Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1478: Tiandi's tomb

It is also strange to say that when he blocked the first-generation Tianwu Emperor's tomb, it was awesome in the sky, but it could not stop the existence of the emperor.

After so many years, the grave of the first Tianwu Emperor has never been moved.

Such a character, interested in a lot should be right, but the array of methods left by Xiao Chen has not been broken.

The array is arranged by him, and the flag is still his secret treasure. As soon as he has the wind, he can feel it immediately.

When I left the battle, I didn’t hold the mind of everyone. I just wanted someone to move the line and he would be able to come over immediately.

Can no one move, is it because of his reputation, dare not move?

Xiao Chen feels that the possibility is very low. The bigger reason may be in Chu Chaoyun. This person must be in a high position in the abyss. Maybe he has commanded, so the magic talent does not dare to move, and the people in the sky are not giving him face.

But today, there was a sudden wave of volatility, and some people were moving the array he left behind.


Xiao Chen got up and smashed the space with his hands, and rushed to the land of the ancients.

Before the eternal land, the land of the ancient land was the capital of the Tianwu dynasty, the center of the entire Cangjie world. The dynasty was destroyed, the once prosperous was not in the sea, and now it has become a continuous lake.

call out!

Xiao Chen appeared in the sky above the ancient land, because he felt that the attack suffered by the array suddenly stopped.

The array he arranged was still there, and Xiao Chen was shocked. This is not someone who really wants to break, just to lead him.

Who is it?

Xiao Chen is not afraid. Now in the vast world, he asks no one will be his opponent. Even the big man like the Three Holy Lords, he took away three sets of the best king-level armor, and did not dare to send people to find him trouble.

It’s just doubts. Who is this person who leads him? Who is it, not afraid of death?

As the eyes glimpse, the gods radiate out and suddenly fill the lakes of the ancient land.

On the islands, the ups and downs of the lakes, the warriors of different looks, could not escape his look.

When the whole lake was shot a circle and the gods were retracted, Xiao Chen did not find suspicious people.

Just as his line of sight moved, a back was captured by him.

Carrying a sword on his back, the owner of the back sits on the edge of the ancient land, watching the lakes of the ancient land, screaming out, and his face full of sorrow.

The deep sorrow is just to look at the back, you can feel the vicissitudes and sorrows in his heart.

"It's him?"

Xiao Chen slowly fell, step by step, this back only a look, he guessed who it is.

The descendants of the Tianwu Dynasty, Chu Chaoyun!

There is nothing special about him. He seems to be ordinary, and other warriors in the past look at him. I don’t know what it is, it’s hard to understand.

Good end, what to say to the lake, but also a sorrowful look, to whom.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered a sentence, knowing that my heart is my heart, I do not know what I mean!

People who know the details, such as Xiao Chen, are naturally clear. Chu Chaoyun is only in memory. Ten thousand years ago, it was the most prosperous place in the sky. It was the center of the whole world. The car came and went, and the emperor’s flag of Tianwu Dynasty was inserted.

After the 10,000-year-old, the city was gone, the country was destroyed, and it was said that only a lake like a lake was seen. As a descendant of the dynasty, it is estimated that every time you look at it, you will feel a lot.

But outsiders don't know that those who have been in the past have only seen a silly boy facing the lake.

Seeing the Chu Chaoyun, it is already certain that the person who brought him over is this person.

Like the long eyes behind, Chu Chaoyun seems to know the arrival of Xiao Chen, suddenly got up and galloped toward the front.

When Xiao Chen had a heart, he chased the past.

Between the chasing, came to Qianlong Lake, Chu Chaoyun plopped into the lake.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Chen self-evaluated his strength. Even if there was an ambush underneath, he could show his way to the world, and he could escape and even kill his opponent.

Not hesitating, he followed closely and entered the Qianlong Lake.

Wait until it sinks to the bottom of the lake, through the invisible enchantment, above the Tiandi tomb, you can see the Chu Chaoyun in the air.

