Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1456: Be late

Winning the month continues: "You know the things behind, the Tianwu dynasty is destroyed, and then the Cangjie world is occupied by the five countries, and no one has the ability to unify."

Xiao Chen thought of something, his face was a bit heavy: "So, the destruction of the Tianwu Dynasty was actually hit by the Kunlun and the Devil."

"What is going on, I don't know, I'm afraid no one knows now. Anyway, after the Tianwu dynasty was destroyed, the high-ranking Kunlun community and the Abyssal Emperor agreed that no one would be allowed to send a Wudi-level master, nor would they allow Wudi-level The character appears."

"The fear is that there are emperors, reunifying the sky and threatening the existence of both sides. The heart of the world in the Cangjie world is also divided into the Kunlun and the Devil, each holding half."

"After the sky, the air transport will be lost, and it exists in the tacit understanding between the two parties."

After hearing this remark, Xiao Chen later forgot the reason why the devil came to the sky. He thought of something deeper.

The Tianwu dynasty was indeed destroyed by the double blows of the Abyss and the Kunlun world, but this is not the point.

The focus is on two people before Wannian, the last Tianwu Emperor, and the Qing Emperor Xiaoteng who was the champion of Kunlun at that time.

From the words of winning the moon, we can feel that the Emperor Wu of the day wanted to annex the 3,000 lower bounds, and competed with Kunlun and the Devils. The strength must be the extreme of terror, and should be on the same level as the Qing Emperor.

Through the news he knew in the Kunlun world, the last Tianwu Emperor and the Qing Emperor were friends, and he just died in the hands of the Qing Emperor.

As a result, his Qing Emperor was killed, and there was nothing to end with, and the final body was eliminated, and the gantry was destroyed.

That is to say, the destruction of the Tianwu Dynasty led to two ambitious and ruthless hegemons, both falling and drinking and hating.

Before 10,000 years ago, what happened in the end, Xiao Chen fell into deep meditation.

The original large and complicated bureau, in his mind, has become more and more clear. As long as you find a key point, all the mysteries can be solved.

This key clue is like a key. As long as you have this key, nothing is a problem.

But now the question, this key clue, where to look for...

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, what are you thinking about?" Winning the moon slightly frowning, watching Xiao Chen, who was distracted, reminded him.

Xiao Chen returned to God and saw the unpleasant color of the face of winning the moon. He quickly apologized: "Sorry, I remembered another thing, and I was distracted. Where did you say it, then said."

Winning the moon is helpless: "When you talk about the world of the world, the heart of the world is called the heart of the sky. It is half by the two sides. If you master the heart of the whole sky, you can truly hold the world in the sky. With the palm of your hand, and then gather nine dragons, you can begin to annex the lower bound."

Thoughts returned to the present, Xiao Chen thought for a while: "You are worried, the devils are violating the agreement, and the devil who came to the sky is to take away the remaining half of the sky."

Winning the month is a bit of annoyance: "Just a little worried, because it is reasonable to say that the heart of the sky has five top-level half-step Wudi, and there is a strong array of cooperation, even if the Emperor Wu came, it is difficult to attack. Got it."

"And, for the past 10,000 years, they have complied with the agreement and there is no need to break it."

"Agreement?" Xiao Chen smiled and said: "How can this kind of agreement be reliable? Moreover, the original agreement was that the two sides did not send the Emperor Wu."

In the eyes of Winning Moon, there is a flash of light: "You mean, it’s the Emperor Wudi who even surpassed the general Wudi."

"I am not sure, but in all likelihood, it should be wrong. You should inform the Wushen Palace and let them do the worst."

The words have already been brought, Xiao Chen did not think about blending the matter, ready to leave.

"His Royal Highness, the big thing is not good!"

At this time, a guard ran in a panic and said loudly.

"What, so flustered, the sky has received an invasion?" Win the month asked.

The guard was surprised: "The princess already knows?"

Xiao Chen and Winning Moon looked at each other and their faces changed at the same time. They were really unfortunate, and some did not expect that the other party’s movements would be so fast.

"What happened, you said something clearly."

The guards took a break and calmed down the confusing emotions: "The Cangwu Palace, which guards the heart of the sky, is attacked by the devil, and it is defeated very quickly. The Cangwu Palace has already given assistance to the royal families."

"There are a few devils."


Win the moon and swing: "Go down."

Sighing, win the moon and look at Xiao Chen: "You are right, it is indeed the demon enchantress of the Emperor Wudi. The Wushen Palace sent five semi-step Wudi troops, each with good strength, are top-notch. Exist, you can't stop even two demons."

