Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1467: If someone hurts this trouble


The extinguished firewood piled out from time to time, and a blue smoke floated out of it, straight into the sky.

"I eat, I eat, I eat!"

Among the thick scent, the singer is like a fish, and the three squid and the squid have solved a delicious squid.

"One more, I hate this fish." Jiao Jiao wiped her mouth and said to Xiao Chen fiercely, and wished that even Xiao Chen would eat it.

The previous big trouble, Jiao Jiao took Xiao Chen no way, after the pursuit, can only look at Xiao Chen boiled fish. When the fish is cooked, it will erupt again and eat three fish.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and handed over the past: "You said that you didn't eat, now five fish, you have eaten four, I just ate one."

Looked at Xiao Chen with a sly look: "You said that you still said that you are already abhorrent enough. This fish is worse than you. People are so kind, they have been defending them, but they can vomit for me, not eating me." ""

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Chen blinked and smiled softly.

The chewing of the fish is chewing, the tongue is unclear: "It's delicious, I really want to eat another one."

Then I felt wrong, reacted, and quickly said: "Hey, it’s delicious to eat, this lady is very hungry, this awful fish is not good, oh!"

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "You snack food, it is proud, delicious, like to eat, still not recognized."

The face of Jiao Jiao is slightly red, and she is eating fish from her own heart. She does not care about Xiao Chen.

Looking at the appearance of the fish, the face of Xiao Chen smiled lightly, took out the spoon, and tasted the delicious fish soup, and felt the deliciousness of the world, but nothing more.

The world's soup, thousands of thousands, the best drink is also a fresh fish soup, fresh fish soup, naturally the most delicious ones.

The ancient fish, really the best, I guess it is not wrong, after the oral treatment.

"No, Xiao Chen, you have to tell me why you open the mouth, there will be fish jumping out, I will speak, but all spit at me." Jiao Jiao eats dry, jumps to Xiao Chen, with big eyes squatting He seems to have no answer and will never give up.

Put down the spoon, take out the handkerchief, wipe the water stains in the corner of the mouth, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Do you really want to know?"

"Come on, let's say, why?"

Yan Jiao saw Xiao Chen promised, his face was happy, and he kept shaking Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s smile is not diminished. After a slower shake, he is not flustered: “A lot of things that seem magical, after getting the answer, you will find that the truth is very simple. In order to maintain your expectation in your heart. This secret I decided never to tell you."

"You want to die!"

Gillian was originally happy, and as a result, she heard this and immediately turned black face and threw down Xiao Chen. The little hand was constantly beaten up.

Xiao Chen was helpless and smiled and said: "Well, you will get up first, I will tell you."

"This squid is wise. The five fish that jumped out are actually older in the ethnic group. Even if I don't eat, I will die. It is better to jump out and give it to me, so I won't eat. They are young juveniles."

Geng Jiao suddenly realized that this is exactly the same as what Xiao Chen said. The truth is actually very simple: "Why do you spit on me?"

Xiao Chen smiled and smiled: "There have been five outs, you have to eat it is greedy, and people will not blame you."

"I... was calculated by you." Jiaojiao said: "I am so embarrassed!"

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Satisfied, let's go, we will go back to the Cangwu Palace."

"Just go back like this, is there not a forbidden place to explore?"

"No, it's impossible to pick up the things. It's impossible to get one after another. Plus, I have gained a lot. If you want to be content, even if it's really organic, leave it to future generations."

In addition to what Xiao Chen said, there is still the danger of uncertainty, which is why he gave up.

People need to be content, don't take advantage of their own air, they have no scruples, and they are insatiable. Really dead here, a generation of famous names, all to be destroyed, can not cry when you want to cry.

The cultivation of Taiji's way, in the invisible, also makes Xiao Chen's state of mind and temperament more peaceful, and his eyes look farther.


Cangwu Palace.

After Xiao Chen came back, he immediately found that the guards had become much stricter and the atmosphere was quite suppressed. It was a little weird.

However, Xiao Chen did not care, and killed thousands of Wu Sheng, it is also a big deal. After the reinforcements from Kunlun come, there will definitely be some changes.

Without passing the guard in front of the door, Xiao Chen descended from the sky and went directly to his own courtyard.

"Qinglong Wang Xiaochen has returned, and will go to inform the three adults."

The Canglong squadron, quietly running, like a long-awaited fishing net. After Xiao Chen appeared, he immediately started, and all the people were dispatched.

In the room, Xiao Chen sensed the strange fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, but did not feel anything wrong.

In my mind, I ponder the great gods and the law.

The law of heaven and earth, a total of nine turns, a turn into a turn, after the exhibition, the body can rise to a thousand feet, become a giant overlooking the world.

After the magical display, it will not hurt the body and will not affect the flexibility. The benefits are obvious, not only can increase deterrence, explosiveness, damage, there will be a great increase.

Getting started is not too difficult, and the conditions are not harsh. In the immortal era, this is a very popular supernatural power.

It’s just that the required mana is amazing. After three turns, the required conditions begin to be harsh.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and whispered to himself: "My current mana, to cultivate this great power, seems a bit reluctant. To protect Wanquan, I have to upgrade the purple thunder to the eighth."

Zi Lei decided to be the seventh heavy, has already reached the peak, but Xiao Chen intends to control, this has stayed for many years.

In order to let their own strength continue to improve, when waiting for the thunder, it can easily be pitted, not let Qi Jiao shot. Now, he is half-stepped and mastered the power of Hongmeng. It is time to raise the purple thunder to the eighth.

"Qinglong Wang, three adults in the Wushen Palace, want to see you, waiting in the lobby."

Xiao Chen pushed the door out and found that he was a servant who had had several faces. He said: "You lead the way, the cloud is old, why didn't you see him."

"Clouds are old, clouds are old..."

A common word, but let this servant, the body trembled, I do not know how to answer.

problem occurs!

Xiao Chen’s heart paused and stopped. “Give me the truth, how is the cloud going, or you will have a life.”

I got this big chance, and the map provided by Yun Lao was indispensable. If the cloud is hurt, Xiao Chen is very upset.

"Qinglong Wang was spared. When I went to see the three adults, I knew everything. It was just a small person, I didn’t know anything, but I also asked Qinglong Wang not to be embarrassed."

Under the strong pressure of Xiao Chen, the servant who led the way, with a plop, slammed down and said with fear.

It seems that things are really a bit serious. Xiao Chen’s face sank and his knowledge spread. He saw the three martial arts reinforcements chiefs who are tea.

"You have taken the road without snow. I personally asked what happened."

Screaming, the wind is blowing, and the servant can't open his eyes.

When I looked up, I couldn’t see the image of Xiao Chen at all. The eyes of the servant had both expectations and worries.

"This Qinglong Wang is also considered to be a man of interest. Yun Lao may not be saved, but the three adults are obviously prepared... No, I still have to pass."

Among the halls, a gust of wind blew, and the momentum was amazing. But Xiao Chen appeared at the moment of landing, all the squally winds, condensed on him, abruptly stopped, people feel like an illusion.

The quick body, the control, and the control are even more amazing.

The three people who are enjoying tea are shocked and secretly say.

Xiao Chen glanced at the three people, and then he sensed the three old people, the powerful sacred beast, the Suzaku, the white tiger, the basaltic, and the heart suddenly, the three saints.

"There is no time to talk nonsense with you, tell me how the cloud is going now."

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen waved his hand, oh, the tea cup in the hands of the three old men, exploding at the same time, turned into countless pieces.

There is no room for negotiation, Xiao Chen is overbearing, and he is not welcome.

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