Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1468: Turtles can roar to the dragon

Such a hegemonic and direct means, Rao is a three-year-old, long-lasting, full of enthusiasm, and some time was also caught off guard.

Stabilized my mind, the Qinhu, who was sitting in the middle and faintly said: "Dereliction of duty, unfavorable guards, has been put into prison, will be released after a hundred years of confinement."

Xiao Chen’s face is gloomy and angry: “It’s ridiculous, the cloud has no negligence, I haven’t known you yet. For this palace, he’s almost lost his life. The result is not dead in the hands of the devil, but he is planted himself. In the hands of people."

"Hey, we said that he neglects his duties when he neglects his duties. Where do you get your hands to get involved? You should take care of yourself and be at the heart of others." On the left hand side, Suzaku is a singer, and the white screams, the look is indifferent. Said.

"Qinglong Wang, Yun Lao did not neglect his duties, they want the old clouds to fall into you. The clouds are old, the tortured half dead, and then shut up."

At this time, the servant who had originally led Xiao Chen, rushed in, and quickly told the truth.

audacious in the extreme!

Xiao Chen, who was mad in the fire, no longer talk nonsense, stepped forward, and the lightning-like palm went to Qin Hu.

It was said that it was hands-on, and that the speed of the thunder was so shocking that Qin Hu was shocked. He had not reacted yet, and Xiao Chen’s palm was on his chest.

A loud bang, the thunderous Xiao Chen, but was shocked to fly out, ten steps later, only to stand firm.

Hey, the clothes on Qin Hu’s body were broken and turned into pieces to dance, revealing a set of white tiger armor wrapped around the body. Heart mirror, shoulder armor, arm guard, gloves, boots, leggings, helmet, whole set of secret treasures, covering the whole body, as many.


The armor flashed, and a white tiger phantom appeared behind Qin Hu and roared at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen sees a lot of knowledge, eyesight is amazing, at first glance, this set of secret treasures, without exception, the size of the accessories are all the best king.

A single piece is worth the price, and the whole set is together, which is even more expensive. Compared with the general Emperor, it is much better, and because the grade is less than the emperor, it is easier to play all the power in the hands of the Wudi.

This set of armor is extremely difficult to build, and it requires a top master refiner. There are not many pieces to come to the Holy Land. It is really worth the money.

Hey, the clothes on the other two old men on the left and right sides should be shattered and also reveal a set of king-level armor.

The virtual shadows of Suzaku and Xuanwu appear, and the white tiger phantom, at the same time, sounds and screams.

St. Wei was connected, and for a time, the momentum was shocking, and Xiao Chen took a step back.

Seeing Xiao Chen and taking a step back, Qin Hu is full of enthusiasm, completely no longer afraid, full of arrogance: "Qinglong Wang, you don't want to think about it, if it is not prepared, we will turn your face with you. This is the best king. The white tiger armor, even if it is the attack of the Triple Emperor Wu, can block 80%."

Bai Yan sneered: "The cloud old ghost, do not know the current affairs, there is this end, it is also a deserved, but it will be your turn."

The white-haired old man wearing the basaltic armor, cold channel: "Xiao Chen, you are good at the forbidden land of the Cangwu Palace, leading to the death of thousands of Wusheng in the Wushen Palace. Now I am waiting for the life of the three deputy palaces, canceling your Qinglongwang title. , go to the Valkyrie Palace for trial."

Qin Hu is in a strong position, step forward: "Now I will be embarrassed, I will not be embarrassed about you, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you. The Holy Land, you don't know how strong, I am standing to give you a fight, you are playing Don't die me!"

Xiao Chen licked his hand and heard the words, but he laughed.

The armor on the other side really made him a little surprised, but wherever he came, let the other side be so mad.

"Is it? Your tortoise shell is really hard, it can be hard, it is also a turtle!"

In the previous palm, Xiao Chen did not use all his strength. The power of Hongmeng did not work at all. This accidentally ate a little bit of loss. From beginning to end, he was not afraid of each other.

Let him get rid of it, there is no such possibility!

"Catch him!" Qin Hu screamed.

