Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1438: Fatal gift

The letter had just been collected, and the guests came from the compound, and the rushing dust came in.

The dusty look is a little tired, and the depths of the eyes are not only tired, but more heavy.

When the dust came in, Xiao Chen’s face showed a smile, and he got up and let him sit down. He personally poured tea and poured water.

"Xiao Chen, brother, and I don't have to be so polite." Moss took the teacup and sipped a light smile.

"Should, owe you too much, what you should do."

Xiao Chen said with sincerity, the words are full of sincerity, the Longmen ceremony is a strange dust and blue Shaobai at the start of the operation, busy group turn, no half-stop work.

Instead, the protagonist of his event, unexpectedly idle, did not do anything but comprehend the knife field.

He wanted to help, and he was rejected by the strange words, and he was not allowed to intervene.

In fact, he also knows that this is a stranger who is distressed by him. The stranger is clearer than anyone else. To rebuild the gantry, the most stressful one must be Xiao Chen.

Can help him a little, certainly try to do it, not let him do more leisurely.

The dust put the teacup down, and the long story was short, and it was straightforward to say: "Everything is ready. After three days, I will start to worship the ancestors. Let me tell you about Shaobai."

Ancestor worship, this is the first step in the beginning of the Longmen ceremony. After the ancestor worship, it is to open the door to welcome guests and accept the Quartet to congratulate.

The coming will come, but it’s really coming. Xiao Chen still has some emotions: “Would you like to start? This time is really fast.”

Time flies so fast, carefully calculated, he has been in Kunlun for 14 years. He left the Mohe City Xiao family, and the time was longer. Looking back, it was really a blink of an eye.

"Xiao Big Brother." Seeing Xiao Chen in a strange dust, he looked awkward and interrupted.

Xiao Chen came back and smiled. "I know. After three days, I will be prepared. It is a big event to worship the ancestors. There is no room for any difference."

There is a hint of ambiguity in the eyes of the strangers: "There is no need to worry about the sacrifice of the ancestors. Those who do not understand the rules will not be confused at this time. After the ancestor worship, it is the unveiling ceremony. It is the key to accept the Quartet to congratulate."

To pay homage to the ancestors, no one will come to you for trouble, but the four parties will come to congratulate them, and it is hard to say that they are open to welcome the festive events.

Xiao Chen’s eyes showed a firm radiance: "I can't stop the heart of the gantry."

Three days later, the ancestor began.

Xiao Chen is in the middle, and the dust and blue Shaobai are accompanied by his right side, followed by Yue Chenxi, Jin scale, small fish and so on.

The group looked solemn and came to the front of Qinglong Mausoleum outside Tianlong City.

The burial of the Qinglong Mausoleum is the wreckage of the Dragon Gate Supreme, the heroes who are dying for the Dragon Gate.

The nameless monuments are erected to add a solemnity to this solemn atmosphere.

Xiao Chen crouched on the ground, with a responsibility and touch, squatting in front of these martyrdom.

"There was a gantry in the past, sweeping the eight wilderness, and not being able to fight for the world... However, the air movement was ups and downs, the Qing emperor fell, the gantry was destroyed, the 10,000 years of the year, and there was no inheritance...

In the solemn ceremony of the ancestor worship, an old man, the voice of the grandeur read the glory and decline of the Dragon Gate.

It was originally the story of most people, already known, that in such a scene, deeply touched everyone's heart.

In the history of Kunlun, there is no such sect, and there is such a glorious history as Longmen. Sweeping the eight wastes, invincible in the world, do not dare to accept.

It is such a powerful sect. In the end, it did not fall in the hands of the abyss of the abyss. Instead, it was pushed by the crowd and fell to the hands of many holy places in the Kunlun world.

The glory ended here. Xiao Jiaxuan was in the same vein and was driven to the lower bounds to become a small family.

Just to survive, they must be struggling with fear and fear, and even a few families that are completely incompetent can not cope.

If the story ends here, I am afraid that it will only make people scream a few times, and then there will be more.

After the Qing Emperor, the white clothes Xiao Chen, turned out to be born, in just a few years, in the Kunlun world, the great prestige. Sweeping, Kunlun mainland, all the younger generations.

Today, even more, with the perfection of the emperor, the victory over a real and true Wudi.

After the Qing Emperor, carrying the air transport, the name of Dawei, the world, the gantry that was destroyed thousands of years ago, will reappear today!

The ancestors proceeded in an orderly manner, following the procedures that Blue Shaobai had already prepared, step by step.


Picking up a pot of fine wine, Xiao Chen sprinkled on the ground, and then slowly toasted, the rear of the gantry shackles, while toasting, to the Qinglongling to drink.

Xiao Chen has a strong sense of perseverance, and this day has waited for too long. This is a long time for the Longmen ancestors to drink a glass of wine.

"Go! You and me, open the door to welcome guests, congratulate the reconstruction of Longmen."

Put the empty wine glass on the ground, Xiao Chen turned and took everyone to Qinglong Square. There was an unveiling ceremony there, waiting for Xiao Chen, and there was a storm waiting for Xiao Chen to bear.

Qinglong Square, guests like a stream, Longmen ceremony, these big events have already alarmed the entire Tianxinghai. There is nothing to be done on the hand, and the warrior who does not need to retreat almost rushed over.

