Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1443: Guest and friends are full of guests

A burst of laughter sounded, and the back turned and looked at the waves: "Who is sitting here with me? I am sitting here, do you still need your permission?"

"The devil sea is solitary, come to congratulate the Qinglong King to rebuild the Dragon Gate!"

Come here is the father of the arrogant arrogance, the one who is the devil of the world.

The mixed-race demons, it is more difficult to become the king of the emperor, but once it is completed, the strength will be extremely terrifying.

After crossing the six heavens, it can be called the king's emperor. The waves are not seven heavens, and belong to the lower level of existence among the king's emperors.

But this demon king is solitary, but it is the existence that Xiao Chen can't see through. I don't know that the other is the existence of several heavens.

But it is certain that it is definitely stronger than the West Sea Dragon King, and it is more than one star and a half. Seeing the face of the waves at this moment, you can guess one or two.

However, Xiao Chen did not invite the solitary madness, because he only had a face-to-face greeting with the other party. And the other person is a demon, Xiao Chen is not good at speculating the other's mind, so no invitation.

Unexpectedly, at this critical time, the VIPs he invited were stopped by people. Instead, they were so lonely that they could not think of it and would not come.

"Done mad!"

Not only did the waves change their faces, the other elders of the Holy Land, but also the strong men of the ancient family, their faces changed all over, and apparently they all heard of the reputation of this monk.

Among the clouds, those big men who are tall and on the sidelines, the brows are also wrinkled tightly.

Solitary madness step by step, came to the high platform, looked at the waves of the West Sea Dragon King, the eyes flashed a thick disdain: "You, either give me a roll now, or I beat you out!"


I have been clamoring for other people to roll the waves of the West Sea Dragon King. I did not expect that there will be this moment, which is really exciting.

Those who saw this scene far and wide, all applauded.

"It’s a late step, I didn’t expect it to be like this now."

Suddenly, on the high platform, a figure emerged, but the blue dynasty came out with a slight exhaustion.

"Master!" Blue Shaobai and the blue sky, a smile on his face, calmly said.

Canglang couldn't believe it: "Blue Chaofeng, how did you appear? I obviously sent three deputy palace owners and stopped you."

Lan Chaofeng said calmly: "The three people are naturally killed by me. For a long time, they have not really started. The three great heavenly emperors have spent a lot of time, and it seems that they are really old."


A burst of sound broke out, only to see the air fall to thirteen old-fashioned old men, each with blood, revealing a different kind of suffocating with the stars and sea martial artists.

"Black Sea thirteen thieves, come to congratulate Xiao Chen, rebuild the Dragon Gate!"

There was a horrified look in the blue-eyed seal, and it was incredible: "Impossible, your Black Sea thirteen thieves should be trapped in the nine-day star array of Zhou Tianxing's Lord!"

"Hey, I am waiting for the loss of a hundred years of life, under the force, breaking his array is not easy!"

A group of elders around him, as well as the old man of the ancient family, also showed a hint of fear in their eyes, and they felt that things seemed unusual.

"What happened, the 13 thieves of the Black Sea, still come."

"Well, a solitary madness is enough to make people crazy. Now the Black Sea thirteen thieves are coming at the same time. This is how we are good!"

Xiao Chen’s heart was inexplicably inexplicable, and some did not know how to describe his feelings. I thought that the 13 thieves of the Black Sea could not come, and this Longmen ceremony could not be done.

Who knows, the thirteen thieves are willing to break through the loss of 100 birthdays for a promise.

"Ha ha, Xiao Chen, younger brother, our Black Sea thief promised that you will come, you will come. Who dares to make trouble in this ceremony, it is the 13th thief with us in the Black Sea!"

The blood shark king laughed and led the thirteen thieves and went to the high platform together.

Before the waves of the waves, the sweat continued to flow, and he was alone. He could fight for a fight. The 13 thieves of the Black Sea came together. He had no chance to churn.

"The North Sea Alliance came to congratulate the Qinglong King and rebuild the Dragon Gate!"

A warship flew from afar, Ye Chen stood on the boat, waving at Xiao Chen desperately, laughing: "Xiao Chen brother, this time my father, in order to defeat the five poison and the Tianfu Academy If you don’t die, even the Hongmeng Emperor’s treasure will be used. You have to entertain us to make up for it.”

