Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1442: Mysterious back

In the face of the madness and persistence of Xiao Chen, the Xihai Dragon King was shocked for a while and returned to God.

After all, he was a big man of the Emperor of the Seventh Heaven, and he had experienced many things for a long time. Although such a character as Xiao Chen is difficult to come out in tens of thousands of years, now at this moment, the strength is much worse than he is.

It is not a existence on the table at all. As long as those big men can't come, Xiao Chen is in front of him, and he is awkward.

What's more, he still has a lot of powerful martial arts emperors around him, and the power is so great that it is impossible for him to really be caught by Xiao Chen.

Canglang cold channel: "Hey heart bleeding? I still don't need such trouble to kill you, but you can rest assured that I don't want to shoot you, I know you insisted on it. I am not asking you, I am. Just sit here and you can do it with you, but you want to uncover this Longmen Mountain. Tell you, there are no doors!"

Cang Lang waved his hand and sat with other people so broadly, looking at Xiao Chen.

"Look at what you see, give me a go."

When I saw the high platform, there were other guests who didn't leave. The waves frowned and reprimanded. The others immediately went down and didn't dare to stay for a long time.

"And you, give me now, immediately, roll right away!"

Reaching out, the tens of thousands of guests drinking and chatting on the square are within the scope of Canglang.

A group of people are dissatisfied, and feel that this Xihai Dragon King is too overbearing, but the other is the king of the seven heavens. There are also many holy places, as well as the ancient family. Under such power, no one dares to violate him.

Xiao Chen, who looks at the red-eyed eyes, said: "Don't look at me, I tell you, I am in your Longmen ceremony, I can't open it. I don't care about your heart, don't let your blood, I just sit. If you don't move here, you can make your Longmen ceremony impossible."

Tear the face of the waves, it really makes people unable to find a way to cope, this almost rogue way, let Xiao Chen sighed in the chest, can not be released.

Sitting in the holy place on the side of the waves, watching the appearance of Xiao Chen’s grievances, his face showed a slight smile.

I am happy in my heart, and there is something more happier than this. I can watch this Qing Emperor after eating. After the autumn, there is another Xihai Dragon King, which is more comfortable than this.

To say that it is uncomfortable, the only thing that is uncomfortable is that Xiao Chen had previously danced in front of them and took over the fourteen-handed giant blades.

But now, the situation has come back, as long as the gantry can not be rebuilt, the Qinglong Wang Qiyun will drop, and the previous humiliation will not matter.


Xiao Chen was in a thrilling mood, couldn't help but sip a blood, spit it out, sprinkled it on the high platform, and the scarlet was shocking.

"Xiao Chen!"

"Xiao Big Brother!"

The face of the dust and other people changed, and ran over to hold Xiao Chen, his face looked worried and angry.

In the distant clouds, on the moonlight on the holy ship, Xiao Chen, who suddenly vomited blood, had a tight heart and wanted to find out.


In the palace of the Holy Ship, there was a voice, and the moon and ice cloud struggled and stopped.

On top of other warships, they won this scene, and each one showed a sneer look. Although Xiao Chen is strong, but after all, it is a person, not a god.

Xihai Longwang and others glanced at it, and they understood that they had caught the twelve giant blades. Xiao Chen’s dark wounds were not small. In particular, he also used some difficult-to-use techniques to counter the sky. hurt.

In the Longmen Grand Ceremony, there was no rest, and it was a bit supportive now, and the injury broke out completely.

Looking at Xiao Chen, who was pale, Xihai Longwang smiled faintly: "You, see clearly, I didn't do anything to him. It was his own blood, but don't rely on my head."

"Oh, the original injury is not light, I really thought that we would catch our gift and be able to be intact."

"Qinglong Wang, but that's it."

A group of people looked at Xiao Chen, who vomited blood, and ridiculed the cold words, and they were very comfortable. Think about it before, when Xiao Chen took the gift and invited them to come up, the style was boundless, and there was such a terrible moment.

