Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1448: Hometown outside the home

In the flashing light, Xiao Chen and his entourage appeared in the transmission array of the Qin Dynasty royal family in the Cangjie world. They sent the outskirts of the Qin Dynasty to win the princess and a group of royals. They had already waited for a long time.

"Is it going to the sky? I haven't come back for so many years, I really don't get used to the aura of heaven and earth here." Gong Yang feathers reached out and smiled and sighed.

The Cangjie world is only a period of the immortal era. The small world of the caves of the celestial celestial beings cannot be compared with the big world of Kunlun.

Not only him, Yue Chenxi and Xuanyuan battle, but also feel a little unaccustomed. It is Xiao Chen, who seems to be more casual. He is currently practicing Jingyuan Stone.

Today, there are more than 20,000 pieces of fine stone, enough for him to cultivate for a long time. As for the cultivation of the power of Hongmeng, no matter whether it is in the sky or in Kunlun, there is no difference.

In addition, he has come back for a while and lived for two years, and does not need to adapt to time.

"Hey, Xiao Chenxiong, I am going back to the East China Sea, I will say goodbye here first." Xuanyuan took a long breath and looked excited, and some could not wait to go back.

Yue Chenxi and Gong Yang Yu, at the same time leave to go to Jin State.

After all that has gone, win the monthly payment and go forward: "How long does it take to return to Mohe City!"

Xiao Chen nodded. This time, he plans to go to Mohe City first and then to Tiandaoge.

"Hey, then go quickly. I have been away from home for more than ten years. It is estimated that your father will regret it now." Winning the moon and smiling, said softly.

The temperament of the other party has not changed as it used to be. The golden armor of the whole body is full of noble atmosphere.

Xiao Chen glanced at the transmission array behind him: "With the ability of the royal family, you should be able to send you to Kunlun, why not go."

Although the distance between the Cangwu and Kunlun, the top-grade star nucleus that needs to be consumed is huge, and the general nine-category sect can not be transmitted at will. You can win the strength of the winner, and you will definitely bear the cost. Winning the moon also has enough talent to practice in Kunlun.

Winning the moon smiled and took out the longevity lock of the heart. He smiled and said: "Because of this, I am born with a fat life and a weak constitution. If I live in Kunlun, I am only ten years old. Only in this small world can I renew my strength by relying on a long life lock. Life."

Xiao Chen stunned, the first time I saw the victory month, I found this long life lock. At that time, I felt strange that such an adult still had a long life lock, and there was still this relationship in the original.

But when Xiao Chen asked, what is the cause of the constitution, he won’t want to talk more about winning the moon, only urging him to go to Mohe City.

Xiao Chen is not reluctant, looking at the direction of the ink city, and then the gods are constantly scanning the past.

The Kunlun boundary gas field is too strong, and his knowledge is still somewhat hindered, and it cannot spread too far. But in this small world, there is no obstruction at all. Under the guidance of his gods, you can see the small half of the world.

After all, its rivalry, the top of the celestial martial arts, has no fighting power, and there is still some ability.

The gods quickly captured the city of Mohe, and Xiao Chen tore the space, in the cracks in the space, running fast. After dozens of breaths, close to the land of thousands of miles, they quickly reached Mohe City.

After landing, Xiao Chen recalled the dialogue with the winner of the month. Some regrets, did not ask how the current situation of Liu Ruyue.

Winning the moon is also strange, knowing that he is back, and did not take the initiative to tell him the news of Liu Ruyue.

Forget it, don't want this, come back a few times. He is the first to go to the Tiandao Pavilion, this time, in any case, it is necessary to return to Mohe City. And unlike the usual distance, he has to go to the Xiao family and step into the Xiao family.

The terrain of the Mohe City, without the knowledge of the gods, was printed in his mind, and he walked on the avenue. Like an ordinary person, mixed in the crowd around, walk toward the Xiaojiafu house under the Qijiao Mountain in memory.

Along the way, he found many people in the same trade. In the discussion of passers-by, this road seems to be leading to a city, not a Xiaojia house.

"Strange, what's going on, is it wrong for me?"

Xiao Chen’s wish, the end of the line of sight, beyond a hundred miles, is indeed a huge city. Compared with this city, Mohe City thinks that the village is generally simple and can not be compared with it.

