Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Crazy road

Xiao Chen gently floated, and fell back to the center of the main seat, the left hand side is the West Sea Dragon King and many great places of the Emperor Wudi.

On the right hand side, there are other guests with a slightly smaller voice, but their own strength is Wudi level.

The Longmen ceremony continued, and Lan Shaobai followed the revival of the martial art in ancient times and proceeded in an orderly manner.

Xiao Chen looked in his eyes and knew that Lan Shaobai spent a lot of effort to be able to do so now. It not only guarantees the proper layout of the Longmen Grand Code, but also does not have much flaws. It is considered to be quite satisfactory.

This is exactly the meaning of Xiao Chen, there is no need to make the layout very large, the process is going to go again, the most important thing is to be able to successfully unveil the card, the world, Longmen was established.

Let the world know the existence of the Longmen, and tell the story of the Longmen, invisible, will let the new Dragon Gate integrate into this world and gain its own air.

It seems that the situation is very good, but now what kind of situation is turned over, Xiao Chen is well aware.

"The ambiguous idea that you want to come out is really powerful. You have made so many big heavens, and you are shameful with you."

"I blame you, come up with a broken idea, say what is pressing the people, and directly crush Xiao Chen. Now, if you make yourself a joke, you will be satisfied."

"I have already said that I will wait for a blow, and there is a limit to the strength. Don't underestimate the potential of Xiao Chen."

"The old man is a thousand years old, and it is the first time that such a big ugly thing, the West Sea Dragon King, this responsibility you have to say anything."

On the surface, Xihai Longwang waited, drank wine, and watched various activities of the ceremony. In the dark, they are interfering with each other, and the tide-like accusations rush to the West Sea Dragon King.

The waves are not a word, and the heart is wronged. This idea is what he came up with. I thought that the ten-year-old thing, who knows that it was turned over by Xiao Chen, really made him unprepared, facing the accusations of everyone, the sullen face did not refute.

"I am responsible for this responsibility. After the matter is resolved, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Looking at the sitting of Xiao Chen, the spirit of enthusiasm, toasting with guests, frequent smiles, the anger of the heart is more vigorous.

If he can do it directly, he must have been unable to handle it and personally clean up Xiao Chen.


Drinking the waves of wine, suddenly put the jade in his hand into a jug and fell to the ground. The jug is broken, and the finest wine is sprinkled on the ground, giving off a tempting wine.

The waves were so moved, and everyone was shocked. The high platform that was originally awkward was silent.

As for the move of Canglang, many guests were surprised that they were not surprised. The other party did not come to drink and congratulate. How can you sit still all the time, surely thinking about the way to find the way, not let the Longmen ceremony continue.

In addition to the previous gift to Xiao Chen, I originally wanted to play Xiao Chen's face. The result was taken back by Xiao Chen, and now I can't help it.

Xiao Chen pressed his heart and calmly, and waved to stop the gantry in the gantry. The eyelids lifted up and looked at the West Sea Dragon King: "The predecessors are dissatisfied with the drink, or are not satisfied with this jug. I let people change for the predecessors. ""

The Dragon King of the West Sea did not speak, so he smiled so coldly. After half a ring, he held the glass slowly. "You can't really think that we are running all the way, it is to congratulate you. Come to you." Let's drink it!"

"Do you know why I fell this pot? This wine is the best quality wine, but this jug is just a hundred years of jade, so the next wine jug, how to match the best wine."

Xiao Chen’s heart is so beautiful, how can he not know the other side’s meaning, and calmly said: “If there is anything, it’s good to say that the seniors don’t have to turn around.”

The faint road said: "You want me to say it straight, then I will tell you directly. This jug is your Qinglongwang, the dragon gate is this superb wine, you can not taste the best wine under your position. Forced When you go to install, you will only be seen by people, and you will lose your bones."

"If you want to go it alone today, you will build the Dragon Gate and you will end up with the hip flask."


With the smashing of the waves, the other holy places, the ancient family, the elders of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, have thrown the jug on the ground.

For a long time, the sound of screaming in the air is endless, all the sound of the broken bottle.

