Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1437: The storm is coming

The waves were gloomy and carrying a giant stone knife and returned to the Xihai Dragon Palace.

At this moment, the three deputy palace owners of the Xihai Dragon Palace have already gone to other Dragon Palaces, and the elders of the emperor went to find the many holy places of the Star Sea.

The Xihai Dragon Palace was the mainstay of the rain, and when it came back, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he immediately took people to meet.

"Father, you must have taught Xiao Chen to a meal, right?" Yu Yu said excitedly. On the same day, he was beaten to the ground by Xiao Chen, but the memory is still fresh.

The waves were sullen and sullen, and I couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t understand my face. I continued to smile and talk non-stop.

Look at the exaggerated thousands of stone knife: "Father, this is your spoils. This knife is good, what grade, Xiao Chen that kid, must be painful."


In the heart of the waves, I was angered for a long time, but I couldn’t help it. A slap in the face of the waves: "Waste things, if you have one-tenth of Xiao Chen, I don't have to worry about him rebuilding the Dragon Gate."

It was only after the followers knew that the Dragon King had suffered a loss in Tianlong Island and his mood was depressed.

With a bang, the stone knife on the back was put down, and the ground of the earthquake shook. Above the blade, the Thunder's knives have not dissipated, and the slaps are flashing.

Canglang cold channel: "Looking at this stone knife, on the day of the ceremony, I am going to personally give him the kid."

Sinking and screaming, the waves swaying into the distance, a faint saying: "I am afraid that I want to go somewhere."

After seeing Xiao Chen in person, the heart of Canglang has become more heavy. The Qinglong Wang Xiaochen is many times more difficult than he imagined.

At the same time, among the great holy places of the Star Sea, the messengers of the Xihai Dragon Palace arrived one by one.

These holy Lords listened to the intentions of the messengers and sneaked in their hearts. I don’t know how to deal with Xiao Chen, the West Sea Dragon King wants to stand up as the leader, it’s just fine.

A Xiao Chen is not terrible, the terrible thing is the sorrowful sorrow behind Xiao Chen, and Lei Wang. Some people are willing to bear this unknown revenge and take the lead in destroying the ceremony. They are naturally happy to be a good person.

Tianfu Academy, Wudujiao, Zhoutianxing Palace, these three immortal holy places almost did not think about it, they agreed to the invitation of the West Sea Dragon King.

Only Yinyang Dongtian, Wanxiong Island, and Yuegong did not respond in the first time. As for other ancient families, most of them agreed.

Among the Wan Yao Island, Di Xin, who had a battle with Xiao Chen at the group, was desperately trying to discourage many big demon on the island and not to participate in the plan of the West Sea Dragon King.

Di Xinhan said: "Every uncle, this Xiao Chen has had a battle with me. This person has nothing to do. It will definitely not be the second Qing Emperor. The Longmen Grand Ceremony is mostly the responsibility of the descendants of the Xiao family. Rejuvenate the Dragon Gate and keep the heritage going."

"Dier, you are still young, don't know what it means to rebuild the gantry. Whether he is willing or not, when the gantry is established in the Tianxing Sea, the air transport of the great holy places will flow uncontrollably to him."

Di Xinhan shook his head and said: "This is the reason that the weak will agree. The strong and the weak depends on itself. If you really think so, even if you give us the gas of the Wan Yao Island, it will definitely not develop."

During the controversy, among the quaint palaces, a vicissitudes of voice suddenly came out: "The Longmen Grand Ceremony can be prepared with a thick gift, and other things should not be involved!"

As soon as the sound came out, everyone in the room changed his face, and the singer was the ancestor. The ancestors of Wanxue Island have the supreme status in Wanxue Island.

The owner of the Palace of the Moon, the star of the Zhoutianxing Palace, is one of the three most supreme.

The old ancestors spoke, and the elders immediately had no objections. Di Xin Han breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time had some doubts.

I don't know, how did the ancestors who retreat to the millennium suddenly care about this?

Yin Yang Dong Tian, ​​a group of charming women, after discussing the half-ring, also rejected the messenger of the West Sea Dragon King. It is a smile, retaining the messenger, and staying in the yin and yang cave days for a few days.

