Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1449: Grandfather sinner sin

Is it a local feeling?

I hope to come back for a long time, but this moment really comes. In front of the gate, Xiao Chen is hesitant.

Self-deprecating smile, Xiao Chen clearly defined his own heart, only hesitated for a moment, then he knew his choice.

"Nothing, just thought of some past events."

Xiao Chen said a word gently and continued to walk forward. Xiao He was behind him and pointed at the road.

One step, two steps, three steps, finally crossed the door. After many years, Xiao Chen stepped into the Xiao family again.

When entering the gate, Xiao Chen felt that a knot in his heart was suddenly opened, and he felt very relaxed.

The heart is more thorough. In fact, for so many years, the various kinds in the Kunlun world have made him understand the father's painstaking efforts of the day.

This family of Xiao family, in exile, has no capital at all. I really don't dare to let a descendant with the Qinglong Wuhun stay in the Xiao family, for the Xiao family to go up and down hundreds of lives.

Xiao Xiong of the day must make a decision and drive away his own son.

In fact, he never hated this father, just as he was when Xiao Xiong rushed him. He did not have too many complaints, but three gratitudes, each of which would smash his head.

I didn’t go far, there was a lot of footsteps in front, and Xiao Chen didn’t need to know how to shoot.

Stopped, but for a moment, a team of people met with Xiao Chen.

Xiao Jian leads, Xiao Linger Ye Hao accompanied, left and right, the crowd is a familiar and strange face, father Xiao Xiong.

In contrast to its four eyes, the indelible connection from the blood, let Xiao Chen feel uncomfortable for a moment, can not help but open the way: "Father, I am back."

A father and an adult, let Xiao Xiong, an iron man, have a wet rhyme. I haven't seen it for more than ten years. In addition to the temperament of Xiao Chen, the delicate appearance is like the appearance of 17 or 18 years old.

"Ha ha ha ha, two young masters, you can finally come back."

"Hurry up, Linger's sister can die."

Xiao Xiong did not move, a group of Xiao Linger, and Ye Hao, it was quickly surrounded. With a slap in the face, I’m bombarded and asked.

This group of family members did not regard him as a Qinglongwang. He only used him as a young master of Xiao Family, a relative who had not returned for more than ten years.

The rich family will surround Xiao Chen, let him feel happy, and forget the sorrow of Kunlun.

"Why are you Xiao Chen brother, how do you look younger than Linger, and quickly prove yourself, or else you will not let in." Xiao Linger was delighted, but still generally naughty.

Xiao Jianxun said: "There is less trouble, my father has not spoken yet."

Xiaoxiong’s face was a little smiley: “I’ll be back, eat dinner, I’ve already let the next person prepare.”

Xiao Chen nodded: "Listen to his father."

The father and the son met, the unexpected harmony, the ambiguity in Xiao Chen’s imagination, under the impact of family, there was no point.

This meal is the happiest time that Xiao Chen has eaten for many years. He lived in Kunlun, lived in many top hotels, and had a variety of spirits and beasts, but not the same as this.

On the table, Xiao Chen gave a simple answer to the question of the cousin. Of course, the danger he encountered in Kunlun, the hard way along the way, is not mentioned.

The entire Xiaofu, immersed in a joy, Xiao Chen's return, so that the house, up and down are extremely happy.

After the meal, Xiao Jian came alone to Xiao Chen's room and took him to his father's study.

"Big brother, do you want to go to Kunlun?" Xiao Chen asked casually on the road.

He came back to Xiao Jia, and a big idea was to let Xiao’s children bring Kunlun. Although he is not extravagant now, he will take up a thousand people and bring them up. Can bring some close relatives, three or two should be no problem.

The resources he consumes, he still bears.

A very important question is that Xiao Xiaozi is willing or not.

Xiao Jian shook his head and said: "Kunlun, if I had this opportunity ten years ago, I would definitely be willing to fight. But now I am in my thirties and missed the golden age. If I go, I am afraid that it is hard to do anything. ”

Big Brother seems to be very rational, and does not regard Kunlun as a paradise.

