Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: Search for magical powers

Xiao Chen, who exuded Mengdi Diwei, overwhelmed the wind purple wing in the momentum, even if he had activated the blood of the demon king.

In this world, the most dazzling of the light is only Xiao Chen. After the power of Hong Meng is transferred, the battle of the battle is instantly broken.

Looking at the wind purple wing that escaped, Xiao Chen quickly issued a knife, and all the visions were rewarded. All the brilliant, a condensed sword.

It’s brilliant in the moment, there are paintings in the painting!

Feng Ziyi felt a huge pressure. When he looked back, he suddenly became scared. He saw a large and vivid portrait, shrouded the party and quickly flew toward him.

"The wind devil is pointing, condensate!"

If you don't want to overdraw your strength, the wind purple wing will once again use the wind and magic to condense all the power on one finger.

Rub and rub!

The brilliant picture was shattered, but the wind purple wing was too late to be happy, and I saw another new picture.

"Broken!" I don't know, I have already been in the wind purple wing of the words, I heard Xiao Chen sigh and drink, I saw the space shattered, let him be in the space of painting. The body suffered, and the pain of thousands of bursts of sorrow, mourning.

The wind purple wing activates a necklace on the chest, and a protective body aperture appears on his body. This is the bodyguard that his demon family has given him.

In the hands of the king of the emperor can escape, but today facing Xiao Chen, but used in advance.

"White knives, there is a debt to the Lord, today's revenge, he Kunlun, I will report!"

Seeing the wind purple wing body shield light shield, Xiao Chen received the knife back to the sheath, no longer shot. The speed of this guy has been amazingly fast, and now it has taken out the life-saving secret treasure at the bottom of the pressure box. It is no longer meaningful to chase it.

Anyway, Yao Manlan has been caught, not afraid to find out the secret of the other side.

"Dare to ask a small friend, a high name, from which seniors." The old three of the old palace, came over and said respectfully to Xiao Chen.

Respect for the strong, regardless of generation, is the tradition of the world.

Xiao Chen readily accepted, did not feel uncomfortable, and said: "You are welcome, in the next Xiao Chen, it is also a part of the Wushen Palace, Lei Wang has already handed me to Qinglong Wang very early."

"Fang Wang?"

"Thunder King is hand-picked!"

"When you are young, you are blocked!"

San Lao had not left the sky for a long time, and suddenly he was shocked and his face was an incredible expression. In a twinkling of an eye, the identity of this Xiao Chen is even higher than them.

"I have seen the Qinglong King." The three old men rushed to a ceremony. This is the rule of the Wushen Palace. If the Emperor is not the king of the king, anyone will have to take it.

Winning the moon and the old man of Mai, also came over at this time, and saw the old man of the Cangwu Palace give a ceremony to Xiao Chen, his face at the same time.

Xiao Chen puts his hand in the hand: "Polite, a few people still manage to collect this demon girl, and then organize the Cangwu Palace."

"Right right." Clouds and old roads in charge of the heart of the sky: "This demon woman is not too shallow, so I have to interrogate."

The two old men beside him saw Yao Manlan falling to the ground. He did not pity and stunned him. He did not let go, leaving a restraint in his body, which temporarily turned her into an ordinary person.

"I will wait for the first time, Qinglong Wang is better to take a break in the palace first, I will wait until after the busy, then come to entertain." Yun Lao invited.

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, this is a fairyland. In some places, he is very interested. He can just ask the three old people and agree directly without any hesitation.

The cloud reveals a smile and retreats.

"Well, you are so deceived, I am worried about you when I come. I want to call you a Green Dragon King now."

After the three old men left, win the moon and smile, and the eyes are full of ridicule.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I told you at the time, I will come alone. You can't believe me without any means."

The old man in Ma heard this saying, and his face showed a sly look. He smiled and said: "I also said goodbye. I haven’t gone out for a long time. This world has really become unclear. The demon kings are enchanting, so strong and terrible, let go. , leave."

