Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1488: The robbery of the Emperor Wu

"Qin elders are polite, they are all family members, needless to say." Xiao Chen said.

Lan Chao said with a smile: "Old Qin, the great emperor, will go so badly, let's go in and say."

The four people entered the house together and discussed the matter concerning the emperor of Qin. The blue dynasty sealed the final say, and Xiao Chen did not say much, just listened.

His raging fire, he said that it will be faster, and learn by the way.

Lan Chaofeng took a sip of tea: "This is a matter of robbing. When you used to be peaceful, you can choose whatever you want. If you destroy the tyrannical tyrannical, you will be madly retaliated by one party. Now it is a mess." First, choose the land of the robbery and you have to plan for it."

The dusty interface said: "The land of the robbery can first eliminate the Tianlong City. The Tianlong City is now mixed with water and the water is too deep."

"When the robbery can be robbed, the vision of the heavens and the earth will come out, and it will definitely be alarmed by the Quartet. Tibet is definitely hidden."

"Yes, but the choice is a little remote, at least some people have to make trouble, it will take some time to come over." After the dust was finished, he took out a stack of information and handed it to everyone: "This is what I collected in the last two years. The information on those who succeeded in the robbery, although not very comprehensive, should also be able to refer to it."

Lan Chaofeng said: "A little dusty little girl, you are afraid of being collected for someone. I guess Qin Elder is just by the way."

The stranger heard the words, his face was slightly red: "What nonsense."

Elder Qin smiled and said: "Old blue, you will come less, a lot of age, not serious."

Xiao Chen is slightly embarrassed, and someone in the blue seal is of course referring to himself. However, at this time, you can only install silly, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing.

Having said that, the information collected by the dust is indeed quite useful. Not long after, Xiao Chen forgot about the matter just now, and his thoughts were immersed in it.

Without exception, the people who have been robbed in the past two years have all been attacked. When the warriors come along this road, it is inevitable that they will be enemies with others, or they may be hostile forces. If they do not want to see their opponents strong, they will certainly send people to interfere.

It is normal to be attacked, but the size of the sniper is different.

"There are so many successful empires in the robbery. It seems that in the past two years, the laws of heaven and earth have indeed changed. In history, this is a sign of the advent of the chaos!" The blue dynasty put down the information and shook his head and sighed.

Peaceful and prosperous, calm and calm, there will certainly not be so many quasi-emperors to survive the storm. Only chaos, there will be fluctuations, it will be organic.

"This is the information of the loser." The dust again took out a bunch of information and said softly.

The failure of the data is obviously several times more than the success. When Qin Elder looked at it, his face became heavy and he had more success, but he had to fail more.

Xiao Chen looked very carefully. Gradually, he found something wrong. The brow was slightly wrinkled: "How do you feel that these hurricanes, no matter how hidden, will be in half an hour? People found it and then received a sniper."

The three faces changed slightly, this detail was not noticed before. Now look, whether it is a successful robbery, or no successful robbery, within half an hour, have been discovered.

Xiao Chen said very little, but once he said it, he immediately hit the point.

The blue dynasty sealed the channel: "If it is not a coincidence, there must be a horrible force behind it, at least the first in intelligence."

The location of the robbery, how secret, like the Qin elders robbery, only the four people present will know where the location is. But the mysterious force can quickly catch up after half an hour, and think about it.

A strange road: "That seems to be nowhere to choose where to go, just choose a small island in the sea of ​​Star Island."

Lan Chaofeng: "If you can't avoid it, don't worry about it. When Qin Elder is ready to rob."

Qin elders sighed for a long time: "Just today, success or failure, I also recognize, as a warrior, always have to take this step."

The dust quickly took out the chart and pointed his finger: "Just this."

It is a desert island outside the island of Star Island. It has a small area and no resources. It rarely attracts attention on weekdays.

The location was chosen and everyone started to discuss who would come to attack.

First of all, the Xihai Dragon Palace, this will never be less, although the two years have been much quiet. But it is always the affliction of the Dragon Gate. If you don’t get rid of it in a day, you will never be safe.

