Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1463: Buddhism

At the moment when all the water plants were completely close together, Xiao Chen smashed out between the electric and the flint, and then slammed it and fell heavily on the ice.

The moonshadow knife could not be inserted into the ice. The body of Xiaochen was controlled by inertia and rolled down for a kilometer.

Xiao Chen, who stood with a knife and was exhausted, did not escape the slack of birth, but watched forward with vigilance.

The water plants that originally covered the entire ice surface disappeared. Instead, it was a giant water grass that could not reach the height.

The water grass is as high as 10,000 meters, and the rhizome does not know how thick it is. It stands on the ice and deeply penetrates.

The surface of the entire water grass is flowing away from a fascinating fire.

When the amount of mysterious dew is gathered to tens of billions of grains, it is a terrible ice flame.

This also explains why Xiao Chen collected so much dew, but did not condense into a flame, the number is still a hundred thousand miles, not enough.

"What kind of flame, how do I feel stronger than the fire of the Taiyin?" The strange look in the eyes of Jiao Jiao is unsolvable.

The fire is divided into yin and yang, and the smoldering fire is the first in the fire of the Taiyin.

The chaos is not open, and when there is no distinction between yin and yang, there should be a flame in the universe.

This mysterious flame in front of the eyes should be one of the flames that existed when the universe was chaotic. The grade is not worse than the fire of the sun.

This is the kind of fire that the Cangwu Xianjun himself found in the great universe during the immortal era.

As for the name of the flame, Xiao Chen is not known. It is a long time ago, and there is no such a cosmic fire.

He can know that some scattered information is also read from the remains of extremely old books.

Looked at the foot, thick ice layer, even the moon shadow knife can not be separated, Xiao Chen guessed that there must be a fire in this place.

There is also the water grass, which is also the **** of the immortal era. It can actually take root on this ice and give birth to such a large piece of water grass. With this, it is enough to explain its extraordinary.

"Well, although the magical powers have not been found, the harvest today is even bigger than finding a supernatural power!"

Xiao Chen’s eyes are full of excitement and joy.

The problem at hand is how to get started. Whether it is this water plant or the fire that is hidden there, it is not easy to get it.

"Xiao Chen, what to do!" Jiao Jiao flew out and looked at the mysterious water grass, unwilling to say.

This kind of feeling that you can see the treasure but can't get it can be uncomfortable.

In the face of the problem of sorrowfulness, Xiao Chen did not have a particularly good way: "No hurry, take it slowly, this water grass should be scattered. When it is scattered, I will think about it again. Now it’s rash, it’s too dangerous. It is."

After thinking about it, Xiao Chen’s a moment, the moon shadow knife in the hand toward the root of the water grass, fell over.

Seemingly random throwing, Xiao Chen actually exhausted all his strength, the remaining force of the body of the body mobilized the majority, gathered in the blade.

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, the moon shadow knife instantly fell, emitting a sharp and unparalleled knife, and finally entered the ice, and inserted two inches.


Xiao Chen only wants to be a mark, success is good, Hong Meng's power is consumed a lot, and now I can't go without it.

The moment when I left the water again, Xiao Chen’s entire talent is really relaxing.

I can't afford to fall down, just sit back and rest, these two times into the water, every time I was scared to death, a simple forbidden land, made him exhausted.

"Beautiful flower buds!"

Between half-sleeping and half-awake, Xiao Chen heard the screaming of Jiao Jiao and quickly opened his eyes.

I saw a golden translucent stem branch with a thickness of a millimeter in the heart of the lake. At the tip of the stem, there was a small flower bud. The flower buds are pale white, the stems are as thin as silk, and hundreds of them hang down, like a blossoming white snow, pure and beautiful.

The giant water grass, after the end of the lake, is actually such a scene.

In the morning of Xiao Chen, there was a spirit, and there was no sleep, and he stood up.

On the island of Tianxing, in order to deal with the fake Buddha door supported by the Tibetan Buddhism, Xiao Chen read some Buddhist scriptures.

This flower bud is a bit like that, one of the three holy flowers in Buddhism is Umbrella, and the other two are Ashura Lotus and Van Gogh Bodhi.

The three holy flowers of Buddhism, aside from the status they represent, and all kinds of fabulous origins, each has its own infinite use.

The lotus monk is long-distance, and the Bodhi realizes the sorrow and the heart.

The first two sentences are well understood. It is nothing more than cultivation in lotus to increase your own realm. With Bodhi enlightenment, you can grow your heart and do more with less.

A short-lived, momentary Fanghua, will be reborn in the Holy King Nirvana. To put it bluntly, it is possible to spend rebirth, which is equivalent to one more life.

"Under the ice, it turned out to be the seed of a beautiful Brahma flower. It is no wonder that it can be plunged into the ice and filled the earth."

At the moment of Xiao Chen’s face, he was very dignified. In any case, he had to get this seed.

If there is a rebirth effect, then his raging fire, no matter how difficult, will be over 99% of the grasp. But on the ice, he tried his best, and he could only break two inches, and he couldn't take out the seeds of the eucalyptus flower.

Hateful, I have always believed that my attack power is already strong enough, and there should be no disadvantage in this vast world.

Unexpectedly, at this most critical moment, the baby was in front of himself, but he could only watch it with his eyes.

That is to be able to help him get rid of the raging fire of the gods, more useful than any magical martial arts.

What to do? What to do? What to do!

Xiao Chen was anxiously walking around on the ground, turning around in a circle, even he did not notice, his face was a little scary.

"What happened, Xiao Chen, how suddenly he became enchanted." This looks like a devil.

Her look turned and looked at the hundreds of thousands of snow-colored buds that fell down on the water: "Is it because of these flower buds?"


Yan Jiao waved her hand and took out a knives, flying against the lake towards the slender golden stems and leaves, wanting to break it all.

Shaking, hundreds of stems and leaves, the end of the water, avoiding this sickle.

Xiao Chen’s mind stunned and suddenly woke up, his face recovered, and some stunned: “I’ve just changed.”

A beautiful look: "Xiao Chen, you have just been fascinated by the flower buds, his face is terrible, like to be enchanted."

Excellent brahro!

Xiao Chen was shocked by the heart. This flower is not simple. In the rumor, only the great achievements of the Buddha world can be surrendered. It seems that it is really not fake, and he almost has its way.

A gust of wind started, above the water surface, the 昙 昙 罗 bud flower bud appeared again, still white and beautiful, such as snow falling.

Xiao Chen set his mind and carefully realized that his own state of mind did change without knowing it. There is a rush of thoughts, and there is nothing to worry about, you must get the impulse of this flower.

Something is wrong, his rational analysis, the legend is a legend, the effect of rebirth, whether it is true, yet to be verified.

In my state of mind, I will be heart-warming, but I shouldn’t be so impulsive. This flower seems to be a bit wrong. He closed his eyes and held his heart. After a long time, he pressed the impulse to life.

Open your eyes again, the flower buds have dissipated, and the giant water grass below is thought to have been scattered.

"What flowers, so terrible." Yan Jiao's face showed a cautious color, asked heavily.

Xiao Chen whispered: "There is a flash in the moment, the moment is Fanghua, and Nirvana is born again. This is the best Brahma flower that even the Buddha will be heart-warming!"

"Then we still have to go on."

Xiao Chen looks decisive and calmly said: "Yes, the seeds of this excellent Brahma flower must be obtained. As long as there is a possibility of one percent, we must try our best to get it."

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