Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1469: Not afraid of trouble, I am afraid of accidents

A large array of Canglong, can kill the large array of Emperor Wu, the Mongol Palace big killer.

At the beginning, the Cangwu Palace faced Yao Manlan and Feng Ziyi. The reason was because of the existence of this array. It is a pity that the formation is even more powerful. After all, people must come to operate, under the charm of Yao Manlan.

When Cang Long had no time to activate, he died.

As the saying goes, Cheng also has this battle, and the defeat is also in this battle. Now facing the strong Xiao Chen, Qin Hu has not considered a lot, and is ready to use the big dragon to kill Xiao Chen.

The white man and the old man wearing the basalt armor, his face sank, and he went out and flew out of the hall.

For Qin Hu, although it is awkward and painful at the moment, but after all, there is no worry about life, the two are not worried.

"Xiao Chen, you are dead, you are dead. No matter how you humiliate me now, once the sky is activated, you have no way to live." Qin Hu gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Chen's resentment.

"I don't die, but it's not that you have the final say."

Xiao Chen is ready to leave this place. Once any formation is activated, being trapped inside is a troublesome thing.

The formation method cannot always be operated. As long as the three old people are in the palace of the sky, he has a way to deal with it, forcing him to let go of the old man. It’s indifferent to the old clouds and the darkness of the morning, and the people of these three holy places are all over the sky.

He is too lazy to manage.

A foot fell heavily, Xiao Chen did not come out of the sheath, smashed a top, hitting on the chest, the painful Qin Hu almost fainted.

Feel free to kick, fly this person, Xiao Chen body shape flashed, appeared outside the hall.

It was discovered that there was something wrong with the situation. Above the sky, the clouds were rolling. It seems that the sky is going to fall down. There is a kind of illusion that you can touch the clouds when you reach out. The four sides are full of murderousness, and there is a sense of oppression.

"The array method, has it been activated?"

Xiao Chen fell on the dome of the main hall and murmured, it seems that from the moment I entered the Cangwu Palace, they had already planned to count me.

This is a bit of a hassle. I want to go out, I am afraid it will take some time. Yeah, let’s take a look at this big dragon, what are you still there.

In the future, I was facing a similar formation, so I didn't have to worry about it. I finally saw it.

Soon, Xiao Chen recovered his state of mind and his body and mind were indifferent.


There is a killing word between the heavens and the earth, it is deafening, and it hits the mind, making people feel like shaking.

The dragon screamed, and in the dark clouds of the sky, suddenly a faucet was found, glaring at the big eyes, opening the dragon mouth, and swooping toward Xiao Chen.

With a flash, Xiao Chen avoided the blow, and the faucet retracted, a dragon claw, and the unpredictable arrested toward Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen turned and held the scabbard and gently sent it to resist the dragon claw.

In the loud noise, Xiao Chen felt a numb in his arm, and his heart was shocked. This is a strong force, and it is completely weaker than the Triple Emperor Wu.

The fierce dragon in the sky is hidden in the thick clouds. The dragons are not seen at the end, and the attacks they make are completely unpredictable.

And the action is quick, the shot is extremely fast, and I will be entangled in Xiao Chen. It seems that Xiao Chen’s situation seems to be somewhat dangerous.

"Qin brother, you can let Bailu take it!"

The basaltic sacred lord of the basal lord, who is hiding in the dark, feels that the time has come, the inquirer said.

Beside him, Qin Hu, whose face was purple, had already rushed over and nodded. "He has been entangled in the soul of the dragon. It is time to start, and stubborn, this time let him know that he is offended by the Three Holy Lands. End!"


Covered with the entire pattern of the Cangwu Palace, it suddenly flashed up, thousands of beams of light, rising from the sky, heaven and earth aura, rapid convergence.

In each of the beams, there is a man hiding, and the light column pauses and gathers into a dragon on the ground. Every part of the dragon's body is related to the architecture of the Cangwu Palace.

It seems that it is like thinking that the entire Cangwu Palace is turned into a living dragon, above the faucet, standing is the Suzaku Holy Lord.