Scared the messenger, snorted, and quickly rushed. The woman of Yin Yang Dong Tian, ​​who is famous for eating people does not spit bones, how dare to stay.

A group of women provoked, covering their mouths and laughing.

In the moon palace, under the persuasion of the messenger, the moon palace, who had already been somewhat tempted, was interrupted by the moon ice cloud that suddenly came back. I learned that Xiao Chen had saved the moon from the moon, and the moon palace was complex and had not spoken for a long time.

On the side of the moon ice cloud, I don’t know what kind of decision the master will make.

"Just pay him a human condition, this month will not participate in the palace. As for whether he can pass this level, he will be able to help himself, and the Moon Palace will never help the descendants of the Qing Emperor."

Moon ice cloud sinks in the heart, this result is not what she wants, but I can see that the master is firm and does not dare to say anything more.

The six immortal holy places, although there are three confirmed not to participate, but the West Sea Dragon King is still in the cage, the other three holy places, and most of the ancient family.

Together, it is a behemoth that allows any force to retreat.

The Xihai Dragon King Canglang personally appeared, brought together the leaders of these forces and began to discuss the countermeasures he had already prepared.

The countermeasures are very simple. They are pressing the people and using the huge forces to give Xiao Chen endless pressure, let him take the initiative to give up the reconstruction of the Dragon Gate.

A storm against the Longmen ceremony has accumulated the energy of terror, and will wait for the time to arrive.

The West Sea Dragon King still seems to be unsatisfied. After organizing the power of the Star Sea, he personally set off for the Kunlun mainland.

In one of the mysterious seabeds of the Starry Sea, Yiling, whose arm has been connected, walked hurriedly in the submarine palace and rushed to a secret room.

Among the secret rooms, sitting on the side is the most mysterious figure in the entire ocean world, the treasure owner.

Yiling did not push the door of the secret room. In fact, this door is even the king of the king, and it is difficult to push the door. Outside the secret room door, Yiling directly said: "Father, the Longmen ceremony, there will be half a month to be held. At that time, Xiao Chen will rebuild the Dragon Gate and formally erect the signs of the Dragon Gate."

In the secret room, half of the movements did not come out, and the people inside seemed to be uninterested in this news.

"Father, you said something, I was broken by his arms. You have never reported this to me, and now the other side is going to build the Dragon Gate. Can we watch it?"

Yiling was anxious, kneeling on the ground, and the voice was a little trembling.

In the secret room, the treasurer who was covered in the shadows, opened his eyes, and there were fourteen shadows around him, guarding heavily.

If you look carefully, you will find that these illusions are exactly the same as the huge immortal statues mastered by the stars in the Stars.

"I have my own claim on this matter. You don't need to care, practice well, don't waste your time." The treasure owner said faintly.

Yiling did not get up, not reconciled: "Father, then my broken arm enemies, when can I report."

"You can do it at any time, as long as your strength is stronger than him, you don't have to do entanglement, you interrupt me to retreat." The treasure owner waved his hand, powerful power, and attacked.

Regardless of whether Yiling is willing or not, it will be unable to enter beyond the introduction of numerous levels.

The undercurrent is surging and the storm is approaching.

Xiao Chen, who stirred up such a storm, did not have much anxiety. He still seemed to be leisurely enlightened by the island, and did not stop for a moment of cultivation.

Only in the leisure time, look at the letters received, the protagonist of the letter, are invited by him, determined to participate in the Longmen ceremony.

Looking at a piece of stationery, roughly the same content, Xiao Chen felt a relief.

He has few friends, but at the crucial moment, he will be incompetent to help, and there is no delay.

The North Sea Alliance ally, the Black Sea thirteen thieves, the landlord Jiang Tian, ​​the monk Queen's demon, the white bone king... These people's reply, there are only simple words, in the writing, the attitude is completely incomparable.

I received a letter, Xiao Chen murmured: "Xihai Longwang, you want to use the general trend to oppress me, I will see who is the one who oppresses."

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