Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1451: a bolt from the blue

In Xiaojiacheng, Xiao Chen stayed for a month, during which time he laid out nine King Kong Demon Arrays.

He has modified the good-selling squad, and as long as he has the blood of the Xiao family, holding the squad, he can activate the King Kong Guardian.

The original King Kong Royal Demon Array, but must have the power of Hong Meng to be motivated, after such a change by Xiao Chen, the power will naturally inevitably weaken.

Can be nine King Kong Royal Demon Array, the number of advantages, overlapping, enough to block the attack of the Emperor Wu, in this vast world is considered solid, no one can break.

Even if he himself wants to break, he will have to spend a lot of time and the power of Hongmeng.

In addition, among the Xiaojia juniors, Xiao Chen discovered three teenagers who are in their teens. They are talented and worth sending to Kunlun.

It seems that his own air transport has affected his family and made Xiao Xiao appear three small geniuses.

The people of Xiao Jian’s generation have not had much to be plasticized. The Kunlun community is not a blessing to them. It is better to stay in the sky.

Adding three more people to Kunlun, the top-grade star that is consumed, has to add 30,000. Even if Xiao Chencai is too thick, he feels that he can't eat it. It's no wonder that those in Kunlun never go to the lower bounds easily.

In January, when the work was done, Xiao Chen couldn’t wait to go to Chaotian Knife.

His sense of God sensed the existence of the Tiandao Pavilion, immediately tore the space, into the gaps in the space, and rushed past.

In this gap of space, there is no obstacle, and the speed of a person can be superimposed infinitely, faster than lightning.

However, a few breaths of time, Xiao Chen appeared in the sky above the Qingyunfeng of the Tiandao Pavilion. The gods swept away and did not find the existence of Liu Ruyue.

"Not in Qingyunfeng, I am afraid I am going out."

Xiao Chen is not worried. With the strength of Liu Ruyue, there is still self-protection in the Cangjie world.

Liu Ruyue did not find it, and Liu Suifeng saw it. This kid still hasn't changed at all. There was a smile on his face, and Xiao Chen was silent and appeared in the back of Liu Sufeng.

In the courtyard, Liu Suifeng is drinking wine, sly in a small tone, and his mood is very good.

"Hey, my heart is not here for a few days. I don’t know how much comfort I have at this time. I will go to other peaks tomorrow, Jufengfeng, it seems that I have received a new female disciple. It looks great, hahaha, I go to the giant blade. Peak!"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and his little sister-in-law seemed to be very strict with his wife.

"With the wind, you still have such a careful thought, I have to talk to her when I come back."

Xiao Chen suddenly spoke and decided to tease him.


Liu Liufeng scared a sip of wine and spit it out. He looked back and recognized Xiao Chen’s appearance. His face was extremely surprised. “Xiao Chen’s brother, it’s you, you are back, hahaha, you can I am scared to death."

Big brother? With the wind, isn’t it always your own brother-in-law?

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "What about your sister?"

"My sister?" Liu Suifeng has some confused words: "Xiao Chen, brother, are you mistaken, when did I have a sister?"


Xiao Chen’s smile on his face solidified, like being hit by a five-thunder, and some couldn’t believe Liu’s words.

He smiled awkwardly: "With the wind, you are joking with me."

Liu Suifeng has a serious way: "Xiao Chen, brother, I am not joking with you, I really have no sister, the whole Tiandaoge knows up and down."

Xiao Chen realized that things were unusual, Shen Sheng said: "You say a change."

Liu Yufeng felt that Xiao Chen was a little scary, but he still replied: "I am with the wind, a single seed, and there is no sister in memory."


Xiao Chen said loudly, how is it possible, is it just a dream that happened in Qingyunfeng?

"You are not Liu Suifeng, I am going to ask other people." Xiao Chen's face sank, and blinked to the Tiandao Pavilion, in the main hall, and saw the owner Liu Tianyu.

