Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1461: Cold water lake mysterious ice fish

"Cloud old, don't mind if I live here for a few more days?" Xiao Chen asked.

Yun Lao laughed and said: "There is nothing to mind about this. The Cangwu Palace welcomes the Qinglong King at any time. I want to come for a few days."

"Thank you."

Xiao Chen needs time to understand the prohibition on the map, and it takes time to precipitate his understanding on the Taoist way.

At this point in the present, Xiao Chen is very difficult to improve every strength. The emergence of the Tai Chi Way, let him see a trace of possibility, if success will be a great help.

It is not enough. It is not enough for the raging fire.

Therefore, he needs a supernatural power, and he needs a supernatural power that can help him through the raging fire. He needs a supernatural power.

Spreading the map, Xiao Chen carefully thought about it, and the half-step forbidden land below the Emperor Wudi was ignored by him. The reason is very simple. The old people of the Cangwu Palace who own this map all have the strength of the Wudi level. They want to come and go.

Already taken care of, there will be some good things.

Then there is not much left, and there are a total of ten places in the forbidden land of the Wudi class. There are only four places in the Wudi class, and there is only one place in the king's emperor class.

"Gengjiao, you help me to help me to check out the outside, help me choose a good route." Xiao Chen time is not enough, now he wants to understand the Taiji way, there is a knife-based knife domain, can Saving time is earning.

Gillian flew out of the fairy ring, grabbed the map, and smiled: "The bag is on me."

After saying that he flew out silently, like a beating elf, Xiao Chen looked at her back and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

On the island of the deep sea leading to the gap between the devils, Chu Chaoyun bears a long sword, sits cross-legged, and his eyes are closed, like waiting for someone.


A moment later, a wind demon wrapped in a golden shield in the sky opened his flesh-winged wings and swept through the sky at a speed that was faster than a meteor. The air could not obstruct the other.

Chu Chaoyun blinked, thoughtfully said: "Failed?"

"With the wind purple wing and Yao Manlan, I can't get the rest of the sky. It seems that he is back. It's a coincidence, but it's good, it was really taken by this wind purple wing, I took it later. It also has to be a lot of trouble."

There was a smile on his face, and Chu Chaoyun slowly got up and turned to the circle.

Only one person came back, indicating that Yao Manlan was caught, this is a big deal. I don't know what to do with the cold moon. Yao Manlan is also her disciple, and it is interesting.

After this defeat, the Wushen Palace should be vigilant, and want to come to the 18th Emperor, and will not send people to do it again.

However, the chaos will start, and this wind will not stop.

"I should also make the final preparations. Ten thousand years is a reincarnation. I really look forward to your final battle, but don't die so early."

Knowing that the wind purple wing did not achieve the heart of the sky, Chu Chaoyun was in a good mood, and his body shape flashed and disappeared on the island.


Among the celestial wonderland, the ten-and-a-half-step Wudi-level forbidden land, because of the early investigation of Xiaojiao, Xiao Chen only spent half a month to fully explore. In addition to killing a few of the difficult mysterious beasts, and gaining a little bit of mystery, nothing was achieved.

Even the little supernatural powers have not seen it, and the great supernatural powers don't even have to think about it. As for the stronger supernatural powers, don't dream.

Ten failures and nothing, severely suppressed the interest of Xiao Chen. Before he started, he was full of expectations, and it was expected that this would be the result.

It is hard to ask for magical powers. Even if it used to be the cave house of Cangwu Xianjun, it is too difficult to find it for millions of years.

"There are still four forbidden places at the Wudi level. I hope that I will not let me get nothing."

Following the map, Xiao Chen came to the first Wudi-level forbidden land.

What appears in the line of sight is a cold lake, cold and violent, but it is not frozen, mysterious.

"This cold lake, I can't stand it when I fell to a kilometer, I was not attacked, but I didn't touch the information at all." Jiao Jiao said.

