Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1476: Just for your heart

In January and January, this morning of the demon world, Xiao Chen stayed for a year.

Can stay for a long time, after all, there must be a day to leave, the fake is ultimately fake.

On this day, Xiao Chen’s heart was born out of his mind, holding Liu Ruyue’s words: “Even if you are destined to leave, I should also look at your last glance, not in the memory of the wind, watching you leave.”

Liu Ruyue’s eyes were tears, and Xiao Chen was pushed away. He looked at him and said, “Are you leaving? Promise me, and stay with me for a month. If you stay with me for a month, I will be satisfied. ”

Xiao Chen’s eyes also had tears in his eyes. He shivered a little: "Well, I promise you, but you close your eyes first."

"As long as you promise me, I will listen to you."

Liu Ruyue’s face immediately glowed with a smile, and he closed his eyes.

"I am sorry."

Forcing the tears in his eyes, Xiao Chen slashed his knife and fell off Liu Ruyue’s head.

Some things, even if you know it is fake, it is difficult to do it.

Hey, the foreground of the eye is changing, and the beautiful and joyful jump out: "Congratulations, you finally got through this heart."

Xiao Chen barely smiled, his heart is still immersed in the illusion, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere. That kind of beauty is really unwilling to let go, and the fear of the devil is here.

Knowing that it is a fake, but also letting you take the fact that you are false, you will never go out.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen eventually came out, and I really want to feel it in my heart.

Xiao Chen’s brow suddenly wrinkled and looked up and found a figure hidden in the clouds.


With a light drink, Xiao Chen chased the past with lightning, the clouds shattered and saw a clear back.

Some were lost, then ecstatic: "Cold moon, it is her, it is her, I am not mistaken, she did not go far, always follow me."

The performance of the dragon and dragonfly was exhibited, and Xiao Chenfeng flew past and chased after him.

This time, he swears in his heart that he will never deliberately slap his face. A man should learn to understand, not just anger.

All the way to chase, Xiao Chen heart is all concerned about the top of the shadow, what kind of demons, what purple Lei decided, has long forgotten.

"Cold moon, since you are sad, see me now, why not!"

Seeing the other side going further and further, Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

In front of the shadow, the body shape, like something is touched, the speed is slow.

Xiao Chen seized the opportunity, speeded up the volley, and jumped into the front of the cold moon, stopping the other side.

Four eyes are opposite, Xiao Chen feels a lot, after a long time, calmly said: "Even if you are a devil, the strength is good, but if you want, my morning will always be your friend."

Cold Moon shook his head and smiled: "It's not as simple as you think, too many things, you don't understand."

Xiao Chen suddenly grabbed the shoulders of the cold moon and said: "Look at me, I will ask you, at first, everything, in your opinion, is it just a person, as long as you tell me, is it still?"

Cold moon is struggling, tears in his eyes: "Don't force me."

Xiao Chen smiled. He already knew the answer. Before all, the cold moon was really loaded.

That smile is cruel, just to cover up the inner struggle, not the kind of fascination in his imagination.

Relaxing to let go of the cold moon, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I don't force you, I just need to know your heart, not forgetting that the past is enough."

Leng Yue smiled and said: "How can I forget the past, if I really forget it, I will not be so sad."

"Don't move, you let me look at that past, after I read it, I will leave, okay." Cold Moon pleaded.

Xiao Chen Ming, cold moon, this is to let him happy, in the depths of his memory, find out that memory.

"Yes, you come in, this past event, I have never forgotten." Xiao Chen smiled faintly, letting the cold moon point to his eyebrows.


In the real world, above the calm sea, Jiaojiao surrounded Xiao Chen, anxious group turn.

It’s been seven days since the thunder, and Xiao Chen still hasn’t woken up. In the world of the demons, I don’t know what experience I have, and I’m completely entangled him.

In the sadness of my heart, in this way, Xiao Chen’s heart will be swallowed up by the heart and become an unintentional body, and will never wake up.

But she can't help any, this kind of thing can only rely on Xiao Chen himself, unless it is the spiritual strength to repair, to reach the level of the **** of the Emperor, can intervene.

Don't say that the abandonment of the Emperor will not help Xiao Chen, even if it comes, it has not been useful for seven days.

Among the clouds, the cold moon looks dignified, and her charm has been cultivated, which can invade the realm of the mind. At a glance, Xiao Chen was robbing the heart, but the seven days passed, and Xiao Chen did not wake up.

"No, he is afraid that he is really caught by the demons, I have to go and see."

