Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1455: Millennial secret

The sharp knife, cut off the head of the black magician, continued to fly forward, without stopping.

Where the knife light passes, the space is like tofu, and it is neatly split into two halves.


A finger touched the knife, and the person who shot it showed a surprised look on his face. His fingers were actually scratched, leaving a shallow scar.

"Interesting, flying so far away, after killing one person, actually hurt me."

The voice fell, above the finger, suddenly bursting into the glory of Huaguang. Rubbing and rubbing, the knives that Xiao Chen waved out, there were cracks in the road, and after a while, they turned into pieces.

The person who shot, has a handsome and white face, revealing a breezy free and easy in the delicate appearance, making it difficult to connect it with the magician who is practicing magic.

In the eyebrows of the eye, there is a purple ancient texture, which is the aristocratic mark of the abyss, the popular name of the 18th Emperor's bloodline, and the popular point is the royal mark.

If Xiao Chen is here, it will not be strange to this texture, because in the eyebrows of the succubus cold moon, he has seen the same pattern.

"Wind Purple Wing, the knives contained in this knives, have surpassed the soul of the sword. This is a peerless knife that initially understands the knife."

There is a crisp and clear sound, and the mouth is talking, not far from the wind purple wing, a charming woman full of temptation.

The woman's eyebrows, with the same royal mark, wearing a leather coat revealing most of the skin, with a playful tail behind her, she is a succubus.

The wind purple wing gently nodded: "In the vast world, there is no such master, it should be a leader from the Kunlun world."

"Our plan, need to change?" The woman in leather clothes, charming and charming, is obviously a requesting question, but full of teasing taste.

There is a thick desire in the wind purple wing. Fire, smiled: "Yao Manlan, your charm is really deep in the bones, I really can't think of anyone in the world who will not be dumped by you."

Peach 夭夭, graceful shape, orchids and fragrance. Yao Manlan, it really is like a person, not a fake.

Yao Manlan smiled lightly, and the praise of the wind and the emperor's top-notch and purple-winged wings made her quite useful.

"Are you laughing at me? You haven't moved yet except for the fire in your eyes."

"Haha, it is natural, I want to move my heart, I want to see your cold moon, the emperor, can you do it." Feng Ziyi said faintly, the words are full of arrogance.

Yao Manlan flashed a trace of disdain in his eyes, the darkness in his heart, the charm of the cold moon, has already reached the peak, and cultivated into the soul of the soul. When you look at you, you can capture your heart and become a faithful slave.

Not entangled in this topic, Yao Manlan returned to his own question: "Plan, do you want to change, you have not answered me."

The wind purple wing heard a loud laugh, and the two scorpions shot a savage domineering: "Change? Why change, this cangjie world is not allowed to come to Wudi, who can stop me. Even if it comes to Emperor Wu, I am purple The wing is also a little bit afraid, so there must be any change."

Seeing the arrogance of the wind purple wing, Yao Manlan felt a slight disappointment. Among the 18 emperor branches, the people with the wind and the devil are the most arrogant and always confident.

However, there is not much to say, this wind purple wing does have arrogant capital. Now only 50 years old, in the abyss of the devil, there is a record of killing the Emperor of Warcraft, very good.

Yao Manlan said: "Then according to the original plan, you and I will directly enter the sky of the heavens, and directly use the powerful means to take away the remaining half of the sky."

The wind purple wing is domineering: "Nature, deal with a group of old ghosts, where you still need to think about what to do, all the way to kill the past."

"Can this person..."

In the purple purple wing, a flash of killing was broken, and the break was said: "There is no best, if it happens, my servant is not killing people."


Qingyunfeng, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, because he felt that his own knives were broken up.

"I am so arrogant, although it is just a random knife, but the devil is already the end of the strong, where there is still a way to break my knife."

Thinking about it, I can only assume that this demon has a accomplice.

Xiao Chen, who was prepared to continue practicing, had an idea in his heart and could easily crush his magician. This strength can be a bit stronger, than the magic man who appears in Qingyunfeng, it must be more than double.

In the Cangjie world, how can there be such a strong person, and he has a suspicion in his heart.

Is it the Nether, returning to the sky, sending people to establish a rudder?

It is very likely that among the three thousand lower bounds, the Cangjie world is the most mysterious, and the Nether Church cannot give up here.

"I have to go to the palace to remind me to win the month."

In the heart of Xiao Chen, there is no idea to destroy the Nether. Because it is only a rudder, even if it is destroyed, the Nether Headquarters of the Abyss and Devils will send people to rebuild. Unless he has the ability to go deep into the Devil and ruin the entire Nether Headquarters, there is no need to do this thankless thing.

But his friends and family are all in Qin, it is necessary to remind you to win the month and prevent it from happening.

In the land of millions of miles, Xiao Chen spent a cup of tea and came to the royal family of Qin. The trustee confessed, and soon saw the heroic and refreshing, and the extravagant wins.

"Oh, what kind of wind has blown you up, or asked Liu Ruyue? I have already recalled many times, in memory, there is really no such person." Winning the moon saw Xiao Chen, said with a smile.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and Liu Ruyue, he had already figured out his eyebrows. Naturally, there will be no trouble to win the month: "No, there are other reasons."

At the moment, he told his own daytime encounters and speculations to win the month.

After winning the month, the two singularly close together: "No, if the Nether rebuilds the rudder, I should have received the news long ago. Since the last time you came back, the invisible retreat of the Nether has been heavy. I have never heard of the news of the Nether."

"And, the demons you see are the wind and the devil. Even if you rebuild the Nether, you will certainly be the people who believe in the devil to host, the Nether and the Eighteen Devils, have always been untouchable."

Xiao Chen is aware of this point, but I did not think that it was strange to hear the reminder of winning the moon at this moment.

Since it is not to rebuild the Nether, then this demon person has nothing to do with the apocalyptic world.

Between the thoughts, Xiao Chen’s mind flashed in the mind: “Will it come from the fairyland of the sky, in the wonderland of the sky, some places even dare to be tricky, and there must be a treasure of the immortal era.”

"No, the treasures of the fairy tales are not useful to them."

Winning the moon quickly denied this speculation, and it is absolutely impossible to come for the treasure of the fairy tales.

"It won't be..."

Seems to think of something, winning the face suddenly changed, seems to involve something secret, not good to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen thought with excitement and guessed the thought of winning the moon: "Is it convenient to tell me?"

Win the moon for a moment, look at Xiao Chen said: "It is no problem to tell you, the Cangjie world does not allow the Emperor Wu to come down, you know this?"

Xiao Chen nodded, and he knew this very early. There are no such bans in other lower bounds, but only in the vast world.

Moreover, the ban of the Kunlun community and the Abyss and the Emperor, the morning ban, Xiao Chen has long been curious.

Can't help, win the moon to know why?

Winning the moon trust Xiao Chen, mentioning this embarrassment, there is no hidden meaning: "You think it is right, I do know the reason, the royal family knows. Cangxian Xianjun, is the period of the immortal era, three thousand The head of Xianjun, if one allows the person to fully master the Cangjie world and annex other lower bounds, he can become a world, a big world comparable to the Abyss and the Kunlun."

"After 10,000 years ago, the last Emperor Tianwu was ambitious, wanting to annex the 3,000 lower bounds, and then arguing with the Abyss and the Kunlun world to unify the entire three realms."

Xiao Chen’s face changed slightly, and he did not expect the destruction of the Tianwu Dynasty. He also hidden such a secret.

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