"I will accompany you to a trip. You, the elders of Qin State, don't have to go." Xiao Chen said.

"You go?"

Winning the moon is not very sure of the strength of Xiao Chen: "You are sure to go, but the two demon enchantress of the Emperor Wudi, honestly, I don't know what to do now, some panic."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "It seems that you don't know my reputation in the Kunlun world. You take me to the Cangwu Palace."

Winning the moon, but Xiao Chen, but asked the Qin family, the old man who guarded the national movement, went together.

The other party insisted that Xiao Chen would not matter.


"This is the elder of the Qin Dynasty royal family, the strength of the great emperor, the comparable to the half-step Wudi, has been guarding Qin for two hundred years."

On a battleship that runs through the fairyland of the sky, Xiao Yingyue and Xiao Chen introduce a simple old man with gray hair and wearing a linen dress.

The old man of Ma Yi is kind and kind, and has a style of elders. After listening to the previous explanations of winning the month, he already knows the seriousness of the matter.

"The autumn of trouble, the reincarnation of 10,000 years, this devil is finally unable to hold back." The old man, the worried, said that he was not optimistic about the situation of the Cangwu Palace.

The two devils forced the Cangwu Palace to ask for help. It was really unbelievable.

"Small friends in the Kunlun world, have you ever heard of young leaders who can rival the Emperor Wu?"

After saying hello, the old man in Ma Yi asked Xiao Chen that he was in the sky for two hundred years and did not know the situation in Kunlun.

This Xiao Chen has never seen it. Among the Wudi Emperors, there are better ones who can kill Wudi. He even saw one.

But in the younger generation, except for him, it seems that no one has this strength. After the starry battlefield, God did not lack the group of supremes, and wanted to rival the ordinary Emperor Wu, and also had to be promoted to the Great Perfection.

Shaking his head, Xiao Chen replied truthfully: "I have never heard of it."

The look of the old man in Ma Yi is not even heavier: "The chaos will start, and the prospect of Kunlun is not good."

Xiao Chen’s heart snarled, it’s just an accident. The older generation is so far away, is it a bit exaggerated?

Cangwu Wonderland, Xiao Chen came twice before and after, at that time he only had the strength of Wu Sheng. At that time, the investigation revealed that there were some forbidden places that could not be reached in the wonderland.

It seems that it is right now, the Cangwu Palace is in a forbidden place.

The blood is filled with blood, and the thick **** smell comes from the surface. Some of the original scary beasts in the forbidden land, the dead blood of the body appeared in front of the three.

"Go!" Ma Yi old man jumped off the battleship, led Xiao Chen and won the moon and walked forward.

Some of the original puzzles, as well as the ban, all lost their effects. A moment later, a huge palace appeared in the sight of the three people, with intense energy fluctuations coming from inside.

That is the Cangwu Palace, where half of the sky is stored, and there are five half-step forbidden places where the Emperor Wu is stationed.

The three figures flickered and came outside the Cangwu Palace. They only saw the ground. There was a corpse lying on the outside of the palace. The number was thousands, and all the blood was still dry.

"This is the martial art who presided over the Canglong squad. All of them have the strength of Wusheng. Once the big squad is formed, even the martial arts have to temporarily avoid the edge, and they are all dead." Winning the moon was extremely surprised.

The old man in Ma Yi frowned: "And, it’s all deadly."

Xiao Chen has been a calmer face, and when he looked at these bodies, there were some slight changes.

He is even more profound than the two, not only a deadly knife, but even before these people die, they have not even struggled.

It is like standing still, arbitrarily slaughtering, and the means are extremely cruel.

"People in Qin, you are finally here."


A few broken sounds sounded, but the supporters of the other four countries appeared at the same time, as if waiting for a long time.

It turns out that these people have already arrived, but they have seen things wrong, and they want to wait for people to join in at the same time.

After winning the month, I couldn’t help but anger: “How can you do this? The predecessors in the Cangwu Palace may have to die at any time, but you have waited so long in this.”

"Little girl, you are hateful and hateful. You didn't see this thousands of Wusheng. You couldn't even launch a big array. Can you send your life in an instant? No one knows what is going on inside. If you go in, be careful not to rescue. Put your own life on it."

The old man who came to the rescue of Chu State said, he did not feel that he had anything wrong.

A very strong old man from Jin State said: "This is the result of our unanimous agreement. Don't fight, let's go in together now."

Xiao Chen suddenly spoke, faintly said: "I don't want to go in."

Don't use it, what do you mean?

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