In fact, Xiao Chen is also worried about this. If he gets the idea of ​​Xiao Jian, he will not insist.

"You go in yourself, and my father wants to talk to you alone."

Before the study, Xiao Jian said.

After sorting out some thoughts, Xiao Chen opened the door and walked into the elegantly decorated study room.

Father Xiao Xiong, is looking at a book, seeing Xiao Chen put the book down, watching Xiao Chen feel a bit stunned.

"This time, in addition to homesickness, you should have other things, talk to me." After a long time, Xiao Xiong put down the book and whispered.

Xiao Chen said truthfully: "I rebuilt the Dragon Gate and wanted to connect some of the talented children of the Xiao family."


Xiao Xiong stood up from the chair and walked to Xiao Chen, some incredible, and his expression was extremely surprised.

"You didn't get hurt, how come you come over, why should you rebuild the Dragon Gate?"

A series of questions have been said from Xiao Xiongkou. The first thing he cares about is that Xiao Chen was not injured, not the strength of care, so that Xiao Chen felt a warmth in the heart.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "The child is okay, even now the Wudi of the small heaven is going to kill me, and the child has a way to cope."

What is the strength of Emperor Wudi?

Xiao Xiong was shocked again. After half a ringing, his eyes were a little wet. He said: "It seems that I did leave my eyes. I shouldn’t have driven you away. I did it wrong. I am not strong enough. Let you suffer so many wrongs."

Xiao Chen is in the color: "No, father, you don't have to blame yourself. Everything I encountered in Kunlun, I have already understood my father's good intentions. It is a child who is not filial, and passes through the house several times without entering. I should have come back long ago, no. Should escape."

Seeing the tears in his father’s eyes, Xiao Chen’s heart was sour, he fell to the ground and said the words that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart: “It’s a child’s mistake, no excuse, no reason to pass the house without entering. For many years, my father must have worried about me day and night. I should have been back soon."

The tears of Xiao Xiong’s eyes finally couldn’t help but flow out. His heart was always in the knot, and it was opened under the cover of Xiao Chen.

The original son, who has long blamed himself, has not seen for more than a decade, and his son has become the existence of Emperor Wudi.

"You get up, hurry up, I don't blame you, I have never blamed you for Xiaoxiong, I only hate myself for being powerless. You have today's achievements, I am not surprised at all, but I was so weak at first, I really can't. Sheal you."

Xiao Xiong quickly lifted Xiao Chenxi to prevent him from falling to the ground, and he could not afford it.

Xiao Chen got up and said: "No, let the baby protect his father and protect the Xiao family. I am swearing that Xiao Chen can't hurt Xiao's family as long as I have it."

Under the light, the father and son talked for a long time, and unconsciously, the sky slowly lit up.

"The Xiao family has been in exile, and there is no inheritance. Only this ring has been passed down from generation to generation and is also the symbol of the patriarch. I will pass it to you today."

Xiao Xiong took down a cyan ancient ring in his hand and handed it to Xiao Chen’s hand, and he could not refuse it.

Xiao Chen sensed it and immediately noticed the ancient atmosphere of the ring. This ring is indeed an ancient thing.

Can be above the ring, not aware of the breath of energy, seems to be sealed by some kind of power, hiding his true side.

"Morning, now the ring is passed to you, you are the patriarch of my Xiao family. Xiao family rules, you probably know, I don't say much, just tell you a word."

Xiao Chen nodded: "Well, father, you said, the baby is listening."

Xiao Xiongzheng said: "Whether you take the right path or the evil way, I will not blame you, but remember not to become the second Qing Emperor, the Qing Emperor Xiao Teng, who is the sinner of my Xiao family, this is passed down from generation to generation. ""

Xiao Chen’s heart glimpsed, how could there be such a sentence passed down, and the Qing Emperor helped Longmen to lay a big river and set a name for it.

Even if the gantry is destroyed in his hands, it will not be a sinner. After all, the Qing emperor said that it is Xiao’s own person.

Why did the ancestors pass on this sentence from generation to generation, and warned future generations with such a serious attitude.

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