me, the emperor who dared to sit and talk to me, you are the first one, who is so frivolous who taught you!"

Although the West Sea Dragon King was angry, he did not have impulsiveness, but caught a point and oppressed Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly: "You are a predecessor, the king of the Seven Heavens. You can kill me, so strong. I should have kept humble and bowed. You are the West Sea Dragon King, and I am also the King of the Gods." The Qinglong King is hand-picked."

"The same is the Dragon King. If I bow to you, it is the same as the Wushen Palace, you can't stand my gift."

The look of the waves and the waves are slightly changed, and the teeth are gnashing. I can't afford his gift, and he can't refute it. It is easy and easy to resolve his own oppression and not give him any chance.

Xiao Chen got up and continued: "Predecessors come here, I am afraid that I will come for this month's Longmen ceremony. What advice is there, let me speak."

For the first time, the young man in front of his eyes was very uncomfortable and had a feeling of beaming his hands.

"I asked you, in this West Sea to establish the Dragon Gate, I thought about the feelings of the Xihai Dragon Palace. The gas transportation of Tianlong City went up, and the air transport of the Xihai Dragon Palace must be reduced. What do you think is good between me and you? ""

Xiao Chen’s eyes are condensed, Shen Sheng said: “Of course, since the reduction of air transportation is inevitable, why not judge the situation, whoever has the big luck, whoever depends on it, will naturally not reduce its own air transport.”

"On the contrary, the water will rise and the height will rise. If it is opposite, the gas transport will naturally fall."

Cang Lang heard the words and laughed happily: "You are really mad, there is no one, a small one is full of the emperor, even dare to speak in front of me, say this. I want to judge the situation, let the Xihai Dragon Palace bow to you, you It’s too naive to be a bit!”


Xiao Chen’s mouth was slightly tilted. He flashed and fell to a high stone on the edge of the cliff, standing at the highest point of the world, overlooking the waves.

"Dragon King still can't see this trend? The world has changed. Soon a golden world will come, and there will be a batch of talented geniuses, pushing the door of the emperor."

"In the general trend, all the decaying things, if you don't understand the modifications, will be washed down in the torrent. If you can follow the trend, the old trees can also bloom, and the dead woods will be spring, and then one layer."

"Xihai Longwang, can't you see through?"

"I still feel that my seven-day cultivation is the king of the king, and I am proud of myself. I don't need to go any further."

The wind has blown, this is a wind of the king.

Xiao Chen stood on the rock, and the meaning of the king on his body quietly spread.

The thundercloud that was separated in the sky slowly closed, belonging to Xiao Chen’s knife field, and forced the West Sea Dragon King out a little.

Xihai Longwang brows wrinkled, no resistance, let the other side force himself out. In fact, as long as he is willing, Xiao Chen can't push him anyway.

But Xiao Chen’s words made him scream and squeak. In deep meditation, the world has changed. If you don’t follow the general trend, you will be torrential and rushing.

He intended to force Xiao Chen with the general trend. Who knows that when he turned his head, Xiao Chen actually used the general trend to force him.


Suddenly, he woke up and looked at him with a sigh of relief. The thundercloud in the sky, under his eyes, immediately turned into nothingness.

Thunderclouds were not there, and the sun swept away in madness, so that the top of the mountain was bathed in golden light.

A good Qinglong Wang, if he became Wudi, this style will surely convince me.

The waves are sinking, and the faint saying: "If you become an emperor, I may be able to stop it under your words. But now you have a beautiful scenery, but your head is full of clouds, your own future is fixed. Can't live, still want to convince me?"

After he stepped forward, he said, "I will give you a chance. Now I will give up the reconstruction of the Dragon Gate. In the future, I will never find the trouble of your Dragon City."

"If not, don't blame me for pressing the situation. On the day of the Longmen ceremony, I will let you see what is the real trend, and the Buddha is hard to stop!"

Xiao Chen, who is bathed in the sunshine, faces the imposing manner of the Xihai Dragon King. He said, "I will wait for you to come and let me see what you said."

"Hey!" The West Sea Dragon King slammed his feet and said coldly: "Farewell, don't blame me for being bullied and not giving you a chance!"


At the moment of his turn, the mountain peak at the foot of Xiao Chen collapsed and turned into countless debris. The mountain is under the foot of the Dragon King of the West Sea, falling apart and understating.

"If you come to the indecent assault, if the predecessors ruined the mountain, then bring it back together!"

On the top of the rock, Xiao Chen, who flies in the white, pulled out the moonshadow knife in his hand.


The original collapsed knife domain quickly recovered in a flash, and the thundercloud reunited.

At the moment when the knife light flashed, the mountain peak that was originally broken into numerous particles, re-aggregated together in the huge knife that Xiao Chen relied on the knife field.

Only this time, it is no longer the appearance of a mountain, but a knife!

A long knife, a sharp purple blade with a flash of purple light, with Xiao Chen smashed out, such as electric light generally toward the West Sea Dragon King.

In the eyes of the West Sea Dragon King, there was a glimmer of disdain, and he turned and shot it. There were seven layers of apertures behind him. The huge force of Hongmeng caused the space to fluctuate like a water curtain.

The power of one hand, against the blade, unexpectedly, the scene of the broken blade into powder did not appear. Instead, it made a muffled sound, like a blue sky, ringing in all directions.

Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath, laughing: "This mountain, it is troublesome for the predecessors to take away!"

There was a faintness in the eyes of the waves, and he saw that the field of Xiao Chen had been cultivated to a certain level. I saw it at first glance, and the huge momentum did not defeat the other's knife.

It was only in the mind of Xiao Chen, which was hidden in the square in a moment, and the knife domain was always there.

Therefore, the other party has just a knife, in a short time, relying on the knife field to swing this powerful knife.

"Good knife method, you have let the king, once again looked at it. I will borrow this mountain for the time being, wait for the Longmen ceremony, and return it to you!"

Some battles, invisible, fell in the face of juniors.

Canglang consciously had no face to stay, suppressed the anger in his heart, looked back at Xiao Chen, and left Tianlong Island with lightning.

Like a small bird, Xiao Chen slowly descended from the air, his eyes flashed a ray of light, and his mouth muttered to himself: "The knife field, the knife field, the knife in front, the domain in the back, of course, the knife is more important."

With the squadron of the West Sea Dragon King, Xiao Chen made the knife field more thorough.

The practice of the knife field has completely failed to follow the experience of the predecessors. The blue predecessor only led him into the door, and the road behind him could only rely on him to go.


The wind rang, and the two figures fell, but it was a strange dust and blue and white. Seeing the mountain peak of Xiao Chen's cultivation, it turned into nothingness, and his face changed at the same time.

"What happened, who just came."

Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "The West Sea Dragon King, Cang Lang!"

Blue Shaobai and the stranger heard the words, the heart sank at the same time, and there was a shadow in his mind. The turmoil caused by the Longmen Grand Ceremony has already begun to appear. It was only a few days before the Xihai Dragon King could not help but jump out.

In the future, what kind of pressure will be faced when the Longmen ceremony is held.

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