Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1479: Do everything to tune the tiger away from the mountain


That's right, after the thick coffin board is opened, there is nothing in the coffin.

Clean and empty.

Xiao Chen was a bit suspicious of his own eyes. This place was identified as the tomb of the first Tianwu Emperor, nearly 20,000 years.

But there is nothing in it, waiting for the old dragon with this, solemnly confessing to yourself, not letting people open.

There is nothing inside, there is no difference between opening and not opening.

Xiao Chen’s eyes condensed and looked at Chu Chaoyun: “You already know that there is nothing inside?”

Chu Chaoyun whispered softly: "If there is any inheritance, when the Tianwu dynasty was destroyed, it was already opened by people to save the imperial dynasty. Those big men have long been taken away, how can it be yours and me? A small shrimp."

Xiao Chen couldn't believe it: "But the old dragon, who has vowed to stay here for a few years, has nothing, and wants it to guard what to do."

Chu Chaoyun licked his mouth and licked the coffin. "There is no such thing. It is said that this coffin is still the first generation of Tianwu Emperor. It is quite good to commemorate the meaning. Laolong Yuzhong, guardian It is a symbol."

In his discourse, he was full of disrespect for the early Tianwu Emperor. Not at all in the eyes, as a ancestor, there is no half respect.

Xiao Chen still felt an unbelievable, and the result was too much for his expectations.

The tomb of Tianwu Emperor in the early days of the Tang Dynasty did not have anything. He flew to the tomb that was blown up.

The tomb palace is still intact, full of the style of the ancient Tianwu Dynasty, he looked around carefully. The construction of the tomb palace is neither complicated nor broad.

In the small tomb palace, the walls around it are all solid, and there are no secret passages and secret rooms.

On the wall, some murals were engraved, and Xiao Chen touched it and felt a sharp sword. After the dynasty was destroyed, it has been more than 20,000 years old, and the sword is still sharp.

If it is not for Xiao Chen’s current strength, his own martial arts practice has reached a point where there is no ancient person. It is hard to say that he will not be injured.

In addition to Feng Rui, in this sword, Xiao Chen feels the casualness of the sword owner. That is to say, these murals are the masters of the sword, and they are left with no special meaning.

Xiao Chen closes his hand and carefully observes it on the mural. The age is long and the murals are already blurred. It was covered by dust.

From the trajectory of the sword, Xiao Chen can feel that this mural is the master of the sword, in one go, with a sword engraved on it.

He looked for a look, and with the sharp perception, he found the starting point of the mural.

Then, go forward, close your eyes, and point your left hand at that pen.

Refers to the soldiers!

The right hand is pinched and stretched out. The dust in the tomb is glowing. Under the control of Xiao Chen, the figure is a figure holding a long sword.

In the midst of it, Xiao Chen seems to have seen it. Two thousand years ago, the sword was the master of the sword and danced.

He followed the starting point of the mural, step by step, and his right hand constantly changed his handcuffs.


There are dusty condensed figures, dancing with swords, and displaying a set of swords. He seems to be repeating the movement of the sword master two thousand years ago, dancing with the sword, and the sword is gorgeous and elegant.

The sword method is not so brilliant, but the free and easy temperament, through the 20,000 years of time, can still make people clearly feel.

In the tomb palace, the swords are swaying and sweeping back and forth, so that the dust above the walls has fallen off.

The murals that reveal the true face of Mount Lushan are like being infected, the figures in the painting, one came alive and danced.

In the entire tomb palace, suddenly the sword shadows, the sound of the sound, endless.

The distant history, and the reality of the picture, blend together, intricate, in the tomb, the battle moves, as if time and space have been reversed.

Above the ground, the face has been calm and unrestrained Chu Chaoyun, after the tomb of the tomb of the sky, the face is slightly different.

In his left and right body, he suddenly burst out two light and shadows, one black and one white, holding a long sword and moving at the same time. It is said that the swordsmanship of the derivation and the tomb palace are generally the same.

In this sword shadow, Xiao Chen found a familiar feeling, knowing the three sun-like rays in the sea, shaking and swaying.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, like the sun, it radiates a strong light.

Xiao Chen slowly walked, step by step, and constantly improved his own knife when he felt the kendo contained in the sword.

Going to the end of the mural, pointing to the figure of the soldiers, a slight smile, nodded, seems to be very satisfied with the murals that I said to do, set the sword and stand up, skyrocketing.

Chu Chaoyun looked up at the shadow of the sky, the complex complex, muttered to himself: "Since you are so powerful, so old, why leave this big dynasty, let go!"


Black and white light and shadow, integrated into the body of Chu Chaoyun, he reached out and pointed, the light and shadow that skyrocketed, was directly broken, turned into countless dust dissipated.

In the tomb palace, Xiao Chen did not know the look of Chu Chaoyun, he was carefully understanding the income from the murals.

It is almost certain that the murals were left by the first generation of Emperor Tianwu, and he made it as a casual one, forming a magnificent picture.

If Xiao Chen is thoughtful, knowing the sun-like light spots in the sea is a kind of power that can be realized through the knife field after entering the knife.

For example, the power of the knife is a certain level of the cultivation of the knife. In the sword of the early Tianwu Emperor, he felt the power of a similar sword.

However, the power of the sword of the first generation of Tianwu Emperor was much stronger than him. It was not an exaggeration to describe it with dripping water and ocean.

From this point of view, the choice he made in the knife field is correct. As a knife, it should be based on the knife and supplemented by the domain.

The role of the knife domain for the knife is to cultivate the power of these knives.

With a flash of body shape, Xiao Chen reappeared on the ground and looked at the Chu Chaoyun Road: "Thank you for your shot, or I will not know my own knife more clearly."

Chu Chaoyun smiled faintly: "You don't have to thank you for your unintentional action. But I should thank you, let me know more clearly, how awful the master of this grave is."


From the eyes of Chu Chaoyun, Xiao Chen saw a hate and hatred of the first generation of Tianwu Emperor.

Leaving a fake grave, he swindled and left, not in charge of his own descendants, not in the dynasty he founded, it is no wonder that Chu Chaoyun would hate him.

Where did the first generation of Tianwu Emperor go?

Have you left this exile? Or, he is not the person of this exiled land, just went to the person he should go.

Why do you think so, because Xiao Chen feels that this early Tianwu Emperor was a bit too strong and outrageous, and much stronger than the ancient Kunlun people in the Kunlun era.

There is also a strange skyfire, Xiao Chen feels that the fire of the day, may be the same as his acquisition of the sky and snow, the flame that was born from chaos.

However, Tianhuo has been very strong in rhyming, and the Tianxue Shenyan he has acquired is extremely weak and needs to be fed like a baby.

Xiao Chen calmed down and looked at the dignified road: "Chu Chaoyun, you brought me, what purpose is it, can you say it now? It is also telling me that the whereabouts of Lei Wang is unknown, and that the tomb is blasted. What does it mean?"

Chu Chaoyun smiled and said: "With your smart mind, you should be able to think independently and think about it."

When Xiao Chen’s face sinks, he knows that Chu Chaoyun’s introduction to himself is absolutely ulterior motive and will not be used for no reason.

His thoughts, turned quickly, flashed a bright light in his mind, and sounded four words, tune the tiger away from the mountain!

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