Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1452: End of the earth, swearing to pursue

Not long after, Xiao Chen, who calmed down, quickly returned to Qingyunfeng to find Liu Suifeng.

"Xiao Chen, brother, what happened? I really have a sister?" Liu Suifeng asked anxiously. He already knew that Xiao Chen had inquired about his sister from Tiandaoge.

Can remember, no matter what he thinks, just can't think of having a sister.

Xiao Chen looks dignified and looks at Liu Liufeng: "You really don't remember anything."

"I don't remember, I never remember that I have a sister." Liu Suifeng replied truthfully, and some were uneasy.

Xiao Chen’s heart is inexplicably hurt, so it’s no wonder that for tens of thousands of years, those characters in the transmission have not left behind.

Even the lightest people have forgotten their existence, and who can remember, but after a million years, the only ones left behind are the mysteries left behind.

"I tell you, your sister named Liu Ruyue, is your closest relative, is my favorite person in Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen reached out and used the same method to display his own picture with Liu Ruyue, which was simulated by the gods, and then appeared in Liu Suifeng’s mind.

Past events that have been experienced together, like movies, come to the forefront of Liu Yufeng.

All kinds of past events, the scene appeared, Qingyun learning, drunken as a song, about the battle Murong Chong, Tiandaoge the final battle, Liu Ruyue blocked him from the lack of life.

"What happened, what happened, these pictures, why are I so familiar, my sister..."

When Xiao Chen released his finger, Liu’s face showed a confused and painful look, and his eyes were full of sorrow. After a while, he became extremely painful, above the forehead, the sweat of the beans, falling down.

It quickly screamed and the wound hidden in the depths of memory was uncovered.


Liu Liufeng is like crazy, with a blood red in his eyes, and a painful howl, finally recalling everything.

The whole person was relieved, clenched his fists, fell to the ground, and kept sighing.

Xiao Chen did not speak, although the heart was anxious and urgently wanted to know the answer, but still let Liu Suifeng completely stabilize and say.

After a long time, Liu Suifeng became like a person, standing up and saying: "Sister, I remembered, I remembered everything."

The light in Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed: “Tell me what happened.”

"About six months ago, my sister and I were chatting about some happy things in the courtyard. On the top of the sky, I suddenly broke a hole, terrible. I haven't reacted yet, and a beam of light fell on my sister. ”

Xiao Chen was anxious in his heart and couldn’t help but say: "And then?"

"Then my sister, I became a white dragon, a thousand white dragon. I was full of the spirit of the king. I didn't know what happened, I fell to the ground, I didn't have any resistance. The things behind me, I I can't remember clearly, my sister seems to have turned into a white dragon and flew over that mouth."

The sky is broken and the dragon is gone!

Xiao Chen’s heart sank, and Liu Ruyue’s Wuhun was not mistaken, it was a white dragon.

Bai Long, some of the memories of his memory came out, when he first came to the Tiandao Pavilion. It was a storm of white dragons, and the death of the nine lives. The storm contained a sense of love and hate, which made it fall into the trap of fire.

At first he didn't care, but now think about it, but it is chilling, it will not be a coincidence.

According to Liu Suifeng's description, Liu Ruyue seems to have been summoned to awaken the dragon's blood in the body. Incarnation as a dragon, some top martial arts can do this, but the situation of Liu Ruyue is obviously not this one.

It can only be inferred that Liu Ruyue itself has the Dragon's blood, otherwise it is impossible to turn the dragon.

Among the ancient dragon tombs, Xiao Chen learned from the mouth of the ancient tomb guards that there were dragons outside the exile.

At the time when the gantry was not destroyed, the ancestors of the Longmen dynasty could even use the totem to communicate with the ancient dragons and let them strengthen the dragons of the martial arts. Because Xiao Jia and the Dragons signed a blood contract, there are already a few blood vessels of the dragon in the body.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, at least it can be inferred that Liu Ruyue should be safe now.

"With the wind, relax a little, match me, let me see the picture you have seen."