I have already prepared Xiao Chen, who is no longer facing this life, but when it comes to the dangers of Xiao Chen, the cold moon is no longer worth a lot.

In the eyebrows, the purple lines flickered, the wind was raging, and a strong momentum emanated from her body.

The four clouds disappeared, and the cold moon hit the green shirt, and it was domineering, standing in the air.

The magic king cold moon, this moment, can not see a little bit weak.

The powerful momentum makes the infinite sea water feel scared and trembles constantly, causing infinite waves.

Jiao Jiao looked up and couldn’t understand what was going on. When she saw the eyes of the cold moon, she automatically stunned.

The cold moon fell, and a finger pointed at Xiao Chen's eyebrows. There was a horrible picture in front of her eyes.

A plop-fighting heart that has been continually swayed has been dominated by black shadows. It seems that there is an ugly monster, to swallow this fresh heart.

"What is it, let him be unprepared, and completely open his own heart. This guy, don't you know that you are robbing?"

The Emperor Cold Moon exclaimed and then flashed directly into the heart.


The foreground of the eye changed, and the cold moon saw a picture that made her brain temporarily appear blank.

I saw Xiao Chen close his eyes and let "she" use his fingers to point his eyebrows.

Both of them had a smile on their faces, but Xiao Chen’s smile was happy and quiet. The smile of "cold moon" is strange and evil.

Xiao Chen actually supported him for him and opened his heart.

Damn, hateful!

The cold moon is full of anger and cold, and her face is cold. From a moment, her heart is so angry.

"Small caution, who will give you the courage to dare to move the Emperor!"

In the anger, the cold moon step by step, the devil is domineering, people can not look directly into her eyes.

The cold moon in front of Xiao Chen, looking back, looked shocked, and the flower was eclipsed.

"Don't give me a hand! Believe it or not, the emperor will shut you down in your heart and bear the heart and fire, thousands of years!"

The cold moon shivered, and the scared and stunned, Xiao Chen was awakened, he was recalling the bits and pieces of the cold and the moon.

Blinking, I saw two cold moons appear in my own eyes, one fell to the ground, weak and moving. A face is cold and ruthless, and the body is murderous and scary. In the eyes, it reveals the domineering domineering.

"Xiao Chen, she is a demon, you will save me." The heart of the cold moon, crying and crying.

Cold moon brow wrinkled, cold shouted: "Let's go!"

She waved her long sleeves, and the heart of the cold moon suddenly ignited the flames, screaming and showing the prototype.

That ugly illusory ray is constantly changing and painful.

Xiao Chen wakes up like a dream, and looks at the cold moon that reveals the invincible king's spirit, but he is a bit stunned, not knowing what is going on.

The cold moon came step by step, his face became soft and softened: "You open your heart to the heart, and the situation is critical. Don't ask anything now. The body of this demon has been occupied by me, you are killing now. I can come out."

Xiao Chen is like a dream: "You have not left, watching me in a robbery?"

Cold Moon smiled: "If you have something, my heart is hard."

Finished, holding Xiao Chen's hand, directly **** his own heart.


All the illusions disappeared, Xiao Chen returned to reality, only to see a trace of blood stains in the corner of the cold moon, point in his eyebrows, powerless Panasonic.

Xiao Chen felt a pain in his heart, and quickly reached out to hold it, but the body of the cold moon was turned into light and dissipated.

Cold Moon showed a smile, and the other hand stroked Xiao Chen’s face: "Don’t think, you and me are never human words, you can say it clearly. Whether you are the Qinglong King of Kunlun, or me Being a demon, in my heart, you are always the frivolous boy who pulls me behind me."

The voice fell, and the body of the cold moon was completely empty. This avatar died to save the morning.

At the same time, the abyss of the devil, a cold and gorgeous palace.

There is a peerless throne, the cold moon is wearing a luxurious yellow robe, with his eyes closed, and his temperament is cold and noble. On both sides of the throne, standing with a figure, without exception, all men with strong breath and handsome appearance, Terran, Yaozu, Protoss, and Devils all have.

These are the slaves of the cold moon, all of whom are slaves of her alone.

When the avatar died, the cold moon on the throne opened his eyes, and all the slaves fell down, respectfully shouting: "Master!"

Cold Moon is not awkward, and she does not look at it. She reaches out and draws a light, condensing into a handsome young man dressed in white and wearing a knife.

The world's thousands of beautiful men, the devil's cold moon, only for your heart.

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