Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1475: Thunder robbery

Looking at the seaside, Xiao Chen’s thoughts are ups and downs, and a smile of self-deprecating smiles from the corner of his mouth. I have already guessed the result, and I am still stupid, I really thought I could see the picture I was looking forward to.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down and whispered to himself: "When I read it wrong, but thank you very much that year, goodbye."

The tip of the toe is lighter, and Xiao Chen’s figure flashes. A few blinks of effort have disappeared into the original place, and they are flashing toward the deepest part of the ocean.

He wants to rob, and the purple thunder is the eighth-thousest Thunder. He wants to forget this unhappiness. He is completely forgotten in the Thunder.


Splashing water, cold moon and Yao Manlan jumped out of the water, cold moon squatting into the distance, for a long time did not say a word.

Her gaze seems to be very far away. It can be seen that Xiao Chen really did not return to the deep sea. It can be seen from his rushing back, but it is decisive, as if there is no trace of nostalgia.

"Master, he is really good, why don't you come out?" Yao Manlan whispered, in all fairness, in Yao Manlan's view, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen is indeed a very attractive person.

Cold Moon muttered: "The more good, the less you can see each other, the big chaos will start. You don't know, this robbery, the devil and the Kunlun, can only live one. No one can avoid it in the fate, I He will meet with him on the battlefield."

"What is he going to do now, is he going to chase the devil world?" Yao Manlan whispered.

Worried in the cold moon, he shook his head and said: "Unlike, we are in the vast nest of the world, he can't go. Manlan, go back, I will look at the past."

Yao Manlan nodded lightly, knowing that the master made this decision, and he must not persuade him.

In the squally wind, Xiao Chen stepped on the sea, in the vast deep sea, the countless seas are countless, and there are countless.

There are many places to choose from, and Xiao Chen did not hesitate to fall on one of the desert islands.

The island is ridiculous, with nothing but stones and stones stacked in the mountains.

Zi Lei’s eighth-largest thunderstorm should have been spent three years ago, and it has been dragged until now, just to be on the safe side.

Now he is half-stepped, condensing the heart of the emperor, practicing the power of Hongmeng, and the thunder of three years ago is easy, without any problems. Just like he is fighting against his opponent three years ago, he can kill his opponent with little effort.

He is not afraid of how many robberies, only the last heart robbing, the robbery of the heart, the unknown is too many.

The last time he thundered, he also fell in the last heart of the robbery, failed to smash the past, and let Qi Jiao take the help.

"Gengjiao, this time you must not shoot, or I will be successful if the robbery is successful, the demons will accompany a lifetime." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

Xianling ring in the middle of Jiaojiao | nodded: "I know, I am too involved with you, this time if you shoot, your heart will be more serious. Just..."

There was a slight worry in her eyes, but is it really appropriate at this time?

Of course, the robbery is not afraid. With Xiao Chen’s half-step golden body, he can smoothly pass through the eighth heavy thunder, this will not have any accidents.

But the last heart robbing is really hard to say. In the Cangjie world, Xiao Chen experienced two blows. One was Liu Ruyue’s unknown life and death, and he left the exile.

Once, now, I have read the wrong person, so that my heart is beginning to shake.

It’s not appropriate to be robbed at the moment. Jiao Jiao has a heart to persuade, but Xiao Chen’s mind has been decided, and more to say no benefit.

Speaking, sighed and shrunk back.

"let's start!"

Xiao Chen crushed a fine stone in his hand, and the pure heaven and earth aura, rushing toward the purple vortex at Dantian.

Not as usual, the energy absorbed will be transmitted to the heart of the emperor, and Xiao Chen will let the vortex absorb the huge aura.

A bang, a whirlpool that has been suppressed for a long time, did not last long, and suddenly exploded.

Quickly a bit out of Xiao Chen's expectation, it can be seen that Zi Lei is the seventh most important, and has already been unable to live in Anna, need to break through. Just like a gunpowder barrel, a little bit of it exploded.