"You have nothing to do with this injury." Winning the month pointed to Xiao Chen's body, the big and small scars said, there is still a strong magic on it, it looks terrible.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "The skin is traumatic, it doesn't matter, we are advanced."

Winning the moon shook his head: "I will not go, they are looking for you to discuss this situation, the things inside the Wushen Palace, I will not blend."

Xiao Chen thinks of it, winning the moon is a winner, and the winner is strong in Kunlun, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the Wushen Palace.

The moment is not reluctant, let her go.

A servant of the Cangwu Palace, late to introduce Xiao Chen into the inner hall, waiting in a loft.

During the leisure time, Xiao Chen did not stop, and the mind was constantly pondering the previous battle.

There are both joys and concerns.

The good news is that his Tai Chi approach in the battle is a goal, and there is another powerful means in the future. What is worrying is that I don’t know what kind of water is in the Devil’s Royal Family.

If this person is not the top, then the demon enchantment of the demon king is a bit horrible.

Feng Ziyi left him with two deep impressions. First, the speed of the other party was actually faster than him. The second is the blood of the other party's royal family. Once activated, the strength has completely changed.

If it is not for him to condense the heart of the Emperor, you can cultivate the power of Hongmeng, and this battle is difficult to win so easily.

However, the power of Hongmeng is not invincible. After being known, there is always a way to cope with it. For the abyss, you can't take it lightly.

After two hours, Yun Lao came in with an apology: "Sorry, sorry, let Qinglong Wang wait for a long time."

Xiao Chen put down the teacup and smiled: "I am not bored, Yun Lao said about the casualties."

When the casualties were raised, the old face of Yun became heavy: "Thousands of Wusheng, all died, no one was spared, but fortunately, the Canglong Dazheng was not destroyed. Waiting for the new manpower from the Wushen Palace, you can resume operation, just... ..."

The other side wants to stop, Xiao Chen curiously said: "What is it?"

Yun Lao Shen said: "It’s just that this good day is afraid of falling. The Mozu did not tear up the agreement and sent the Emperor Wu. But this is the first time in the past 10,000 years, but it is afraid of a big chaos."

"Don't you rob?"

Yun Lao shook his head: "For thousands of years, the magic robber has experienced several times. The Kunlun world will have to bear a demon robbing for almost a thousand years. But no matter which demon rob, our Cangwu Palace is not attacked."

"More importantly, this time the demon robbery that has arrived here has not yet come. I don't think it will come. Once it comes, it will be a big robbery. No one can avoid it."

Xiao Chen’s heart sank, and the sky was robbed. This cloud is considered to be the old man of the Wushen Palace. His words are innumerable.

The two chatted for a while, and Xiao Chen said his own intention: "Clouds can know, this is a fairyland, what are the unknown forbidden places."

"There is a lot of forbidden land in the sky, but for Qinglong Wang, most of them should not be forbidden." Yun thought for a while: "Qinglong Wang, but to explore this heavenly wonderland."

"What, is there any ban, is it not allowed to explore?"

Yun Lao laughed and said: "The Qinglong Wang misunderstood, this heavenly fairyland, even if there is a baby, is also some magical magical powers, no one can use it and no one to see. If the Qinglong Wang is going to explore, I have a map here, in detail Recorded the forbidden land in the fairyland.

"There are clear classifications, Wusheng level, quasi-emperor level, half-step Wudi level, Wudi level, king-level Emperor level forbidden land, all have."

Xiao Chen heard a shock: "Where is the forbidden land at the level of the king?"

This is really unclear. The last time he was in this vast fairyland, he was not able to explore it roughly.

"Yes, but there is only one place. If Qinglong Wang is not necessary, it is best not to go."

Xiao Chen took the map handed over by the other party, and his eyes shot a strong interest. His two little magical powers had long since not entered his eyes.

He needs great powers and even supernatural powers. Mana is not a problem. Once Purple Ray breaks through the eighth, his sea of ​​knowledge will expand again and accommodate more mana.

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