Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1487: Refining and healing

Xihai Dragon Palace, the West Sea Dragon King waves, the first time to get the news of Xiao Chen back.

"Father, you can be sure that Xiao Chen is indeed back." Long Gong Shaozhu, that is excited and expected to say.

Canglang nodded casually: "Know it, go on."

The Xihai Dragon Palace leader stunned the road: "Father, what's wrong, we have two years of forbearance, isn't this the timing? You shouldn't be tempered by the sorrowful sorrow." This guy let me kneel and let you get out of the Star Island, a shameful shame!"

Canglang eyes and eyes, angered and said: "Let's go, what do you know about this kid, every time you are not enough things, more than enough, give me a roll!"

The anger is indisputable, and the swaying wave will directly shoot the peak and fly out, and then he is not at ease, and he is sympathetic to one of his neighbors: "Take him a little stricter, don't let him make trouble during this time."


In the darkness, a strong Wudi came out and quietly followed the peak. Once he found out that he was acting privately, he would immediately stop it.

After half a ring, there was a letter in his hand, and the look was heavy: "This treasure is really mysterious. Just two days ago, I knew the news that Xiao Chen was coming back. At that time, Xiao Chen was still in the sky, he There is still power in the vast world."

However, there is another news from the treasure owner, which makes him somewhat confused. Let him use the blood-clothing guard, attack the elders of the Longmen Qin emperor, and strictly demand that Xiao Chen not be shot.

"Remember, don't let Xiao Chen shoot, the time is not here. This action is only to deal with the Qin elders, not Xiao Chen."

Canglang received a good letter, and said coldly: "If you don't do it, you won't do it. You have to endure it for two years, don't care about this moment."

After that, he walked toward a mysterious island controlled by the Xihai Dragon Palace.

There are major arrays of arbitrage around the island, and various horrific prohibitions, even if it is the king of the emperor, it is difficult to break through here.

"The first major array, no change."

"The second major array, no change."


"The ninety-ninth major array, no change."

Canglang went all the way, in the heavy array, and there was a flash of manipulating the array, and reported to him.

Not far away, the waves have been through for half an hour before they fall on the island, showing that there are many prohibitions and arrays.

"See Dragon King!"

When I saw the arrival of the waves, on the island, three hundred red-clothed warriors flew in all directions, and fell to the ground and said in unison.

The red dress on the warrior's body is full of **** brilliance. After wearing this blood coat, the temperament of the whole person becomes extremely strange, giving a very evil feeling.

This is blood clothing, blood coat is very weird, as long as it is put on, not only can the strength increase, but the cultivation speed will increase sharply.

The blood coat was given to him by the treasurer, and he told him how to make it. He was interested in the blood coat. After reading the side effects, he would never dare to touch it.

As long as you put on the blood coat, it means that you have embarked on a dead end, and the life expectancy will not exceed five years.

This kind of evil thing, originally no one is willing to wear, but the Xihai Dragon Palace has been passed down for many years, there will always be some dead soldiers, willing to die.

Two years ago, these warriors still had the strength of Wu Sheng, and some even lower. Two years later, the horror of increasing strength has all reached the realm of Emperor Wu of Heaven.

There is a strong talent, and even reached the realm of the three heavenly Emperor Wu, but the upper limit of the blood coat seems to be only the three heavenly Emperor Wu.

No matter how you cultivate later, you can't enter the big heavenly emperor.

However, it is enough. Who can think of Xinghai today? He has already had 300 warriors of the Wudi class.

Looking at these blood-shirts, the waves are ambitious, and now even in the face of the Zhou Tianxing Palace, such a behemoth, he is not afraid.

"To deal with a small Qin elder, four blood-clothing guards should be enough. To be on the safe side, add it to ten!"


There must be a demon in the abnormal situation. Even if Xiao Chen guessed the unusualness of the Xihai Dragon Palace, he would not have thought that the Xihai Dragon Palace would harbor such a terrible force.

At this moment, he is refining the sky and snow, and according to the method that the stranger taught him, Tianxue Shenyan was successfully absorbed into the hearts of the emperors.

In the heart of the emperor, it is a void. Except for the vortex formed by the power of the Tao, and the thunder and lightning, there is no other thing.