With this explosion in the body, within a thousand miles, in all directions, endless thunderclouds, like a thousand troops, heading toward the head of Xiao Chen, the rumble of the rumble.

Hidden in the cold moon in the distance, my heart was shocked, Xiao Chen was in the robbery. However, it was not a raging fire, but a thunder, let her feel a little peace of mind.

"Even if it is a thunder, it should not be this time!" Cold Moon bites his lips, a little sad, and at the same time some self-blame.

I knew that Xiao Chen was going to rob, and he shouldn’t be so ruthless. What if he was injured in the thunder?

Whether she is willing or not, things have already happened and the thunder has begun.


The first thunder fell, and Xiao Chen was willing to bear it. Then it was the continuous thunder, and it immediately went on, giving no time to breathe.

After a hundred thunders, Xiao Chen used the power of Hongmeng to support the body shield.

In his experience, this is just an appetizer, and the back is the main dish. The last time was the number of thirty-nine, nine hundred and ninety-nine completely different gods, and he was so painful that he was dying, and that he was half-dead, and the body almost became mud.

However, this time, his strength has changed a lot, equivalent to the strength of the Emperor Wu, to withstand the thunder of the emperor.

As he expected, after a hundred thunders, various gods appeared.

Some are like a blade, and they are turned into swords and swords, various kinds of thunder weapons, and all kinds of killings are derived from the sky.

Some have changed into a variety of fierce beasts, roaring in the sky, roaring.

Some condense into various secret treasures, simulate various kinds of power, and want to crush Xiao Chen.

Some turned into mountains, majestic, or endless, or Qifeng prominence, want to suppress Xiao Chen.

After the body shield, after bearing more than three hundred gods, it crashed.

Xiao Chen pulled out the moonshadow knife and began to work directly with all kinds of gods and thunders, and used his life to learn to fight against the gods and thunders that kept falling.

Although thrilling, extremely dangerous, but also stable and stable, everything is under control, Xiao Chen also has many cards not used.

"The number of three or nine is long gone. It seems that my deity this time should be four or nine, a total of 9,999."

Xiao Chen’s heart secretly counts himself, but also exclaims the abnormality of this purple thunder. If he only has the strength of the emperor, and wants to cross the thunder, it will definitely be a life of nine deaths.

The more you go back, the more rogue the robbery is. How many thunders have been crossed, and you have no intention of counting it.

Among the lightning and thunder, he is like a boat with a lot of fate, and there is always danger of destruction.

A lot of cards, one by one, and finally rely on Taiji force field all the way to support, to complete the number of four or nine, all thunder.

In the sky, the robbery cloud dissipated, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the clothes were broken, but the flesh was still complete, which was much better than the first time.

"Heart robbery, it should be coming soon."

Xiao Chen became particularly vigilant. The last time he fell on the heart of the robbery, this time can never be.

Oh, above the sky, suddenly broke through a hole, there was a strong light pouring down, and took the eyes of Xiao Chen.

When he blinked, he found himself in Qingyun, and Liu Ruyue was next to him. He smiled softly: "I am finally willing to come back. Are you still leaving this time?"

Familiar faces, familiar voices, gentle words, people know that they are fake, and they are not willing to break this rare silence.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, holding Liu Ruyue’s hands and said: "This time I will not leave."

"Okay, then it is fixed. You are definitely not allowed to leave this time." Liu Ruyue smiled lightly, holding the hand of Xiao Chen in the backhand, and he was reluctant to let go.

In Qingyunfeng, the days are so day by day, Xiao Chen accompanied Liu Ruyue and played around in the Tiandao Pavilion, enjoying a quiet and warm time.

There is no dispute, there is no pressure from the Qinglong King, there are no enemies on the road, only happiness.

The two will argue for trivial matters, will be moved for a little thing, crying, laughing and having trouble.

Even if she knew that it was a fake, Xiao Chen’s heart was still full of disappointment. Several times she wanted to leave and leave, she was defeated by Liu Ruyue’s pitiful eyes and promised her to stay in the last month.

Thunder robbery is good, heart is sad, this time Xiao Chen has gone?

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