Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1454: What is the mysterious devil?

"The strength of this person is afraid that there will be a real place for the emperor, what is it?"

Xiao Chen said with a little doubt that some of the great forces of the royal families and the Kunlun world in the Cangjie world are inextricably linked, just like the royal family and the winner of the Qin Dynasty.

As for the Jin State, it is directly controlled by the Wushen Palace. The royal family will have a quasi-emperor sitting in the town, and there may be a top-notch quasi-emperor.

But these are irrelevant. These emperors, who are sitting in the royal family of various countries, have no reason to sneak up on this day.

Since it is not the emperor of the royal family, there is only one possibility, just like Xiao Chen, which was transmitted from the Kunlun world.

But who is so boring, will consume huge resources, come to this low-spirited lower bound.

This person is powerful, completely ignoring the various bans and formations of the Tiandaoge, flicking back and forth in the air, after a few jumps, fell to the Qingyun Peak.

"I actually came to Qingyunfeng, come for me?"


After Xiao Chen’s operation returned to Yuanxiao, he covered his breath and silently fell to Qingyun Peak. Looking at the people across the kilometer, I found that this time I was somewhat passionate.

The mysterious man, come here, Qingyunfeng did not come to him, looking for a deep abyss who was sealed by the father of Liu Ruyue and sealed with life.

This person is dressed in black, with a slender figure and a handsome appearance, revealing an unrestrained evil. In this person's body, there is a faint magical gas, which is the magic that all the warriors in Kunlun world hate.


The temperament of this person in front of him, as well as the magic around it, at a glance, it is a pure real demon.

Just do not know, which branch of the 18th Mozu, some of the Mozu branch is extremely difficult.

Xiao Chen is quiet, hidden in a cloud, faintly looking at this person and seeing what he is.

"It's hard for you to be a big uncle. I have been trapped here for so many years, an ordinary hunting. How can I think that this little Tiandao Pavilion will have a squadron, and I happen to accompany the master to the mission. Otherwise, I don't know how long you have to be sealed."

When the black man is finished, he is ready to break the ice and release the magic man inside.


A cold voice came out, and the black magician was taken aback. This day, there are still people who can detect his heart.

Looking back, I saw a cloud in the sky shattering, Xiao Chen hit the white clothes, lifted his feet and fell, and instantly came to his opposite.

The magic man sealed in the ice, with the strength of Xiao Chen now, is not in the eye. It’s just that the ice is the father of Liu Ruyue, released by the power of life. Once the ice is broken, his body will be broken.

This is the situation that Xiao Chen is not willing to see. Although the old man is dead, the whole body must be left behind. In any world, no dead body is a disrespect for the dead.

"The Great Perfection!"

After seeing Xiao Chen, the black magician changed his face in a crazy way, and his heart was a little surprised. The little one was in the vast world, and there was actually a great perfection.

And still so young, almost like his few masters.

Xiao Chen already knows that this black magician is coming to the Cangjie world to perform the task. To Qingyunfeng is just a smooth hand and wants to release his uncle.

Nothing polite, directly spread the king's pressure, cold channel: "To be honest, what do you come to the sky, tell the truth, you can live around you."

After the initial surprise, the black magician has calmed down: "I don't need you to forgive, a small one is perfect, I want to catch me, I am crazy!"


Behind the man in black, he grew a pile of shredded wings, a fierce one, and a gust of wind came. When the body disappears and merges into the squally wind, it is necessary to roar away and stay away from it.

Xiao Chen’s look was not shocking. He saw the other’s means, and there was a ray of light in his eyes. He sighed softly: “It turned out to be a winged magician who is good at controlling the wind. This means it is a bit interesting.”

In the deep sea battlefield of the Cangjie world, Xiao Chen has dealt with various demons, but they are all **** strengths, and they are extremely low.

The Wings of the Pre-Emperor, the first time I saw it, made him a little interested.

"Ha ha ha ha, little people, can you help me, your Wudi can't catch me, let alone you, save it."

In the whistling wind, there was a burst of grotesque laughter, heading over Xiao Chen’s head and going with the wind.

One breath, I walked ten miles, a few breaths, and the land of a hundred miles passed.

"It’s ignorant!"

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a taunting color, and the toes were a little bit, and they vacated. Stepping on the purple brontosaurus, a few tumbling, stopped this squally from a hundred miles away.

Then, after a palm shot, I saw the squally wind, and I was taken back by this chapter.

"It hurts!"

In the tumultuous wind, there was a burst of painful mourning, and then the wind gathered and reunited into the black magician.

Only this time, the black magician did not have the previous one, and Xiao Chen broke his violent wind, and he also cracked his internal organs and caused serious injuries.

Where did he dare to let him go, and look at Xiao Chen, his eyes are full of horror.

Xiao Chen is now even the second Emperor Wu of the Emperor, dare to let go of the existence of a war, has disdain for the existence of this quasi-emperor Xiaocheng.

If it is not the other person's body, there is still a secret, Xiao Chen is too lazy to pay attention.

"That, you come to this vast world, what the idea is."

The black magic man stepped back in horror in the air, thinking hard about the countermeasures in his heart. Just relying on the palm of his hand, this person should be a level of existence with the lesser master.

Enchanting, it is really enchanting, and there are still such enchanting people in the human race!

"It's too strong, it takes the absolute advantage of strength, there is no trick, I can only use the ban."

The black magician made up his mind, and his eyes flashed a decisive color. He looked at Xiao Chen: "I want to tell you!"

His voice fell, his body suddenly violently grew up, and Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. This is the trend of self-destruction, but he is afraid of fraud. He does not retreat, and he looks at the other side and blew himself.


I was really able to blew myself up. I watched the other person’s dead body and the horrible energy. Xiao Chen said with some surprise.

Surprisingly, it is surprising that this level of energy has already caused him no small damage, or it is better to defend.

Among the eyes, each of them burned a flame, and the energy of the devil's self-explosion radiated, and the yin and yang flames suddenly formed, easily blocking the self-explosive energy.

No matter how powerful the self-explosive power generated by the other party, in front of the Taiji flame map, a trace of wind can not be blown over.

After the explosion, Xiao Chen wiped out the tai chi yin and yang flame map.

Looking at the front, the fragmented space debris, I was amazed. I sigh that the space in this vast world is not stable enough, and I also lament the decisiveness of this demon, perhaps the strength that I should not behave.

"No, this guy is not dead yet!"

Xiao Chen sensed a faint breath, and the body directly passed through the gap in the space ahead, looking towards the south. Above the sky, a space crack broke open, and the black devil's weak figure flashed into the crack and quickly looked away.

"Good guys, actually use fake death to lie to me, but if you survive this, you will be hurt. Not to mention, do you really think that you can live?"

Xiao Chen’s face sank, and the moon shadow knife did not know when it appeared in his hand. A smear of knife light, in the crack in the space, is about to close, flashed in.

After the knife was returned to the sheath, only one knife was left, and Xiao Chen was not in charge. Just wondering, this mysterious demon, the so-called come.

Is there a stronger presence besides him?

After a few minutes, break the crack in the space and think that the black magician who escaped his life. The look is slack, revealing a smile, just about the one in front of him, when he is bowing.

A smear of knives, with a sharp and unparalleled knife, silent, followed, and slammed the head of the black magic man.

Among the blood and blood splashes, the head did not know what was going on before dying.

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