Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1464: The origin of the edge is so

A short-lived, Nirvana is born again.

This temptation, no one can not heart, even if I know this flower is not simple, Xiao Chen is still tempted.

It’s just that I’ve seen it at the moment, and I’m going to go with my heart, do my best, and I’m not going to fall into the madness again.

I came to the vast water grass at the bottom of the lake and saw the moonshadow knife inserted in the ice at a glance. The tip of the toe is light, Xiao Chen is in the lake, a few prancing, came to the moon shadow knife.

Forced to pull out, the moon shadow knife was pulled out, the knife was returned to the sheath, and Xiao Chen slowly squatted down.

Observe the water plants next to it. All the water plants are attached to the ice. Only this water grass is deeply plunged into the ice and grows tenaciously.

Xiao Chen, who has seen giant water plants, knows that this whole piece of water grass is actually born and spreads out.

Eucalyptus flowers do not produce mysterious ice fires. It is very likely that the fires he wants to find are also under the seeds of this Brahma flower.

As long as the seeds of Borneo are obtained, they can win in one fell swoop and get the mysterious ice fire.

Reaching the bottom of the water grass, Xiao Chen gently pulls it, does not move, and then slowly adds atmospheric force, or does not move.

Let go, get up.

The mind was moved and the power of Hongmeng was mobilized. Xiaochen pushed the lake around the lake to form a strip that was not the same as the land.

Taking out the cards, Xiao Chen began to portray the King Kong Royal Demon. After a while, a King Kong Royal Demon appeared and enveloped the square.

Activate the array method, a golden aperture appears, so even if Xiao Chen does not use the power of Hong Meng, Xiao Jin Gang Yu Magic Array can help isolate the lake.

Spread the knife field, let this kilometer be filled with your own knife.

Xiao Chen took out the moonshadow knife, and the lightning was like a knife. The power of Baidao Hongmeng was also mobilized at the same time.

Along with the slashing of the sword, there is also the temperament of Xiao Chen’s horror. This is already the case of Xiao Chen’s use of martial arts.

The blade smashed over the ice, and the force spread out. The entire cold lake was shaking and it was a wave of waves.

But the blade only cut a layer of crushed ice, Xiao Chen cut off the broken ice, and found that the water grass just barely exposed half an inch.

"I have a knives at this peak, and I will slash a hundred times in a row. I will overdraw my strength again. I really cut it down. I didn't get the seeds of the 昙Bao Luohua, and I have to kill myself."

Seeing that only one can understand, that knife will do!

Xiao Chen’s heart secretly said that only the knife field should be further advanced, and the ice layer would be opened, otherwise the two treasures would be invisible.

Just be a cultivation, just change a place.

No longer think about it, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down and slowly realized everything in the knife field and realized his understanding of the knife.

Within a kilometer, the light shrinks a little, and it looks like the darkness spreads, shrinks inward, and everything falls into the most primitive darkness.

Soon, Xiao Chen’s lower body fell into the darkness, and then the whole was swallowed up by the darkness, leaving only a cold moonshadow knife.

Awkwardly, everything collected, such as the tide, generally recedes.

Failure is the last step. How to defeat the power of this knife field in the blade.

Not afraid, come again!

Xiao Chen, who is sweating, bites his teeth and endures fatigue, and continues to try.

Failure, failure, failure... countless failures, people can not see the road to success.

If the blue dynasty seals the predecessors, it seems that it is still in the ear, the knife domain, the knife domain, the domain-based, the knife as the auxiliary, and must not be turned upside down.

Damn, really can't you, standing as a knife, if you take the knife as a supplement and lose confidence in the knife, then how can he hold the knife in the future.

Do not believe, I do not believe that the knife can be the main knife. The so-called knives are supplemented, but the Wudi people in the Kunlun world are too narrow-minded.

I kept my heart and insisted on my own way. Xiao Chen tried again and again.

He even forgot the purpose of the trip, and the whole person was immersed in the exploration and enlightenment.


