Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1453: Enlightenment

Knowing the truth of Liu Ruyue’s departure, Xiao Chen was not in a hurry. His worst intention was that Liu Ruyue was taken away by the Emperor.

It can be seen that in the last scene, the group of dragons bowed to the Bailong, but the heart was completely calm.

Outside the exile, what a world is, he does not know. Why does Liu Ruyue, like the ancient powers, erase all traces of existence, and he does not know.

As long as you know, Liu Ruyue is safe and has not been abandoned by the Emperor of Heaven. This is enough.

Since the martial arts peak era, the ancient powers can leave, then he will be able to leave. As long as you insist on it, there will always be opportunities to meet with Liu Ruyue. He has a higher confidence than the sky.

Since coming to Qingyunfeng, Xiao Chen chose an unmanned mountain and decided to stay here.

As for the memory of other people, he did not help to recover.

One is afraid of cumbersomeness, and the second is that it is afraid of causing some unnecessary troubles, causing the mysterious force to shoot again.

In the middle of the mountain, Xiao Chen passed the leisure time of the Kunlun world. In addition to the step-by-step cultivation, most of his time was spent on the knives.

After establishing the knife-based decision based on the knife, Xiao Chen is not shaking, even if this road is wrong, he will stick to the end, because this road is most suitable for him.

Geng Jiao is also not idle, and is sorting out Xiao Chen’s resources to prepare for the impact of the Shen Bing list.

She is still an instrumental spirit, unable to get rid of the moonshadow knife, and the improvement of strength is limited by the moonshadow knife, reaching the bottleneck. Only when the Moonshadow knife is raised to the gods, will there be an opportunity to attack a higher level of cultivation.

Breeze and green shadows, blue sky and white clouds, above the top of the mountain, the wind and the sun, a peaceful.

Xiao Chen leaned on a rock, and the moon-shadow knife was like a living thing. He jumped in his palm, back of his hand and arms, and his eyes were dazzling and dazzling.

Xiao Chen’s eyes and thoughts are not placed on this dazzling moonshadow knife. Let the right hand and this month’s shadow knife play cheerfully.

He looked at the wind and the beautiful sky, murmured: "I lived in Tiandaoge, lived for a month, this peaceful environment, I realized that the knife field is really big. Now I can make my own situation , completely hidden in the surrounding grass and trees, and between the clouds and clouds."

Before March, his knife field was still scary, not only thunderous roar, but also clouded. Pushing forward, I just realized the knife domain, I don’t understand it at all, I only know that I will release it.

Now think about it, it is really rough, is the blue predecessor laughing at me like a hedgehog.

According to the blue predecessors, I have now changed my mind, my mind is moving, and I am using it all.

To practice further, it is to solidify this space, and integrate the whole heart into this kilometer, so that within this kilometer, it will become my space.

The knife domain, the knife domain, and cultivation are a domain word. That is to say, it is necessary to go to the direction of the space artistic conception. The knife has become an auxiliary existence and has become a supporting role.

After all, the entire Kunlun, think that the space avenue is much stronger than the avenue.

Because of the space, entry is difficult, and cultivation is more difficult. Compared with the knife, the entry is not simple, the cultivation is simple, how can it be compared with it.

Xiao Chen was originally thinking like this, but with the cultivation of the knife field, he appeared to be shaken.

The knife road may not be weaker than the space. Only the Wudi people in the Kunlun world have received restrictions and cannot see the essence of the knife.

Xiao Chen’s heart is condensed, and the flexible moon-shadow knife immediately stops jumping. Appeared in the hands of Xiao Chen, was held tightly, pointing straight ahead.

The scabbard came out of the way, inserted in the front of the cliff, and the body trembled, and the whole space was slightly shaken.


Xiao Chen’s heart sighed softly. Within a kilometer, the light of this world slowly contracted. Forming a strange scene, outside the kilometer, the sun shines, the day of the glory is dazzling.

In the world of Xiao Chen's kilometer, the light is shrinking a little, and when the light goes away, it immediately leaves an eternal darkness.