Bai Hao looked coldly and chilled with the fierce dragon in the sky: "The disciples of the Wushen Palace listened to the fat, the dragons and the dragons meet!"

Time, the sky and the ground, two fierce dragons, while mouth opening, biting away. Block the Quartet and break the way, so that Xiao Chen can't avoid it.

Since there is no way to avoid it, only the depth of Longkou, Xiao Chen quickly made a choice.

The figure flashed, and it entered the mouth of the fierce dragon on the ground and entered a mysterious place with darkness.

"Well, he went in." Qin Hu and the white-haired old man, at the same time, hi, said loudly.

Above the faucet, a face of solemn white and cold voice: "Listen to my command, Canglong ascends to heaven, Panlong!"


Thousands of three holy places of the warriors, standing in the various parts of the dragon body, replied in unison, the momentum is shocking.

For a time, the dragons on the ground smashed in a circle and made a flying posture. The entire building of the Cangwu Palace, followed by the movement, the squares of the thousands of miles are trembled and trembled.

In the dark space, Xiao Chen, I feel that my space is constantly distorted, I can't go straight, I can only rotate upwards and keep running.

No matter how he runs, he feels like he is spinning at an origin.


The white scorpion snorted and the slashing blade slammed into the dragon's mouth. Hey, thousands of people also inserted the blade into the dragon.


In the darkness, Xiao Chen, who was already very uncomfortable, saw all directions, and he fell on the handle of the giant blade, all pointing to him. He couldn't avoid him at all, and he was stabbed and bruised.

In this space, the five senses are confused and the direction is distorted, so there is no way to avoid them.

The white pheasant was a cold drink, and the dragons that were rolled together were suddenly unfolding their bodies, and they had a long sword, and they pulled out at the same time.

For a time, the dragons squirted blood all over the body and sprinkled all over the place, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Hahaha, I want you to be arrogant, not a bit of scruples for you, I will be able to pack you up." Qin Hu looked at the blood in the sky, his face was stunned and excited.

The white-haired old man next to him feels a bit weird. This big array is used to deal with the devil, but now it is used on himself.

What is extraordinarily ironic is that there is still no way to cause lethality to the devil. In dealing with oneself, it seems to be overbearing.


In the dark space, there was a breach, and a beam of light came in, and the eyes of Xiao Chen were slightly stunned.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, you are fine."

"You said that there is nothing, a long sword, but it is all inserted in me."

"What should I do, I will help you." Jiao Jiao said with concern.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: "I didn't hurt the heart of the Emperor. It was skin trauma for me. I don't worry. This big dragon is really a little embarrassed. It is said that this is just a streamlined version, the big dragon array, the heavens and the earth. Can appear at the same time, thousands of dragons."

"When are you, you still have the heart to comment on this big dragon, think about it, how to break it."

"Nothing, come again, I probably know what happened to this dragon on the ground."

"What, you have to bear once, the taste of a thousand swords wearing?"

Above the faucet, Bai Yan looked at the blood floating in the air, and his face was also showing a hint of joy. Even if Xiao Chen had the heart of the emperor, so hurting him ten times, he could make him weak and accept sanctions.

"Come back!" Coldly sighed, Bai Hao said with pride.

Thousands of people led the life, and the entire Cangwu Palace fluctuated again and again. The dragon on the ground, once again circled up.

Outside the Cangwu Palace, there were three people who were pale and demon in the **** world. They were alarmed by the strong vision and walked out from the dark.

One person in the middle, with a beautiful appearance and a purple pattern on the forehead, is the leader of the **** demon.

The servant on the right, with a hint of joy on his face, respectfully said, "It is God who is helping the blood son. We are going to save Yao Manlan. Waiting for a few days here is to avoid the big dragons. They are going to chaos."

There is not much blood in the face of the blood son: "This big dragon, I have not surely broken it. In the end, who is so capable, let the Cangwu Palace use this suppression."

The vast array of troubles is an unexpected trouble, but there is nothing terrible. What he is afraid of is this unexpected change.

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