In order to get more accurate results, Xiao Chen decided to use the knowledge of God to directly invade the memory of Liu Suifeng. Xiao Chen does not have this kind of skill. Even if the spirit is strong, it needs the best cooperation of Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng did not say much, directly said: "How to cooperate, you tell me."

Xiao Chen nodded: "It's very simple. My **** will enter your depths of knowledge. You will introduce him and recall the pictures of the day in your mind."

"No problem, I remember, but I can't say it, you see it is the best."

Not much to say, Xiao Chen's finger point to his eyebrows, the gods sneak into the sea, and explore the sea of ​​Liu Suifeng.

It can be seen that compared with Xiao Chen, Liu Suifeng’s knowledge of the sea is much smaller, like a pond and a sea, with a cloud of mud.

An invisible force, wrapped in the knowledge of Xiao Chen, took him to the depths, Xiao Chen's knowledge, suddenly saw a picture, more real than seeing it.

found it!

The picture was fixed, and Xiao Chen saw everything that happened on the day, as if he were there.

The light column that falls in the sky, floating with ancient words, is the dragon text that Xiao Chen has seen in the Long Tomb. Sure enough, as he guessed, it is the outside world, the hands of the dragon people.

Continue to see, Liu Ruyue's face has no painful color, but the light falls. It seems to open a shackle in her body, a dragon is filled, and the mighty out, Liu Ruyue, turned into a white dragon, and danced.

So strong, this Longwei, let Xiao Chen feel the deep jealousy. Compared with the description of Liu Suifeng's words, the impact is not many times larger.

Even in his body, Qinglong Yuanying, both of them opened their eyes and released their own dragon.

As soon as the picture turned, the white dragon broke away and the crack in the sky began to close. At the time when the crack closed, Xiao Chen faintly saw the farthing land. On an ancient altar, Bailong descended from the sky.

The Wanlong people around the altar, all leaning down and squatting, the face is full of respectful color.

At this point, nothing can be seen, and Xiao Chen released his fingers, and his heart was slightly embarrassed.

"Sister husband, how is my sister, there is no danger." Liu Lifeng asked nervously.

Did not tell Liu Suifeng in the last scene I saw, Xiao Chen said calmly: "Nothing, it is possible that you will not be able to see the moon in this life, but you can be sure that she is fine, maybe better than we think." ”

It is night, Qingyunfeng, the moon is high, and the wind is cold. This night, cold and lonely, even the moon palace, is pale and pale.

Corresponding to the mood of Xiao Chen now, it is inevitably colder and lonely.

"Gengjiao, remember six months ago, I told you, abandoning the Emperor's action on me?"

Geng Jiao | Nodded and said: "How can I not remember, I have never seen it, you panic, can scare me to death."

Xiao Chen slowly filled his glass with a drink: "I guess it is wrong, it is not to abandon the **** of the gods, but Liu Ruyue left the world. Everything about her must be mysterious It’s not such a big skill to abandon the gods."

It is more than enough for him to shoot one person and abandon the strength of the Emperor. For so many people to shoot, even if the **** of the gods has this ability, there is no such energy.

"Just to the ancient power, like no, no love, and erase the atmosphere of the exile." Xiao Chen put down the glass, sighed.

Geng Jiao said: "Six months ago, the time to go with Liu Ruyue’s dragon was right. My memory should have been erased silently at that time. But your memory has not been erased. ,How is this going."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said that he did not understand. He remembered the powerful power of the gods at the beginning, and he did not have any resistance at all.

The memory picture related to Liu Ruyue was easily separated by the other party, but it was about to succeed. That mysterious force suddenly retreated and was not shot.

"What are you going to do?" asked Jiao Jiao with some concerns.

Xiao Chen looked a sinking, and the wine glass in his hand was suddenly shattered: "She is the lover who made my promise and never gave up. She is the most beautiful memory of my life. Even for a thousand years, 10,000 years, even the Buddha Keeping the road, I have to pursue the past, never give up!"

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