Slowly and slowly, all the light converges on Xiao Chen, but at this moment, screaming, all the shrinking light. There was a fierce volatility, like a child who was disobedient, and sneaked away, where did you come back?

This is the direction of Xiao Chen’s current cultivation. He did not choose to solidify this space, and he and the domain and the blue world are working hard to seal the predecessors. Instead, I chose another road to bring everything in the kilometer to the knife in my hand.

The knife field is mainly knife, everything is used on the knife, the knife can not be a supporting role!

"It’s so difficult. Every time I get to this step, I immediately collapse. I don’t know, the way I am going, after a little grasp, will be a scene."

Xiao Chen’s heart is full of expectations, but he is also a bit embarrassed. I don’t know if this road will succeed. Trying thousands of times, but not once succeeded, it is a bit frustrating.

"I am practicing my mysterious martial arts. The cultivation of the knife field is very important, but my martial arts can't fall."

Turning over, Xiao Chen holds the moonshadow knife and turns it out of nowhere.

A thousand visions emerge from the body, and as the swords condense, a glorious picture of a thousand mountains and dragons is formed.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: "Now I am brilliant in this moment, I am already handy, what kind of glory I want, what kind of glory will be, come again!"

When the mind was moved, Xiao Chen took advantage of the knife and took out a brilliant picture of Wanlong’s soaring.

The picture shattered and condensed, and Xiao Chen was waving, feeling very happy and feeling a lot.

Only I have a knife, it is brilliant!

At first, I realized that I was not a perfect martial artist. I was finally in his hands and was slowly completed. Up to now, it is more handy, and it is easy to take it with you. All kinds of brilliance, ever-changing, ingenious.

Then Xiao Chen will practice the industry for many times, and this martial art has been perfected by him.

No matter what, this is the middle-aged martial arts left by the predecessors, and there is only one trick. There is no such thing as a glorious moment, as if it is a pleasure in the blood.

Xiao Chen stopped and frowned. "Unfortunately, this Qianqiu industry should be a knife created by a knife king in ancient times. There is a complete set, but unfortunately I only got this trick."

Among the knives and cultivators, the brilliance and the tyrannical industry are the strongest killings of Xiao Chen.

Other bright moons are indispensable, thousands of frosts, and the four seasons of the knives are all worse. They can only be regarded as the best martial arts.

After the knife drill was completed, Xiao Chen threw it away, and the blade was inserted into the scabbard above the cliff.

Two rounds of bright moon rose from behind, and the millennium and the millennium fire were displayed by Xiao Chen at the same time.

There are passionate passions, heartaches, and two rounds of the moon, writing different beauty.

When the practice of the palm of the hand was completed, there was a yin and a yang in the eyes of Xiao Chen, two flames of different colors. There is no rush to condense the taiji flame map, Xiao Chen moves in the footsteps, following the two forces of the Taiyin Sun, in the pursuit of each other, the resulting force.

At that time, the Longmen ceremony, he felt the power of this involved, in fact, not only can be used for defense, but also for attack.

The Taiji yin and yang flame map, which contains the Taiji way, can also be dug deep.

Slowly, at the foot of Xiao Chen, a huge Taiji figure appeared, sweeping away the dust and leaves, and the dust was not stained.

Xiao Chen closed his hand, and the flame in his eyes slowly disappeared. He muttered: "I am interested, I actually let this Taiji yin and yang flame map, dust for so long, it should not be."

Suddenly, his brow wrinkled and looked forward, wondering: "Where is the kid, dare to be so unscrupulous."

Beyond the vast mountains, there is a strong atmosphere, taking advantage of the mystery of hiding the air, rushing straight toward the Tiandao Pavilion, and there is no change in direction at all.

The method of hiding the breath is very clever, and it can be worse than that of Xiao Chen’s returning to the Yuan Dynasty. Under his knowledge, it is even more obvious.

It’s like someone who is hiding in his own body, bare body, unscrupulously walking on the street, thinking that the sky is crossing the sea, but it is clear by Xiao Chen.

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