The two left and right, immediately heard the sound, and rushed toward Xiao Chen, there is a armor to protect the body, the two are not afraid.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and the moon shadow knife appeared in his hand: "I will look at your tortoise shell, how hard it is!"

I didn’t look at the two people in the right eye. Xiao Chen stepped forward and the knife was not sheathed, and the right hand was held. Feel free to have a previous one, and then send it first, easily break the opponent's attack and fly it out.

Like a juggling, the moonshadow knife jumped into the left hand and swept away.

With a bang, the black-haired old man wearing the basaltic armor was swept down to the ground.

Only use half of the power of Hong Meng, the two old in strength compared with Xiao Chen, it is the difference between the clouds and mud.

It is not allowed to rest in the morning, Qin Hu is rushing in front, and the momentum is amazing.

The loud noise continued, the space fluctuated, Xiao Chen’s right hand, and Qin Hu saw the move. Not only did not retreat, but the Qin Hu, forced to continue to withdraw, panting.

Even after breaking ten strokes, Xiao Chen has completely occupied the advantage, and he fell to the ground and blasted Qin Hu.

It seems to be dazzling, complicated and complicated, and it is only completed between breaths. With a dozen of Xiao Chen, it is easy to write freely, then the three will fly.

Of course, the three have armor protection, can not stand any injuries, but the heavy impact of the impact of the body is unavoidable.

"Can't you die? I will see if you can't fight or die!"

Between the talks, Xiao Chen, you flew up and stepped on it. You will get up to half of the Qin Tiger and step on it.

Hey! Hey!

The sound of the emptiness sounded, the white cockroach that had been shot and the white-haired old man, who had come and killed, wanted to save the Qin tiger.

Xiao Chen did not look at it. The moonshadow knife still did not squirt, so it came out with a strong knife and the power of Hongmeng, and the white-haired old man would fly.

The strength of the edge, the strength of the road, is simply scary.

The moonshadow knife is like magic. Flying to another hand in Xiaochen, holding the handle, it is so heavy.

Originally, it was necessary to hurt Xiao Chen’s white sputum, and he was shocked. His eyes were fast, his movements were quick, his hands were shot, and he was caught by the scabbard.

The crack on the ground dissipated like a spider web, and it slammed into the white plaque of the knife. When it was too late to think, it was slammed on the ground by the strength of the knife.

His face turned red, and even if he fell down, he still seemed to be struggling, and he couldn’t catch the moon shadow knife of Xiao Chen.

Suddenly, he felt the force on the scabbard and disappeared completely. Thought that Xiao Chen was weak afterwards, and he was happy in his heart, and quickly let go and flashed back.

But when he let go of his hand, there was a stronger force on the scabbard, and the power was completely free.

The scabbard was so pumped, and he wanted to leave the day, and the pain was so loud that he rolled out on the ground.

On the other hand, the white-haired old man, once again hit, but saw the moon shadow knife rotate in a circle, constantly forced to scare his face white, and quickly retreat.

Xiao Chen, who hasn’t moved his eyes, has used several means to fight the two old wolves, and he has no choice but to rush.

At the same time as the two hands deal with the two old, Xiao Chen’s feet did not relax, and he stepped on Qin Hu.

One foot and one foot, the rumbling of the rumbling of the rumbling, even if there is a prohibition on the ground, it is already broken.

Qin Hu's mouth, revealing a trace of blood, his face was sore and purple, although he was not fatally above.

Xiao Chen’s foot is not only the shame on the face, but also the pain in the body. It is even more unbearable.

Already hiding from the servant, seeing this scene, my mind is in chaos. Originally he was worried about Xiao Chen, but now he is a little sympathetic to these three old, too poor!

If there is no such battle armor, maybe you can ask for a good time.

"Xiao Chen, let me get up!" In the pain, Qin Hu, who has no power to turn over, is already embarrassed and asks Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s expression is expressionless, cold and cold: “You are not saying that you are standing and giving me a fight. Can you fight for it? Now how to beg for mercy, who will give you the strength, make you so arrogant, dare to frame me!”

"Who gives you the right to let you torture the old man and hold him in prison!"

"Now pray, dream!"

The pain made Qin Hu desperately crazy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stand up and screamed: "The two friends, don’t worry about it, activate the dragons and kill him!"

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