The stranger looked at the West Sea Dragon King and glared at him: "Don't be too much."

Xihai Dragon King laughed and said: "What's wrong, little girl, we said that we can't let it go, this kid is self-effacing, who can blame!"


The dust and anger screamed, and I couldn’t help it, and directly rushed to the past. Above the top of the head, there is a book of holy books burning with flames. The whole person is bathed in the fire, and it is a palm of the hand against the waves.

"Tiangong Baojian? You are a little girl, but there are some encounters. If you give me a hundred years, you may be my opponent. Now give me where to come from, where to go."

Canglang and other elders of the Holy Land, and the book of the Holy Scriptures, are all bright.

For the dust that has been thrown over, I don’t care much about it. There are too many differences. Even if there is a Tiangong treasure, in their eyes, it is also the existence of ants.


Xiao Chen, who was pale, looked at the strange dust, and the heart sank, the toes were a little bit, and the first one came forward. The palm was shot on the dusty shoulder and stopped her in front.

The waves that were prepared to be shot, smiled slightly: "Interestingly, the Qinglong King is the Qinglong King, all hurt like this, and there is such a speed, good body!"

"But since I have shot, I simply don't stop, try how strong the Green Dragon King is."

He sang a voice, raised his hand and shot a palm, and the flames of the time rolled in. The fire dragon with the power of Hongmeng, the claws of the teeth, rushed toward Xiaochen.

The power of this move is not too strong, it is just a slap in the face of the waves, you can be in the state of Xiao Chen, it is not good to hide.

With a bang, with a strange dust, trying to dodge, Xiao Chen was finally injured by the aftermath of this palm, no big problem.

"The body is really good, I am waiting for a long time." A group of people looked at Xiao Chen's wolverine look, laughing.


The people in the Longmen, all with a sigh of gas, can face this group of big people sitting on the side, completely helpless.

Xiao Chen got up, and his mouth overflowed with a blood. Looking at the big guys, he laughed so happy, his heart was angry and burning.

It has already been expected that the Longmen Grand Ceremony will be a sinister suffering, but I did not expect it to be so difficult, even the desperate opportunity.

However, he has no regrets in his heart. As he said, his persistence, the waves and other people will never understand.

"Qinglong Wang, you have been ruined by the Dragon Gate Ceremony. Now I regret it? I was born to you and told you that the Longmen Grand Ceremony can't be done. You tell me about the general trend. Now you can know what is the general trend. I am here!"

I feel that I have fully grasped the turbulent waves of the initiative and looked at Xiao Chen Road in the voice of the winner.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "The big trend? You can only see the small trend. Your Xihai Dragon Palace has done its best. All you can do is close my star island. Unfortunately, you have blocked this road yourself, even today's Longmen ceremony. No, but the ending of the Xihai Dragon Palace can't be changed."

"You think I am a clown, but in my eyes, you are the real clown. Jumping up and down, you are so powerful, but you don't know how many people secretly laugh at you!"

"The bones are really hard. You let my son kneel before March. Today I will let you kneel down and see if your bones are really so hard!"

Seeing Xiao Chen at this time, not only did not bow, but also made a statement to degenerate him. Pointing at his heart, the most fearful thing, his face suddenly changed.

"You dare to try him!"

Just as Xiao Chen was preparing to start the Qinglong Lock Sky Array, the square that should have been empty, but there was a cold and ruthless voice.


The waves of swaying, in the empty Qinglong Square, saw a lonely figure, eye-catching.

In fact, it is difficult to be unsightly. The people in the square are threatened by the waves, but only this person is still there.

"Do you want to die? I have already said that let you all give me a roll, who will give you the courage to leave."

Looking at the person who is facing him drinking, swaying in the heart, the nameless fire, and the killing.

Xiao Chen’s back to the road, his heart is suspicious, who is this person. There is a little bit of familiarity, but I can't recognize it. It seems that it is not the guest he invited.

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