Liu will follow the wind and doubt: "What happened to Xiao Da Ge, I really have a sister? Waiting for the heart to come back, I will ask, but I really don't remember!"

When he asked his question a little embarrassed, Liu Tianyu was also confused. He said that he did not know a thousand disciples, and no one knew Liu Ruyue.

This, how, maybe... I know Liu Ruyue, and I am very sure.

Such a big case made Xiao Chen become a little crazy. He asked about it up and down.

Xiao Chen let himself calm down, flew into the imperial city and found the winning month. Liu Ruyue and Winning Moon have been together and should not be forgotten.

As a result, Winning Moon said that he did not know, and he never heard of Liu Ruyue. It's no wonder that when you first arrived in the sky, you won't mention Liu Ruyue in the month of winning. There is no such thing as Liu Ruyue in the memory of the other party.

Xiao Chen suddenly lost, and in the imperial city, found Feng Feixue. Feng Feixue saw Xiao Chen happy, but he said that he had never heard of Liu Ruyue.

"Do not believe, I don't believe it!"

Repressing the painful color of the heart, Xiao Chen flew all over the entire Cangjie world. Anyone who had been involved with Liu Ruyue was all found by him.

But everyone seems to have agreed to the general, all said that they have not heard of Liu Ruyue.

Above the ruins of Thunder Bluff, Xiao Chen looked at the endless sea, his hair was scattered, and his look looked extremely exhausted.

In the fairy ring, Jiao Jiao does not know how to comfort Xiao Chen, because she, I have never heard of Liu Ruyue this person!

"Does this world forget you, only I know that you have existed before." Xiao Chen muttered to himself, feeling the whole person, like to collapse.

Even began to wonder whether the world is real or illusory.

It’s a dream, is it a dream?

Xiao Chen was immersed in meditation. This kind of thing is really weird. A living person, in this world, has no signs of existence at all.

As if, she never existed in general, but Xiao Chen remembers clearly, the pictures in those minds, he could not forget in his life.

Whether it is a thousand years or 10,000 years, he will not forget that Liu Ruyue is the person he must guard in his life.

In the morning of Xiao Chen’s mind, suddenly the flash of light flashed and he remembered something.

Many Emperors in Kunlun, unanimously speculated that in the era of the peak of the martial arts era in the ancient times, there was a great power to break through the martyrdom of Emperor Wu. But those who are powerful, but they are half-deeds, have not been handed down.

Even on any ancient book, there is no record. Even the top of the holy mark has only some vague traces.

In addition, there are no clues left behind, so that some of the Emperor Wudi have doubts, and whether there is a peak above the emperor.

Is it like Liu Ruyue, who left this piece of exile, and like all the great powers of his predecessors, erased all traces in this world.

But it is impossible. He himself is only a beautiful Emperor Wu, how can Liu Ruyue leave this exile.

Anyway, this speculation makes Xiao Chen really calm down.

"Give it out."

When Xiaojiao came out, Xiao Chen reached out and stood in his eyebrows. Turn yourself and Liu Ruyue into pieces, and directly enter the sea of ​​knowledge.

During the time, in the mind of Jiao Jiao, there was a picture of Xiao Chen and Liu Ruyue getting along.

Her face showed a painful look, and the sweat on her forehead kept falling, feeling that the memory was like tearing, and her look was a little confused.

After the pain, Geng Jiao kept sighing and looked at Xiao Chen: "I remembered, I remembered everything. Liu Ruyue is your lover and sent a vow to protect the lover."

Until this time, Xiao Chen was relieved, not a dream, but the world has already forgotten Liu Ruyue.

Geng Jiao felt a while and was afraid: "I was invisible, and I was erased by a memory. What happened?"

"After returning to Qingyunfeng, let Liu Suifeng restore his memory, everything can be true!"

Xiao Chen has already guessed some, and even knows why he has not forgotten Liu Ruyue. After waiting for Qingyunfeng, let Liu Suifeng recover his memory, you can determine your own guess.

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