Just as he was about to despair, he tried again, and within a kilometer, everything was in the dark.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, a powerful knife of the stock rushed out from the body and quickly gathered toward the heart of the Emperor.

Rub and rub!

It is like a sharp blade of the gods, built in his knowledge of the sea, sending out a crisp and powerful voice, bit by bit.

Just like a new life, there is a kind of re-recognition of the world and knowing what is a knife.

When the voice of the singer stopped, Xiao Chen knew the sea and there was a golden dot. Like the essence, the light is immortal, like the sun, shining on the whole sea, full of explosive power.

Among the golden dots, there is a powerful and terrifying force. When the mind is moving, the golden light suddenly explodes.

There is a ray of light, this dark world, in the eyes of Xiao Chen, suddenly burst into a sharp light, to light this dark space.

Then, Xiao Chenxi, under the body, transmitted a golden light of this scene. Among the golden light, there is a meaningless sword, and he is like a peerless knife that has just been baptized.

Feeling the power in the body, Xiao Chen fell to the center of the grass.


The hard ice surface, under this knife, was finally cut in half and kept sinking.

The light dissipated, Xiao Chen sweated, only felt very happy, the whole person was immersed in excitement, success, he succeeded!

I know that the golden dots in the sea are not there, but the whole sea is bathed with a layer of golden light. Xiao Chen feels that it will take a long time for the golden dots to rise in the sun and rise from the sea.

But for now, not considering this time, there are more important things to do.

Xiao Chen’s fierce foot, the ice in the crisp sound, a little cracked. His eyes are like a torch, and he looks at it. In the kilometer, a strange and flowing flame is wrapped in a white seed.

It is it, excellent 昙 Borneo seeds!

Sure enough, as he expected, growing in the mysterious ice fire, everything in the entire cold lake is the result.

Whether it's this hard ice, the strange ice fish, or the swarm of water plants, and the cold dew, all the sources are here.

In the eyes of Xiao Chen, there is a look of joy: "Bitter and hard, this trip is a big win."

When you reach out and suck, you are ready to pull the whole fire directly, so that everything will be completed.

At this time, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred, and the entire ice surface suddenly and violently swayed. It quickly collapsed and shattered into countless pieces, floating in the water.

Xiao Chen’s Xiaojinang Yumao was destroyed in the first time, and the whole person fell down.

With a bang, Xiao Chen fell to the ground. This time it was a real muddy land, not a cold ice.

Xiao Chen, who had turned over, was puzzled by this change and quickly retreated, trying to figure out the current situation.

Looking forward, I was suddenly seen in front of me.

"This, this, how is it possible!"

What appeared in front of him was a statue of a tall horse. The statue of Buddha was wearing a golden plaque. A thumb was hung from the thumb of his right hand and a flame was held in his left hand.

It was the mysterious ice-cold fire that he had seen before, and the fire was wrapped in snow-white eucalyptus seeds.

The Buddha statue does not feel like being carved, and there is a feeling of deja vu.

Yes, that's right.

Xiao Chen remembered it. I have seen it. The Buddha statue feels like a huge fairy statue in the sky of the Kunlun world.

The statues of immortals were controlled by the treasures and were transformed into the city of the sea.

However, compared with the statue of the immortal, this Buddha statue is undoubtedly much smaller, only a thousand kilometers.

In the mind of Xiao Chen, there is a picture, the period of the immortal era. This big Buddha, who is not self-sufficient in arrogance, wants to let go. As a result, the celestial celestial scorpion, free to drop a magical power, ice 10,000 meters, directly sealed this Buddha.

Maybe he was wrong at first, the hard ice was not from the mysterious fire, but from a magical power of the celestial fairy.

I am afraid that this is the truth.

An era has been destroyed, and after millions of years, the power of supernatural powers has been greatly reduced. In addition to the germination of the eucalyptus seed, once again weakened the power of the magical power, so he let him destroy the whole magical power.

"Look at your death, there is also an invisible force field, so that the lake does not fall. Presumably you were also a figure of Buddhism in the past, many offended, fire and eucalyptus seeds, the younger generation borrowed."

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