I have to turn my face!

Xihai Longwang and his party decided to completely tear the face, not to smash the corner, directly threatening Xiao Chen.

The atmosphere between the scenes has once again become sinister. If there is a disagreement, there will be a big fight.

"Interesting, a king of the great emperor, leading a group of big heavenly emperors, playing their rogue."

"What's even more ridiculous is that their opponents are just a big perfect emperor, and they can push them to this share. I am afraid that it will be Qinglong Wang Xiaochen."

"So many big people, that is, the West Sea Dragon King jumped out, it is estimated that it is really urgent."

"After today, the reputation of this group of people is afraid to be completely stinky."

The scene that I liked and enjoyed on the high platform did not let other guests, as well as other foreign warriors in the square, feel how surprised.

In fact, for Xiao Chen to establish the Dragon Gate, everyone did not hold too much hope. Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, who can catch many gifts and fly in front of many groups of people, this is what surprised them.

Canglang got up and looked at Xiao Chen, and coldly said: "Don't talk? If you don't speak, does it mean that you have a chance? You won't be naive, and if you pick up a few gifts, you can go smoothly with the Longmen ceremony!" ”

Xiao Chen’s face was calm, swaying his hand, and inexplicably looked at a certain direction in the sky.

Under the endless clouds, there are many battleships in which the big names are sitting, and they are staring at everything here.

Retracting the line of sight, Xiao Chen did not pay attention to the waves, drinking the glass of wine, and took a heavy breath. Xiao Chen smiled at the stranger and raised his thumbs. The wine brewed by the other party is indeed the best.

The stranger rushed to cry, and the VIP on the invitation didn't come. The Xihai Dragon King forced this to the top. The Longmen Grand Ceremony could not be done anymore, but Xiao Chen still laughed.

Seeing Xiao Chen laughing, the West Sea Dragon King is more angry, and the voice is aggravated: "Qinglong Wang, you still laughed out, don't really think that you have the atmosphere to add, you can turn the sky. In our eyes, you Still a small person, cockroach ants, can be pinched at any time..."

"Say enough, no, you **** to shut up the old man, come back and forth is one or two sentences!"

Xiao Chen suddenly burst into a loud voice, his voice was like thunder, his angry look made his handsome face become extremely scary.

With a bang, Xiao Chen fell heavily on the ground with his glass of wine in his hand. He said, "Do you still have to say that the Heavenly Supreme has been stopped by people. The Linghu King is also stopped by people, the Black Sea. Thirteen thieves, the North Sea Alliance... All the VIPs I invited, without exception, can't come!"

"No one can help me today. This Longmen ceremony, as long as I continue to drive on, will fall like a glass of wine. You use a wine glass metaphor, laugh at me, do not force, jump up and down, like a clown, I really thought I can't guess the metaphor!"

A group of people in the West Sea Dragon King, I was a little scared by Xiao Chen, and the voice was a little trembling: "How do you know, you should not know it!"

Yes, the reason why they dare to rip their skins is because the guests invited by Xiao Chen can’t succeed today.

Everything, the West Sea Dragon King has contacted the corresponding characters, to stop the other side, to ensure that the other party can not reach Tianlong City. In their view, without these big men, Xiao Chen is a clown.

How can Xiao Chen not know that a VIP friend has not arrived, and a little guess, you can know the reason. From the time he received the gift, from the beginning to the end, he did not really appreciate it. In fact, he already knew what he thought.

Xiao Chen looked at the waves and said: "I tell you that the West Sea Dragon King waves, some people can give up their lives for the sake of their heart, you will never understand. I will never understand. The blood is hot. Even if you lick my heart and let go of my blood, today's Longmen ceremony, my morning will go through."

In the face of the imposing manner of Xiao Chen, the Xihai Dragon King, who had occupied an overwhelming advantage, was somewhat embarrassed.

I thought that after Xiao Chen knew the truth, he would be scared and white, and he would be arrogant. Who knows that the other party is so embarrassed, he did not give up at all.

In the dead road, not crazy, not alive.

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