The father standing on the side, smiled slightly, and shook the hand to Xiao Chen: "Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, promised you, Ye will definitely do his best."

"Xiao Gongzi, some things have been delayed on the road, and the demon is coming a step."

The ancient animal, the Thousand Feathered Snake, carrying the Queen of the Devil, with a crown of thorns, slowly flew.

Xiao Chen looked at the face of the demon face, and there were other predecessors, surrounded by an inexplicable touch. He has few friends in Xiaochen, but at a crucial time, these friends are absolutely dependent on living.

The big guys who suddenly appeared, let the guests outside the square look stunned.

"It's too exaggerated. The 13th thieves of the Black Sea have not come to the forefront. Even the ally of the North Sea Alliance has come in person."

"Xiao Chen's charm is really big, the thirteen thieves are willing to lose a hundred years of life, and the North Sea Alliance ally even used the Hongmeng Emperor."

"The Queen of the Yiren family has come. This Queen of the Devils is a must. Now she has ruled the magic sea, and the big man of the famous one, she actually came."

Above the high platform, a group of people from the West Sea Dragon King, who was so arrogant, sat in a chair and shivered, his face white.

The West China Sea Dragon King is even more unbearable, and keeps rubbing his forehead with his hands. From time to time, I look at the clouds somewhere in the distant sky, but there is no movement in the clouds, which makes his heart more panic.

Among the clouds, the teachers of the Tianfu Academy, the teachers of the Five Poisons, and the people of the Four Seas Dragon Palace all looked at a battleship surrounded by stars.

There is no reason for him, there is a supreme sitting inside, Zhou Tianxing Lord!

Among the Star Warships, Zhou Tianxing’s main brow is wrinkled. The last thing he wants to see is this scene. I don't want to go to the Longmen ceremony. I want him to come out and solve it. That is the equivalent of turning his face with Lei Wang.

This consequence is what he does not want to bear.

But now the West Sea Dragon King obviously can't shake the scene, but instead becomes the fish on the cutting board. If he does not lead, the other saints of the Holy Land will certainly not want to lead.

"Star master, how to do it, you express your attitude!" Tianfu Academy's teaching, said faintly.

The five poison teaches the teacher, the same way: "As long as you stand up, we must follow."

The owners of other ridiculous families open their mouths together, and as long as the star owners are willing to stand up, they are willing to follow.

Longmen is a nightmare. The top forces in the starry sea do not want to see the appearance of the Dragon Gate, and are even more afraid of the emergence of the second Qing Emperor.

As long as there is a supreme leader, they are willing to accept the cost of breaking the King of Thunder and prevent the establishment of the Dragon Gate.

"But it!"

In the eyes of Zhou Tianxing, the stars sparkled and finally made a decision, but at the moment he lifted his foot, he suddenly felt a breath that he even feared.

His face changed slightly, Zhou Tianxing retracted his foot, Shen Sheng said: "Start, return to the Star Palace!"

The Star Warship, suddenly turned the bow, bathed in a star palace, and quickly left this piece of clouds.

The other saints, each with a confused face, do not know what happened. You can see that the Star Master is doing this. It is definitely a bad thing, and they have returned.

"Go, go back to the five poisons!"

"Back to Tianfu Academy!"

"Back to Hongyang Island!"

Soon in the clouds, only the moon palace sacred ship left, the moon palace lord looked at the distance and sighed slightly: "Back, Mingyue City!"

Moon Ice Cloud ran anxiously: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, as you wish, the Longmen Grand Ceremony can go smoothly, and the Heavenly Supreme Court is coming!"

Moon ice cloud face a happy, can immediately converge a smile, carefully looked at the Master, to know that the master is particularly hate the Qing Dynasty descendants.

On the Qinglong Square, suddenly it was shrouded in a strong atmosphere, so that everyone was trembled and had the urge to kneel.

Two figures, appearing out of thin air, a man and a woman, the man's instrument is so grand, as if all the glory of the world is gathered on this person, there is a supreme, only my invincible powerful momentum.

The woman is a stalwart, with a small bird on her shoulder. After seeing Xiao Chen, he greeted him far away, and his face showed a smile of soft water: "Teacher, the master sister came to see you!"

With a splash, the West Sea Dragon King slammed the waves and fell straight down from the chair, scaring his face white.

He knows that he is playing big, and the Supreme Emperor should come to Zongtian!

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