These are the rare events of the millennium. These people don’t want to miss opportunities.

And everyone knows that on the top of the ceremony, there will definitely be a lively event, and a casual gift will be prepared, just waiting for the good show to begin.

Above the high platform, Xiao Chen sat in the middle and looked at the square. The bustling crowd could not see much change on his face.

Lan Shaobai has already arranged good people to meet the local warriors who come here. Apart from a few people who are qualified to stand on this high platform, others do not need Xiao Chen to come and meet.

"Donghai Feng Bing, come to congratulate Qinglong Wang to rebuild the Dragon Gate and send a gift."

"The South China Sea split Tianmen, come to congratulate Qinglong Wang to rebuild the Dragon Gate and send a gift."

"Qiu Shui Gong Zongmen, come to congratulate Qinglong Wang to rebuild the Dragon Gate and send a gift."


People are constantly coming to congratulate, and the gifts are set aside and piled up into mountains. It’s more than awkward, and the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart is quiet.

In addition to encountering acquaintances, he will get up and meet, and his eyes will always be on the Longmen Mountain on the high platform.

The Longmen Shanpai, created by the Qing Emperor with the town Tianshi, is now covered by a blue dragon flag. However, when the Dragon Flag was unveiled, the mountain card reappeared and the most crucial step of the Longmen ceremony was completed.

Looking at the time, it is about to go to noon, and a few people around Xiaochen are a little anxious.

Because the stars of the Stars Sea that should have arrived long ago, I don’t know what happened, the opening ceremony, I’m starting soon.

"Xiao Chen, it seems that something unexpected." Blue Shaobai anxious voice.

Xiao Chen is calm inside, saying that he does not have to worry.

"Report, the West Sea Dragon King waves, the rate of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the seven-color dragon waiting, the three immortal holy places, the nine ancient ancient family ... came to congratulate the Qinglong Wang to rebuild the Dragon Gate!"

The name of a long scorpion, each name is big and amazing, all of them are overlord, hard to pick up and read, and the voice is a little trembling.

At the entrance of Qinglong Square, the Xihai Dragon King screamed and led a group of people, and came over with greatness. These people are heavy in their footsteps, and they are soaring and shivering.

Its power is compelling, his eyes are sharp as a knife, pointing directly to the high platform, sitting in the middle of Xiao Chen!

The most striking thing is that behind each of these people, they carry a blade of up to a thousand feet. Or stone knives, or rifles, or swords, all without exception, all made of rock.

It looks quite weird and attracts a lot of discussion.

The lively and extraordinary square, after the waves came in, instantly quieted to the extreme, no one dared to speak out loud.

Everyone knows that this is the place to come.

Looking at the side of the West Sea Dragon King, all the powerful big men, everyone feels a sinking heart, under the pressure of a strong gas field, breathing is somewhat difficult.

Cang Lang laughed and said: "Xiao Chen younger brother, as you wish, this king and all of you are on the same road, coming on time. Hey, it seems a bit wrong, Xiao Chen, you are a bit small, how can a nine-category door not look When the gantry revives, it’s a bit too small, hahaha!"

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, it is estimated that the nine-category sects that were invited by him should have had an accident and were stopped by the Xihai Dragon King.

However, he is not flustered. The waves can stop those who are the nine sects. But the real big man, he does not believe that the other can stop.

Xiao Chen got up and said in a pun: "There are people who have the heart, and the people who are brought by their predecessors are enough."

Cang Lang smiled and said: "Since it is here, I can't come empty-handed. I also ask Qinglong Wang to give me a face and accept the gift of my Xihai Dragon Palace!"

His voice fell, his face sank, and he held up the giant stone knife behind him, and he mobilized the power of Hongmeng, so he rushed toward Xiaochen.

Thousands of stone knives, huge as a mountain, blessing the power of Hongmeng, destructive power can be imagined.

"Also Qinglong Wang gave a thin face and accepted the gift of my five poisons!"

"The gift of my Tianfu Academy, Qinglong Wang can never give face!"

"There is also a gift from Zhou Tianxing Palace, and I also invite Qinglong Wang to accept it!"

"Abandoned ancient family, also prepared a gift, please Qinglong Wang acceptance!"


In the exclamation of everyone, there are more than a dozen giant blades, and the power of Hongmeng is added. With the power of shackles, Xiao Chen, who is on the high platform, swarms away.

When the guests above the high platform saw such a squad, they were scared and turned white, and they quickly fled.

Each of the giant blades of the stalks is at least the hand of the Emperor Wu of the Great Heaven. Under such a horrible attack, it is equivalent to more than a dozen large-scale Emperor Wu, and at the same time hit a peak.

If Xiao Chen is standing still, he will not climb the injured, and there is absolutely no second result.

Looking at the huge blade that hits, Xiao Chen’s heart is burning with a little anger. I have already thought that the Dragon King of the West Sea will destroy the Longmen ceremony by any means, but I did not expect it to be so direct.

A peerless storm, roaring, if it does not retreat, it will be broken.

But he is the owner of the Dragon Gate. If it is retired, this Longmen ceremony is also a joke.

This is a bunch of deadly gifts, and you won't receive it!

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