After the entry of Tianxue Shenyan, there was a cold breath immediately, which filled the whole void. All over the body, slamming, covered with frost.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but swear: "It's so cold!"

After half an hour, Xiao Chen’s body slowly adapted to this extreme cold. It can be full of black hair, but it is invaded by frost and becomes white like snow.

"I didn't expect to accept the Tianxue Shenyan, and there are such sequelae."

Xiao Chen looked in the mirror and looked at his white hair and smiled bitterly.

The scene in the mirror suddenly changed, and Xiao San appeared. He smiled and said: "Normally, many immortals have conquered the flames of chaotic level before the immortal era. Some even turned the skin into red, and the white brother is still Ok."

"After you have mastered it, it will slowly recover, but it is also good. You can try it if you try it."

As the spirit of the Sansheng Mirror, Xiaosan knows a lot and has a wide range of knowledge.

According to what he said, Xiao Chen felt that the Tianxue Shenyan in the heart of the Emperor seemed to be integrated with his own body. Unleashing the snow and inflammation, just like his talent skills, it is very easy.

Mindful movements, gently palm, you can wave into a piece of snow white flame.

These flames can be manipulated, falling like a snowflake, or forming a blizzard, violently sweeping out.

In the barren hills, I experimented with the power of Tianxue Shenyan, which made Xiao Chen very satisfied. It is only the initial stage that the power of the flame is enough to hurt the ordinary Emperor.

The chaotic flame is a flame in myths and legends. If the Buddha light from the refining of the dust comes out, the flame will be slowly nurturing, and the quality and quantity will be improved. I don’t know what horrible realm will be reached.

Three days later, the stranger sent a notice to Xiao Chen, let him go to the residence of Qin Elder.

"The elders of Qin have a big fire, have you started?" Xiao Chen murmured, time is really tight.

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen’s figure flashed and he came to the peak of Qin’s retreat.

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, I haven't seen you for two years, I don't come back to see my old man." The blue radiant seal was spoken, and he also came.

Xiao Chen apologized and smiled: "Sorry, sorry, the younger generation has just refining a chaotic flame, these days are trying."

"Chaotic flames!"

Lan Chaofeng heard that the underground bus was almost gone: "I said you little guy, how the hair is white. Hey, you are really awkward, crazy, chaotic flames, but only in the legend The flames that appear, the Kunlun's supreme fears are not."

Xiao Chen was very calm and smiled: "It is not so exaggerated, at least there is no horror to exaggeration now."

"Oh, you little guy, the mood is faster than me, you also come to the old Qin to protect the law." Blue Chaofeng said.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Blue predecessors, how do you feel, the elders of Qin are raging, how big is the success rate."

The blue-faced face was slightly sighed and sighed softly: "Not so optimistic, it is very difficult to get angry with the wind and fire. In addition, the air transport of the elders of Qin and the gantry are tied together. If someone secretly shot, it would be even harder to say. When Ray Wang left, the world was in a mess."

As a living legend, Lei Wang is the first person to be deserved in the Kunlun world. The entire Kunlun world is in the hegemony of all races, and it can still be chaotic, completely because of the prestige of the King of Lei.

With him, the powerful Protoss will never dare to be brazen. There is a demon in the abyss of the abyss, and he does not dare to come to the sky to do little tricks.

When he is there, some big people will show their grievances, and they will all come forward to mediate, and all parties will give Ray King some face.

But as soon as he left, the Kunlun world was completely chaotic, and the fragile order was suddenly broken.

The reason is actually very simple. It is nothing more than the fall of the Qing Emperor. There is no one in the Kunlun world to convince the real kings. Without a powerful king, there is no way to set the rules, and there is no rule to be safe.

Although the King of Lei is strong, he can only maintain the order on the surface. He is not as good as the Qing Emperor.

Above the top of the mountain, in a simple wooden house, the wooden door is pushed open, and the elders of Qin and the strangers walked out together.

The dusty white hair burst into the morning, strangely said: "Xiao Chen, brother, how is your hair?"

Xiao Chen smiled casually: "Some sequelae after the refinement of Tianxue Shenyan, this is all right, let's discuss the matter of the Qin elders crossing the fire."

In the eyes of Qin, the elders were slightly worried, and they said, "This time, I really have to ask a few."

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