Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1440: Wearing white clothes, with a knife, flying in front of the crowd

"A strong devil!"

Xiao Chen’s heart hurts and secretly said that his king’s prestige has a tendency to collapse.

"Xihai Longwang, do you dare to be mean?"

Everyone in the Longmen couldn't help but scream, especially when the dust was angry and got up, it was necessary to activate the Qinglong lock.

Qinglong Square, tens of thousands of guests, is also a stunned, I did not expect the West Sea Dragon King actually shameless to this share.

The West Sea Dragon King won the anger of these people, laughing and smirking, "What is despicable, I am waiting for a long way, accompanied by gifts, all gifts, Qinglong Wang will be accepted."

In the air, Xiao Chen, waved his hand to stop the indignation of the Longmen, and looked at the West Sea Dragon King. "When you wait for your heart, you can have a high level of strength. How do you pay for this gift? My Qinglong Wang, naturally It’s a priority, and you won’t be able to teach me how to do it.

The mind was moved, the crown of the sea king appeared on the head of Xiao Chen, and in an instant, the power of the king of Xiao Chen rose. At once, it blocked the 12-handed giant blade, and it was more than a lot.

The power of Hongmeng rushed out from the heart of the emperor. Xiao Chen took a palm with his left hand and had a passion for it.

The bright moon is like a fire, and it is the eternal martial arts millennium fire that Xiao Chen has created. This palm is written with pride, copying blood, raging fire, burning my heart!

At the same time, the right hand shoots a palm, the blood rises into the sky, and the residual flowers fly, which is the same millennium with the millennium fire. The king mourns, does not hate the heavens and the earth, does not blame the ghosts and gods; if the moon is high, the blood is stained with the sky; only I know alone, and I am alone!

The two months vie for the glory, the passionate blood and the cold and mourning, the two palms will be shot, and the 13-handed giant blade will not be completely broken.


The figure is twinkling. In the glory of the two months, Xiao Chen has three more palms, and the thirteen handles are completely broken.

Each palm contains the power of a hundred honours, the rumbling rumbling, the terrible emperor radiating out, let the spectators, all of them shocked.

Three palms shot, Xiao Chen's eyes, flying two lights, one gold and one white, it is the sun too yin fire, the flame chasing, quickly derived a beautiful Tai Chi yin and yang flame map.

Xiao Chen had sweat coming out of his forehead, clenching his teeth and shouting: "Give me a turn!"

The Taiji diagram quickly spins up and bursts into the golden light.

The pulling force generated by the rotation caused the five poisonous giant swords of the five poisonous teachings, and Peng’s slammed into the Zhou Tianxing Palace’s long-range gun and landed.

The five poisoned old men’s faces showed great shock: "How could it be, I just caught my gift, and all kinds of strange poisons were wasted."


A long-handed sword, breaking the taiji flame map, bathed in the flame of light, flew toward Xiao Chen, swearing sword, sharp and unmatched.

It is the gift from Tianfu Academy, the great sword, the power of attack, the sharpest.

The old man of Tianfu Academy said coldly: "I am a long sword. If you catch it, you have to vomit blood three liters. The back of the ten-handed blade is enough to kill you."


Xiao Chen’s heart sighed softly, and the moonshadow knife in his hand leaped flexibly between the palm and the arm. Like a beautiful woman, dancing the most beautiful dance in the world.

Between the leaps and bounds, Xiao Chen’s body in the body, a little bit of convergence, rushing toward the blade.

The knife field has been swayed by Xiao Chen, even though the knife field is not out, his powerful knife is enough to shock most of the swordsmanship in the Kunlun world.

When the giant sword of the thousand feet was reached, the moonshadow knife suddenly stopped moving. Xiao Chen eyes and eyes, the line of sight is like a peerless blade, holding the moon shadow knife, the knife is not sheathed, just between the electric light and the flint, a loose front.

With the scabbard against the sword blade of the thousand-footed blade, it seems that the sword is fighting for the front, but it is still the sword and the sword.

The other side has a huge blade, no master control, even if the sword is stronger, it is not as good as Xiao Chen’s momentum, and it’s an instant shot.

A bang, like the Tiangong Xianqin, pops up the wonderful sound of the Jin Ge Iron Horse.

The small Xiao Chen sent this knife, but instead forced the huge sword like a mountain to retreat three inches.