There is no other person besides him, and there is no ambush that Xiao Chen is worried about.

Xiao Chen walked calmly: "Take me here, what do you want to do, Chu Chaoyun, you can say it."

Before the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven, Chu Chaoyun turned and looked at Xiao Chen with a smile: "It's okay, it's just to see what you are now."

Xiao Chen is very calm now, faintly said: "So you are really looking for death?"

Chu Chaoyun smiled and said: "It is true that under the Emperor Wu, no one is your opponent now. Even among the deepest devils, the most horrible royal leaders may not be your opponents."

"You can see people, you shouldn't just look at your eyes. It's more to look back. I am coming to see you, there is no hope of success."

Xiao Chen was interested in saying: "Thank you for your concern, then do you think I have a lot of hope?"

Chu Chaoyun is not slow or slow: "In terms of your own strength, I feel that there is hope."

Xiao Chen smiled: "One tenth, then this hope is not too small. Throughout the ages, there is no one in the world."

"I haven't finished yet. If you consider external factors, the success of your robbery is one in ten thousand." Chu Chaoyun said a word, continue to say: "Maybe you still don't know, Lei Wang's longevity Arrived in advance, there is no audio at all, life and death are not clear, no one knows his news."


"You didn't get it wrong. Now there is no news from Lei Wang. Many rumors say that he is dead. The whole Kunlun is now messed up."

Xiao Chen heard the words, and he was shocked. It is no wonder that the Three Holy Lords dared to be brazen and sent people to attack him.

It turned out that Kunlun had undergone such a great change. As the innocent king of the Kunlun world, the well-deserved leader, Lei Wang, actually had such a big situation.

There is no audio, life and death are not clear!

Lei Wang, can be regarded as the strongest backing of Xiao Chen. At the beginning of Kunlun, why wasn’t the big man pinched to death? A big part of the reason was because of the existence of Lei Wang.

But now, such a change has occurred. For Xiao Chen, it is undoubtedly a blue sky.

The difficulty of becoming an emperor, suddenly increased sharply, and the raging fire has made him scream. When Lei Wang left, external factors, balance broke, external factors suddenly became strange.

Chu Chaoyun whispered softly: "Sorry, it brought you such bad news, but it is better than going to Kunlun. I suddenly learned that it is better, at least buffered."

Xiao Chen returned to the cold, cold channel: "Why, should I thank you?"

Chu Chaoyun waved his hand: "There is no need, you don't have to look at me like this. There must be a battle between you and me, but it is not now."

This is the case!

Xiao Chen frowned: "I really heard enough about this. There is any kind of grudge between you and me. Although I have always defined you as an opponent, I don’t have much hatred for you. But for so many years, you are hiding. I always tell this to me, what exactly does that mean?"

"You don't have to worry, you and I have the same purpose. Now that the purpose has not been reached, how can we tell the whole cause and effect, and then this."

Chu Chaoyun leaped gently, arbitrarily broke the array left by Xiao Chen, reached for a grip, grabbed a flag and threw it to Xiao Chen.

Wu Shengshi's array of methods, it is difficult to turn Chu Chaoyun, Xiao Chen is not unexpected, but did not expect the other party to break so casual.

He caught the flag and saw that Chu Chaoyun seemed to want to destroy the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven. His look changed slightly, and there was a killing in his heart: "Stop!"

Gently falling, Chu Chaoyun stood in the early Tianwu Emperor, on the simple tombstone, whispered softly: "Why do you stop, in your heart, also to the grave of the first generation Tianwu Emperor, I am very curious, I am today Show you what is inside."

Xiao Chen had no time to stop it. He saw Chu Chaoyun smashing the tombstone, and the entire tomb was shattered, and the coffin was directly blown out.

The coffin board, swaying and moving, and preparing for the morning, Xiao Chen, after seeing the situation in the coffin. Surprised, I can't believe it, stopped the action in my hand.

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