Next, it is the holy land above the Longmen Grand Ceremony, the five poisonous schools, the Zhoutianxing Palace, the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the Tianfu Academy, and the ancient family.

Lan Chaofeng said with a smile: "These holy places are too far away, not too scruples. The real worry is the Xihai Dragon Palace. This guy has a low-key mystery for two years, and is close to the Dragon Gate. Most need to beware."

During the discussion, Xiao Chen has rarely spoken, and the opinions have been raised less, almost no. Caused the attention of the stranger: "Xiao Chen, brother, what's wrong with you, do you have different opinions?"

Xiao Chen put down the teacup in his hand: "It’s just a little sigh, it’s hard to become an emperor, and some people are too sorry for Qin’s elders. Think of the elders of Qin with me coming to this star island, helping me too much, but in the end it will cause you a problem.”

Elder Qin quickly said: "Where words, Xiao Chen is very polite, and without the resources of your Star Island, I will not be so fast."

Xiao Chen swayed the teacup, no interface, no speech.

Only in the heart of a faint saying, no matter who, as long as the chaos, this time regardless of the ends of the world, he will retaliate.

Yes, this is an oath. Even at the time of the Longmen ceremony, he did not make a vow.

There is no reason for him, and those are directed at him. He doesn't care. But this time, the benefactors around me have been affected, and they have already touched the bottom line of Xiao Chen.

The dragon swims against the scales and touches it!

Although Xiao Chen did not speak, the other three people felt the silent anger in Xiao Chen’s heart, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Lan Chaofeng said: "Old Qin go, right, you don't have to go to the dusty little girl, stay in Tianlong City. I am not here, afraid of some people, will take the opportunity to make trouble."

The dust knows the weight: "Do not worry, Tianlong City will not have anything, take care!"

The three people of Xiao Chen left, and after a while, they came to the designated island.

Lan Chaofeng took Xiao Chen and walked to the distance of Qin Chang’s elders. He explained: “In the kilometer, it will be affected, we will be outside.”

The elder Qin took a deep breath and looked at Tianzhu, where there was a gate of the emperor. The fog is exhausted and full of infinite temptation. Once you become an emperor, if you don't say anything, your life will increase to two thousand years.

Turbulent, a gust of wind swept out from the elders of Qin, flying sand and stone. The wind is like a sharp blade, the dust is like a sword, and it is sharp and unmatched.

"Begin." Lan Chao said, "I will arrive at half an hour. I will see if the mysterious forces are so horrible."

Xiao Chen blinked and looked at the storm. He saw the momentum of the elders of Qin and infinitely improved. For example, it was suppressed and accumulated for a long time, and suddenly it broke out, and there was a looming situation that broke through the sky.

In the sky, the vision is frequent, lightning and thunder, and the clouds cover the top.

The waters of the Quartet shivered and trembled, and even the island was shaken.

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully, this is the first step of the robbery. Let go of all his strengths and ignite the vision of heaven and earth, and let the door of the emperor fall from the sky.

In the squally lightning, Elder Qin remembered the experiences of hundreds of years on the road of martial arts, and screamed, and suppressed all the breath for hundreds of years.

You don't need fear, you don't need to worry about it. Just vent your anger at this moment and let the sky hear your anger.

A burst of bang, the prestige of the elder Qin, temporarily overshadowed the power of heaven and earth. The world suddenly became quiet, and everything seemed to be still, very wonderful.

Looking down at Xiao Chen, you can see that every dust floating in the air has been fixed.


After a moment of silence, there was a sigh of anger between the gods, like dissatisfaction with the elders of Qin. The ancient gates descended from the sky, hovered over the void, and fell heavily.

The heavens and the earth trembled, and when the door of the Emperor fell, the Tianwei was brought up.

Let Xiao Chen and the blue dynasty seal, they feel unstoppable for a while, in case of heavy blows, terrible.

Hey, a white jade step, along the door of the emperor, filled the heavens and spread all the way.

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