But the direction is really correct, because behind the city, you can also see the outline of the Seven-Pointed Mountain.

Strange things, how can I not remember, within such a short distance from the Mohe City, there is a city that is comparable to the county town.

When I really don’t see it for ten years, I’m going to sangtian?

Xiao Chen speeds up and looks at the eyes of ordinary people. His speed is still not slow, and he walks step by step. This step is a kilometer. When he crosses between them, he is mostly silently silent behind him.

"Xiao Jiacheng!"

Seeing the three characters on the gate of the city, Xiao Chen is amazed. It turned out to be the city built by the Xiao family. It seems that the Xiao family is prosperous and has been developing very well over the years.

I remember that when I came back, I met many secret treasures, spiritual stones and cheats when I met Xiao Jian. In the Kunlun world, it is not a top item. In the Cangjie world, it is a rare treasure. It should be a great help to Xiao Chen.

Under the city gate, Xiao Chen was not very emotional, recalling his bit by bit at the Xiao family. At that time, faced with the persecution of Zhang and Tang, and the power of the county town, the days were much more difficult than now.

"Please ask the patriarch to take back the life, don't let the two young masters leave."

A plop, that is the younger brother of the Xiao family, Ye Hao, kneeling on the ground to plead for Xiao Chen.

"Da Bo, don't go to Xiaochen's brother, he is now the hero of our Xiao family!" Xiao Linger, the elf's weird, also squatted on the ground, anxiously looking at the Xiao family, Xiao Xiong.

"Please ask the owner, take back the life, don't let the two young masters leave!"

The Xiaojia disciples who had been practicing with Xiao Chen in the dark forest, kneel down together. Xiao Yu, Xiao Jian, and a group of disciples, all squatting, pleading for Xiao Chen.

The eyes were painful, but Xiao Xiong was still unmoved, and Xiao Chen was driven back.

As if it were a dream, those pictures, recalled, are still like yesterday. Xiao Chen took a deep breath and drifted his thoughts back to reality.

"I used to look far away. Today, I am finally going to go straight."

The gods swept the Xiaojiacheng, and Xiao Chen opened his eyes again. The toes were a little bit, and they vacated and disappeared directly at the gate of the city.

At the gate of the city, a group of guards, panic.

"Block the city gate!"

"Go to the patriarch, to the mysterious power, came to Xiaojiacheng."

Above the city gate, there is even a single Wu Zun vacant, want to capture the direction of Xiao Chen, can the strength of Xiao Chen, how can they find it.

Xiaojiacheng, the original Xiaojiafu house, has now been expanded into a city government.

In front of the guarded gate of the city's main government, Xiao Chen suddenly fell, not a dusty,


Guarding in front of the door, I found that Xiao Chen immediately uttered a cold drink, and the sword was out of the sheath, forming a team and encircling Xiao Chen.

The leader, there is Wu Zun's strength, a cold young look. Xiao Chen was familiar with it, but he couldn’t remember it. He had seen it before.

Suddenly the young man looked a little excited and asked tentatively: "But the young master?"

Two young masters!

The surrounding guards heard a glimpse of the words, killing the feelings, and the people in front of them, is it the second master who has already become a legendary myth in the Cangjie world?

Xiao Chen laughed, and a certain piece of memory flashed: "I remember you, when I led the team to the dark forest and hunt the magic core, there was your participation. It was only a long time, I can’t think of it. Your name is up."

"Ha ha ha ha, really two young masters, I am Xiao He, the second young master actually remembers me, it is unexpected, unexpected!" Cold youth, his face showed ecstasy, laughed.

Xiao He turned back and said: "I don't want to meet soon, two young masters!"

"See the second master!" The guards squatted at the same time, respectfully said.

Xiao Chen smiled and quickly let everyone get up: "You're welcome."

"Go to the patriarch, and the young master, the second master came back, hurry, speed!" Xiao He said excitedly, the mouth is a bit unclear, and some people quickly walked inside the gate.

Xiao He respectfully said: "Two young masters, go, go in, the master and the young master, you have always missed you."

Xiao Chen went halfway and looked at the gate, but hesitated.

"Two young masters, what happened." Xiao He said strangely.

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