Xiao Chen twisted his brow and said: "This temperature is very harmful to the body. Even if the Emperor Wudi can't fully bear it, you can get down to a kilometer."

"Then you only have half a step of gold, isn't it worse."

"So I am in it, I can only stay for at most half a day, and I have to leave after a long time."

With a splash, Xiao Chen fell into the lake, and the initial 100 meters was unhindered. After 500 meters, it was necessary to start the exercise.

After the kilometer, the cold gas invaded the body, and Xiao Chen, in addition to the power to protect the body, also scored the heart to eliminate these cold. Fortunately, the chill is not aggravated, but it is still tolerated, as long as it does not last too long.

Has been falling for three kilometers, Xiao Chen finally stepped on the ground, the ground is a thick layer of firm ice, very strong.

In the lake, Xiao Chen knocked on the ice and could not hear the sound.

Turning around and looking around, there is a crystal clear ice fish in the lake. It is small in size, looks very docile, and has a large number. It is not too afraid of Xiao Chen. There is no scruples in his head and around.

"Nothing, it seems to be running again."

Xiao Chen got up and brought up a blisters. However, this fish is good. It is hoped that a few can be grilled and eaten. It is definitely delicious.

In such a cold place, you can still live, and there may be other unexpected miracles.

In addition to the extreme cold, Xiao Chen did not find anything special. Has lost interest, can only be boring to put the target on this ice fish.

"Hey, this fish is so cute, how do you think about eating them." The result of this proposal caused a sly protest.

Xiao Chen directly ignores it, and when it is really baked, Xiaojiaojia will definitely drool.

The eye was fast, and Xiao Chen grabbed an ice fish that passed through him. As a result, the hand slipped and the fish tail slipped out of his hand.

"I didn't even catch it, but since I came, I can't go back empty-handed."

Xiao Chen was very patient. As a result, he shot a few times and was slipped out by the ice fish. He couldn’t hold it.

Moreover, these ice fish were not afraid at all, and spit on him.

"Do not believe, can't catch!"

Xiao Chen was a little angry, and a hint of killing in his heart was released and began to spread in the lake.

call out!

But this does not matter, the next situation, it will make Xiao Chen himself scared.

At the bottom of the lake, at the moment of his murder, he suddenly fell silent. Tens of thousands of ice fish stopped swimming, turned the fish head, and looked at him silently. The look of the battle seemed a little weird.

"Hey, how do I feel a little bit wrong, the skin burns like a fire, but there is no pain at all."

Xiao Chen rolled up his sleeves and glanced at it. He saw a frost on his skin. He touched it, and the large pieces fell off, and even the bones were seen.

In this scene, he looked pale, his hair was creepy and his back was cold.

Where the ice fish spit before was saliva, which was clearly a high-grade ice fire, and even his half-step golden body could not hold back.


I saw tens of thousands of ice fish, and at the same time opened the mouth, a raging ice fire, like a bullet hit him over the sky.

Xiao Chen was directly scared to death, never a moment, like a panic at this moment. Spread the body to the extreme and quickly go upstream.

Fortunately, the ice fish group did not chase him, and after he was driven away, the bottom of the lake was restored to silence again.

Xiao Chen, who was covered in ice and fire, broke out of the water and landed. Immediately ignite the sun in the right eye, cover the whole body, and remove the flame from the surface.

Then it took a lot of effort, and even used the power of Hongmeng to remove all the ice and fire in the body.

Fortunately, he discovered that the ice fire did not penetrate into the meridians and internal organs, or the trouble was really big.

So embarrassed, Jiaojiao laughs and keeps on counting.

"Let you greedy, I have already told you, don't catch those ice fish, now you know the consequences."

Xiao Chen was slightly embarrassed, and was rushed away by a group of ice fish that looked down, and there was no face to argue.

The interest in this cold lake is rich.

I have never heard of ice fish that will spit fire, and it is still such a mysterious ice fire. What made this group of ice fires change.

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