The white clothes danced lightly, and Xiao Chen rotated a circle and stepped on the sword front of the thousand-footed blade. The long sword smashed, and it was inserted straight down, and it was three feet into the ground.

Xiao Chen, who fell, just stood firmly on the hilt of the giant sword of the thousand-footed sword, the white robes, the long hair fluttering, the peerless swordsman, and the style is full.

The face of the old man of Tianfu Academy, the brush is green, as if Xiao Chen stepped on the sword, but he stepped on his face.

Stepping on the hilt of the giant blade of Qianzhang, Xiao Chen’s eyes swept away and looked at the remaining ten-handed giant blades. These were not from the hands of the Holy Land, and they were much weaker than the four-handed giant blades.

The cross knife was in front, and Xiao Chen held the handle with his right hand. At this moment, he was quiet in his mind.

Knife field!

In the heart of the muttered, the moon shadow knife in the hands of the sheath, and the slender body with the sword, and Xiao Chen has been the momentum of the Thunder knife.

Leiyun secret treasure, within the kilometer, are the world of Xiao Chen.

It’s all over the place, everywhere, and when you think about it, you can make a knife.


Between the knives and the overflowing, the power of the stars in front of the four stalks of the high platform, the boundless swordsmanship and everything around the kilometer, are all integrated into the sword of Xiao Chen.

I felt the huge and unparalleled knives on the blade. Xiao Chen took the moonshadow knife and looked at the ten-handed giant blade. This knife waved out.

The momentum and artistic conception above the ten-handed giant blade were completely destroyed by this knife.

Xiao Chen’s heart is full of enthusiasm, and it’s volleyed. It’s a knife, a purple knife, with a momentum, like a purple flame tail, sweeping the sky.

A knife, the giant blade of the ancient family Jiang family, was cut down and fell to the edge of the sword.

Another knife, the giant blade of the deputy palace of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, slammed and slammed down.

Wearing white clothes, with a knife, flying in front of the crowd.

Tens of thousands of guests in the audience watched the sky flying and dancing. Every time they took out a knife, they dropped a small blade of Xiao Chen. They all looked stunned.

Even the group of people in the West Sea Dragon King, who looked at the same eyes, did not believe it.

What kind of style should be there, in order to fly in front of the group, let everyone fall for it, dare not speak out.

The purple knife sweeping across the sky, the huge blade that slammed down, and the white shawl that danced with the knife. Throughout the world, it seems that there is only such a picture, which attracts everyone's attention.

In the place where Xiao Chen could not see the sight, there are many warships in the distant clouds of Tianlong City.

A warship, star-studded, is the emperor-class warship of the Zhoutianxing Palace. Among the battleships, Zhou Tianxing Palace is personally seated among them, a group of junior disciples, as well as the Sun Palace and the Holy Lady of the Taiyin Palace. in.

The scene of Qinglong Square was also seen by them. These people all ran to the forefront of the deck and stared at them. I couldn't believe it.

Chu Yang murmured: "How is it possible, how did he do it, and the fourteen-handed giant blade will be caught by him."

This scene also happened on other warships. If you look carefully, you will find that the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of Beihai, the leader of the Five Poisons, the Master of Tianfu Academy, and the Lord of the Yin and Yang Caves... all these great people are there.

On the battleship belonging to the moon palace, Yue Bingyun looked at this scene, among the eyes, the color was repeated.

The palace of the moon palace, some of my heart is fortunate, but fortunately did not agree to the ambiguous idea of ​​the West Sea Dragon King, or else the high moon palace, but also along with the ugly.


With the last huge blade, falling on a giant blade, Xiao Chen received the sheath. Fourteen thousand-footed giant blades were all accepted by him, side by side, standing before the high platform.

The figure slowly floated down, and Xiao Chen glanced at him. He looked at the Xihai Dragon King who was stunned. He said: "Come to the West Sea Dragon King and the guests of the Holy Land, the Longmen ceremony, continue."

Above the high platform, the teahouse was relocated.

At the entrance to the square, two delicate and pretty maids smiled and reached out to make a gesture. Obviously, it is a respectful move, which allows the West Sea Dragon King to have a sacred elder, all with a fever on his face, and his heart is wrong.

But things, completely in the direction of their development, to this point, simply can not find the face to continue to turn.

The West Sea Dragon King had a face, and he was very red, and his right fist was clenched. The body could not help but tremble slightly, and there was a little dragon king.

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